LMAO I am sooooooooooooo trying that!!!!!!!!!!They say random things, EXACT EXAMPLE FROM TODAY IN CHOIR WHEN SINGING NATIONAL ANTHEM ALTO: America... *remember to go down, instead of up* America.... God shed his grace on thee....*remember to hold for 4 beats* Oh say can you see....*don't hold, quickly, speed up* by the dawnserly(sp?) light..*eeeek can't go that low!* What so proudly we HAILED..*toast would taste so much better if it was fried instead of toasted.* At the twighlight's last gleaming....
Ya know what? Toast would taste better fried. I am so totally trying it.
Me 2, like a few days ago, out of nowhere I remembered the first Bulid-A-Bear (trademark) commercial. Are you wondering what it is? Here, see if you can remeber it:I like to believe it is your own voices (Or your consiouns (sp?)).Sometimes I renember random things. Thing that came up long ago, or insignificant things in my life.
For instance, while writing this post I just renembered drawing my first smileyface![]()
And that I enjoy waffles.
They usually pop up when I'm at ease. Or spacing out.
I remember that, though I'm not sure it was teh first.Girl that looks like shes thirteen (Girl for short): *listining to CD player, singing along* ♪ She's a washing machine, whirling around ♫ (ftw?)
Mom: Do you know where were going?
Girl: *passes by counter with fish bowl w/ mom* Yes mom.
*girl in B-A-B*
The girl chooses a brown teddy bear and puts on tacky popstar clothing on it. (silver pants, glittery srhug, pink shirt with star on it, headset. Pretty tacky popstar.)
Girl: *sitting on bed back at home making tacky teddy sing* ♫ She's a washing machine......♪
I'm going to see if I coukd find it no YouTube (trademark).
P.S. the tradmark thing was a joke, so LAUGH!!!!!!!!
omg lol me too. Also sometimes I wonder if someone else said it. BTW I made fried toast, and it was really, really, good.Yeah! And sometimes I wonder if I said it out loud and nobody listened or if it was only in my head? xD
i had toast fried. it was GOOD!!!!!They say random things, EXACT EXAMPLE FROM TODAY IN CHOIR WHEN SINGING NATIONAL ANTHEM ALTO: America... *remember to go down, instead of up* America.... God shed his grace on thee....*remember to hold for 4 beats* Oh say can you see....*don't hold, quickly, speed up* by the dawnserly(sp?) light..*eeeek can't go that low!* What so proudly we HAILED..*toast would taste so much better if it was fried instead of toasted.* At the twighlight's last gleaming....
Ya know what? Toast would taste better fried. I am so totally trying it.
I tried searching it on YouTubecbut I got nothing. Then I tried Google, and it turns out I'm not the only one who remembers.I remember that, though I'm not sure it was teh first.I remember the fish, xD
Back on Topic, BOT, I do! They do! Wait, what?
Anyway, normally I'm thinking, but this morning I had a dream about a girl named Raven, she was SOO real, liek I knew her. She was gothic looking, and had short black hair, but was really sweet.
It was like I knew her, and when I asked my mom if I had ever known a Raven, she said now.
Thinking about it now, I SWEAR there was a girl in kindergarten named Raven, but if I look at my kindergarten photo, no one is there...?