Do you believe in ghosts?


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I don't believe in them but I do.

I really can't make up my mind.

Either way it creeps me out o_o

PockyGirl: So you are saying Sylvia Brown is fake? I never believe her, but I never could tell if people who actualy believe in some kind of ghost did. I saw her on Montel and she just annoyed the heck out of me- I could have done that! xD
I don't think a real physic would be doing shows on Tv claiming things left and right. I believe in physics but I think its a rare thing to happen. Anyone can pretend to "have" the "gift". I believe in ghost because of the expeinces my mother had in that apartment. Pictures and videos of ghosts to me are interesting but I believe alot of people make "fake proof" of a ghost. I would love to have my own personal ghost expeince to see what its like.

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