do u type perfect or like me?


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Click that and you will see! I mean I don't talk like this:

Wll lts g0 2 da mvs 2nght 2 c brge 2 trabtha k.

You know?
Thats a nice desktop you have, crowfrost? Is that a mac?!

Anyways, she kind of mentioned that in the first post :)

I am taking that as an of offense. I am 10, and I hate chat speak. Watch what you say there.
gfadgdasfg @_@ Sorry.

I always insult people without meaning to.

One of the many reasons I have little friends. xD

I hate "txt tlk" but then I dont type perfectly. I dont really care how I type personally.

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow lol! well the only reason i type like dis some timez is cause i go on chat sites all the time and all mi cousens r teens and stuff so i get it from all that and i've been typen like dis for so long mi fingers just do it!

In my eyes, lazy typing makes you look like a complete idiot.
I agree.

And I understand some people aren't whizzes at typing, I know I misspell a lot (thank you FireFox built-in spell check, LOL), but I still make an effort and try to learn more as I go on, too (such as correct spellings of words).

And, I again am feeling a bit offended...

I am not a "snob" because I expect people to put effort into their typing... It's looks nicer and makes for easier communication. I don't find anything snobby about wanting to understand people and them to look intelligent at least to some degree.

I just type like i do normally, close to perfect. :]

I hate when people do not type properly. I mean, seriously... Put some thought and effort into it. Using shortcuts and "slang" is just sloppy and annoying as heck to look at. And, you'll never learn to be quick and accurate if you don't start.
When I was about 14 I didn't type very well and what-not, but then my friend always had proper text when instant messaging, etc., so I decided I wanted to learn the "right way" to type so I could be efficient like them. Now I can type fast and properly with ease.
We use "Wth?" or "Wtf?" so we won't swear, would you rather have swears all over the internet.

And also, some people aren't as good at spelling as you, maybe they're dylesic and have to use short words or it wouldn't make sense.

Just watch what your saying :rolleyes:

We use "Wth?" or "Wtf?" so we won't swear, would you rather have swears all over the internet.
And also, some people aren't as good at spelling as you, maybe they're dylesic and have to use short words or it wouldn't make sense.

Just watch what your saying :rolleyes:
First off, I don't find swearing offensive--it's just words. But duh, obviously for a site like this "WTF" or whatever is the better choice, that's common sense. (And did you see my post a few posts before yours? I clarified a bit.)

I'm not good with spelling, I already said that. I use the built-in spell check ALL THE TIME. And, I do have a bit of dyslexia, so I know what I'm saying, thank you.

I am watching what I'm saying. ;)

Some people don't have spellcheck you know, I think firefox costs money and some people can't afford it
You can download the google toolbar for free, i did. ;]

Some people don't have spellcheck you know, I think firefox costs money and some people can't afford it
Mozilla Firefox is a FREE internet browser with built-in firewalls and, the new one has spell check (which underlines misspelled words in red when you type). It doesn't take much to install it and use it and it's better than Internet Explorer because you have a lot less pop-ups.


We use "Wth?" or "Wtf?" so we won't swear, would you rather have swears all over the internet.
And also, some people aren't as good at spelling as you, maybe they're dylesic and have to use short words or it wouldn't make sense.

Just watch what your saying ;)
Dyslexia doesn't mean you can't use a spell check.

I have both dyslexia and dyscalculia. Neither of them excuse sheer laziness.

I try to type correctly the majority of the time, because I find it extremely annoying when I have to spend time trying to figure out what someone was trying to say in a post that uses lots of chatspeak.

Think about it. If you want someone's help or if you want to clearly get your point across, shouldn't you make it so that people can understand what you're saying? Personally, if I can't understand what someone is trying to say, I just ignore it.

I even send text messages using full words and proper capitalization and punctuation.

We all type differently.

I used to use chat speak, but now I type everything out. It's just easier. :wub:

Here was something like my first post:

omg hi every1 i just joined and i hav a tamagotchi versen 1 and i was wonderin how do u use the luv potion?

Pretty eye-straining...

I hate it when people write all weirdo-ish. It kind of makes the posts harder to read. Most people write perfect, or in my words, normal.


Dyslexia doesn't mean you can't use a spell check.
I have both dyslexia and dyscalculia. Neither of them excuse sheer laziness.
I looked up dyscalculia because I didn't know what it was and I have to say, that's what I was thinking of--I didn't know there was a word for it other than dyslexia.

I mix up letters sometimes (or, when typing especially, I tend to confuse certain letters and numbers--I'll be thinking of a number and put a letter for it instead). But it's numbers that get me more often than anything, increasingly so over this past year. I always did fine in math, taking advanced and college courses, but this may explain some of my "simple mistakes" I made all the time.

And, I also agree. Neither are an excuse for being lazy, you can still put forth effort to fix some things.

what is helpful for me to type pretty close to perfect is using my 'Internet explorer' spell check.

It gets annoying when you use words like 'thx' or anything like that

Oh it HAS to be perfect. It drives me nuts when people use txt tlk. :D *shudder*

I've used it ON OCCASION, but that doesn't mean I like to.

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