Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?


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It disgusts me to think that every day, a man and woman that are not in love are allowed to marry because they simply feel like it and yet two men wishing to marry each other cannot because their true love is not seen as 'normal'. If we're going to be ignorant homophobes, we may as well be racists and sexists and whatever else. People are gay because they are born that way. We don't choose what we are. You can't take back the fact that you may be Irish or English or any race/culture/background. I don't understand why people are so ignorant these days. If God did not want homosexuals to exist, surely he wouldn't have made them that way? If there is a God, I believe that he loves everything on the planet because if he did not, he would have long gotten rid of them. People really need to think a little more logically. Nobody is perfect and not everyone can live up to the standards of `normal` that you have set. We are all human, we should have the same rights.

Yes, I'm with it. I mean, it's natural. If two of the same gender love each other, they love each other. Just the way it goes.

Nope, homosexuality is against the Bible.
So is not treating your body like a temple. And ladies should not have their head covered. And in Deuteronomy, a marriage is only valid if the woman is a virgin, and she should be excecuted if she is not... and that anyone who commits adultery should be stoned to death. In Mark, divorce is prohibited. I assume for homosexuality, you're reffering to Leviticus 18:6: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female. It is an abomination." A similar verse occures two chapters later, in Leviticus 20:13: "A man who sleeps with another man is an abomination and should be excecuted." Levitius is a holiness code written 3,000 years ago. It also includes prohibitions against round haircutes, tattoos, working on the Sabbath, wearing garments of mixed fabrics, eating pork or shellfish, getting your fortune told, and even playing with the skin of a pig (sorry football). I belive in morality, which is doing right reguardless of what I am told... not in religion, which is doing what I am told reguardless of what is right. You're welcom to your own interpretation of the Bible and of politics, of course, but for me, I need more than "the Bible says so" to justify certain things in the world and certainly to judge them.

yes I believe :D

I think that's normal for humans but in tamagotchis I said NO! :blink: I hate GAY tamagotchis! :mimitchi:

when I'm watching anime, there are always same-sex realationships like Yaoi and Yuri. I think same-sex marriage in japan is still a taboo :D but same-sex realationships are ok.

- Oxie :eek:

I like gay people, but there is no such thing as "gay marriage".Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. Not two men, or two women.

Gay people should have partnerships, with the same rights as marriage.

It makes me mad that gays keep trying for marriage, when they can have an equal partnership. It's the same thing with a different title, but special for them.
Many years ago there used to be people in the United States that believed black people should have all the same rights as white people BUT they should be kept separate. Separate bathrooms, separate schools, separate everything.

This is called segregation. Separate but equal is not equal. It means, for example, that I can buy the same tamagotchi you do, but being that I'm not the same as you are, I have to buy them in a different store then you. I'm not allowed to go into your store and you can't come into mine. Your store is called the Tama "Marriage" Store. Mine is called, The Tama "Civil Union" Store. I can buy all the same tama as in your store, but we can't go into each other's stores.

Its not necessary to separate the two groups into two types of marriage when it should be the same thing. If you believe gays should have all the same rights as married people then that is marriage! Not 'something exactly like marriage, but we give it another name, so as not to hurt the feelings of people who don't like gay marriage'.

If you don't approve of gay marriage, don't marry someone of your gender. Stop dictating the lives of complete strangers. It's as simple as that, I don't really see how it's anyone's business, really.

Whooo cares. Let the kids get hitched if they want, I mean like really. Are they going to offend this "god" if they get married? for xxxx sake.

The only thing I have to say about it is sure! Go for it! Let them be just as miserable as everyone else with a legally binding contract that takes just AGES to get out of. Give them what they want and let them deal with it.

So is not treating your body like a temple. And ladies should not have their head covered. And in Deuteronomy, a marriage is only valid if the woman is a virgin, and she should be excecuted if she is not... and that anyone who commits adultery should be stoned to death. In Mark, divorce is prohibited. I assume for homosexuality, you're reffering to Leviticus 18:6: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female. It is an abomination." A similar verse occures two chapters later, in Leviticus 20:13: "A man who sleeps with another man is an abomination and should be excecuted." Levitius is a holiness code written 3,000 years ago. It also includes prohibitions against round haircutes, tattoos, working on the Sabbath, wearing garments of mixed fabrics, eating pork or shellfish, getting your fortune told, and even playing with the skin of a pig (sorry football). I belive in morality, which is doing right reguardless of what I am told... not in religion, which is doing what I am told reguardless of what is right. You're welcom to your own interpretation of the Bible and of politics, of course, but for me, I need more than "the Bible says so" to justify certain things in the world and certainly to judge them.
I'd just like to mention that this is one of the best replies I have read in the whole thread.

Kudos :)

The only thing I have to say about it is sure! Go for it! Let them be just as miserable as everyone else with a legally binding contract that takes just AGES to get out of. Give them what they want and let them deal with it.
Exactly! Let us be as miserable as everyone else XD

I don't belive in it. I've had this convo with a friend of mine at school and we both agree it's just gross and wrong. ANd he said "Gay peope scare me" Which made me laugh 8D

Its reallt wierd when to gay/lesbian people adopt kids, Then There kids grow up with two dads or two moms and I't really quite discusting ;P
Wow, thats pretty rude. I have gay friends and a gay teacher, and I find this VERY offensive.

How would you feel if a gay person said you were disgusting?

No offense, but you and your friend seem very homophobic.

INB4: The bible says gays are bad!!1

Anyway, I think gay marriage should be legal. If two people love each other, why can't they be happy? It doesn't matter what 'god' says. How do you know if 'god' wrote that homosexual love is bad?

I'm so sorry if I offended anyone, but when people say gays are disgusting or scary, I just explode. :angry:

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Ok, Here goes nothing.

I have very very strong feelings for this topic, as i have seen countless people, very near and dear to me, suffer with discrimination. First of all I 100% support "gay" marriage. I would like to say that i am in no way what-so-ever a religious person. I do on the other hand believe that if people want to believe in something, and it helps them get through tough times, and darkest hours, then nobody should have the right to tell them that thier religion is wrong. Using that very same reasoning, i don't believe that we should discriminate against other things, especially things that we didn't get to choose, like ethnicity, or sexuality. Ok i understand alot of people have a "religious" objective to marriage. And that's fine, its your own personal opinion. But if you have the right to believe in your beliefs, shouldn't you then except what other people believe? If you have rights, shouldn't you want other people to have rights? And as for the bible, ok, what is written in that was helpful thousands of years ago. But alot of whats in the bible has no relevance to the 2oth century. I mean, are you going to stone a child to death if he steals some bread? Of course not.

I'm not here to discriminate against ANYTHING

I just believe (cinderpelt is a great example of this[very smart and kind girl]) that if you believe you are entitled to your own opinions, you need to let others have their OWN opinions also.

The way people view marriage is very different across the globe. I personally believe that its a ceremony for two people that love each other, want to grow old together, and believe that they found their soul mate.

I don't think that marriage should have any barriers such as race, gender, religion.

Because, what applies to you, does not apply to everyone, and who are we, as a people, to take rights away from anyone. We all have our own beliefs, but nobody should suffer or live in sadness because of it.

If you have a problem with it, don't do it. But don't picket against a group of people, who may want very different things to what you want. We as humans should be moving past trying to find endless ways to divide ourselves as a race. We are supposed to be equal... lets start showing it then.

Gays have the same right to marry as straights do.

Everyone should be free to love anyone they like :D

I don't really believe in the gay, lesbian, straight labels. You fall in love with who you fall in love with, same or different sex it doesn't matter

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t's not the difference of a word. Marriage is religiously defined as between a man and a woman. I believe that is what it should be, and that gay marriage is like an oxymoron. A partnership is not just a different word. It is a partnership. It has the same rights. It's not completely the same, it's meant for gays. They can have their own little thing and I appreciate that. If someone loves each other, they can do that instead of making so much controversy.
Actually marriage pre-dates religion. It had nothing to do with god in the beginning, it was about ownership of land, so a religious argument isnt all that valid. People fall inlove, its not a choice. There is homosexuality in the animal kingdom, were the animals become life partners. Thats not a conscious choice, it just happens. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, but what your saying is a cop-out. You cant say that they can have "kinda the same rights" and they should be happy with that otherwise, hey, there being controversial. Marry who you love, and be true to yourself. Everyone has that right. You wouldn't discriminate against someone for thier ethnicity, gender, or religion. Why do it to someone with a different sexual preference. It also says in the bible its wrong to marry outside your own race. Everyone is entitled to have thier religion, if helps them with thier struggles and gives them hope, but dont use something thats meant to be fulfilling and uplifting to discriminate. Its called faith, not hate. So love the one your with, and marry them. Its your right as a HUMAN BEING

I don't believe in it. You can call me close-minded, I don't care. God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

If we have adapted to the needs of straight couples for all these years, we should be able to do the same for gay couples.

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