do you believe in ghosts?


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2005
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I'm not sure what to believe. I am a christian, so I don't believe in that sort of after life. but being a christian means believing in the devil as well and knowing that he is evil. i personally think satin sends spirits sometimes, and give certain people magic to turn others away from God, like, he posesses people and stuff like that.

Ive never seen a ghost, but in old houses, sometimes i feel as if i am not alone, like this weird hypnotic feeling comes over me. its so strange

I am Catholic, so I believe in Satan. How my uncle explained ghosts was that the devil will take advantage of the fact someone died brutally in a certain house, then Satan will impersonate the person who died, getting people to believe that God has no power when people die. When you die, you either go to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory, so there are no such things as ghosts. If you think a house is haunted, then it is just Satan trying to scare you into believing.

I have never seen a 'spirit' (or the devil in a better sense) but I have had sort of creepy experiences in the place I work. ^_^

I'm not sure if I believe in ghosts, but sometimes, in school or something, I feel as if someone is behind me but when I turn one is there.....

v4lover :lol:



I just feel it can happen. :/


*Edit: Never seen one though.

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This dosen't mean anything, but I was scared at the time for whatever reason. It was 3:30-4:00 AM in the morning and I was taking a shower. I was really tired and upset, I guess I was kinda praying..but it was somthing I should not be praying about. Anywho, I started to think what it would be like if the whole world was red and if everything that wasn't red was in black and white. That shower faucets would shoot out blood red water (that sound's soo weird), I was very tired. Their was like a foggy thing on the shower door, and it kept switching places around the shower. It looked like it had a figure, but it was late and I was weird and tired. It was just steam , lol. But I was really scared and acting crazy.

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well, if u believe in religion, its not that much different than ghosts. if u believe in religion, u believe in a god that aparentley is always watching us and has power over the universe. if u believe in ghosts, u believe that some people, when they die r still with us spiritualy. also remember we hav no proof of either except from wat people hav told us (old stories) we hav wat could possibly b proof of ghosts, though. anyway, im neutral on both subjects. :p


last summer...

i was waiting for my friend to come to my house, I was so bored that I was filming my boring closet with my video camera.

Me and my friend were watching it on my laptop, then my friend paused it. Then I was like "OH MY GOD!!!", cuz I looked, and there was a white face there in my closet!!! There are ghosts wandering around my house. But they are friendly ghosts though...

honestly, whenever I see something like a 'ghost' or hear things, I automatically assume i'm going crazy. But now I have that Idea in my head, it's even more creepy.

I have had a demon sit on top of me before. 0_0 I couldn't see it but I could feel it... I couldn't move and I was freezing cold.

A lot of people I know have seen or felt ghosts.

I'm not a Christian... so I don't have any influence from that on whether or not I believe in heaven/hell/afterlife. I think that there are spirits somewhere that are able to manifest themselves in different forms, but not necessarily the "typical" floating white ghost type of form.

My friend is convinced he has one in his house but I'm not so sure. If everyone turns into a ghost why aren't there millions of ghosts everywhere?

I believe that ghosts are lonely spirits that couldn't get up to Heaven.

Have you ever watched Ghost Hunt on zone reality? That's rather might start believing then.

Well, really, it depends on whether you believe that orbs are a ghost or not. But apart from that I don't believe ghosts are real.

Yes, I have... I thought I saw Mary... U know....

holy mary.... Ok... 12midnite... i looked over my covers

EEEEEEEK a ghost she had pale skim and light brown hair

and she was holding a rosy cheekd little kid

I screamed and i put my head under my pillow....

i looked again and she woz gone..... :ichigotchi:

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Yes, I have seen ghosts.

My grandmother seems to attract them. I think it is because she isnt afraid so they go to her because they are lost. I have seen them. My cousins and I who spend a lot of time there have seen them. Not often, but it does happen.

Not really... anymore.

But I have seen demons before. Pretty scary if you don't know how to handle it.

My father has also seen a demon before, but strangly enough, I've already delt with 3.

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