I beleive in ghost. The following story is about what happened when we lived on top of my grandpa's bar. :
My grandparents are very religious (I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT RELIGION, I THINK CHRITAIN X.x). In the bar they had this huge jar full of pennies next to this statue and candle. My mom moved the jar, and weird stuff started to happen. My grandparents were in Puerto Rico at the time. My mom and dad were cleaning the bar, the door slammed itself, and there was no wind. Then my dad heard someone scream in his ear "Jimmy", wich is my dad's name, and noone was there. Alot of stuff happened, but i forgot what happened because I was 4 or 5. My mom an dad called my grandparents about what happened, an all they said was , "Just Put The Jar Back". My mom and dad did that, and everything stopped.