Do Tamas die?


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i voted die, because i thought it meant when you take bad care of them. i mean really, when your goldfish dies, does it go back to the pet store? if you take bad care of them, they get sick and they die. but, when they leave their baby in your care they go back to tama planet.

I only have v1-v5 so I am not quite sure about other versions.

But if I rack my prior knowledge- v1-v3's die and turn into something my friends and I distinguish as a fried-chicken looking figure. [i Lol'd at my comment.]

V5's go to the Tama Planet. [so much thanks and luffs for that 8D] <33

If theres an angle on the screen, they died. if theres a space ship on the screen, they went back home. They can do both.

Let's Admit It..

Tamagotchis die. They die of old age or go back to their planet. I read stories about people seing their old Tamagotchis die. Thye are like humans. They die of old age, they leave for a better life; we are capable of doing just that.

Seeing our Tamagotchis die makes us sad. But then you remember the fun we had, the adventures, and know you have to let go. You'll take pride in caring for a new Tamagotchi, who will be a replacement for your old Tamagotchi. If you're sad, know your old Tamagotchi is in a better place.

Really, let go and loosen up. You have your memory, so remember your old Tamagotchi like it were still alive.

Sometimes they die :( , and other times they go back home :( . If you don't take good care of your tamagotchis, they could die ;) , but if they have kids and then leave them, then they've just gone back home and you can visit them in tamatown. ;)

well i think on the v4.5 and downwards they die cause you didnt take good care of them?

but on my music star they dont die.. they go back to tama planet because i forgot to look after them?

anyways you choose what they do... you can decide in what you beileve in!

:eek: :D ;) :huh:


:rolleyes: :huh:

Music Star's are the only Tamagotchi's who don't die, they just go back to Tamagotchi planet.

I bet they die, and some people only say they go back because saying they have died sounds a bit harsh. If you starve someone to death, they'd probably be to hungry to travel such a long way, and it'll probably be too late even if they did. So, in my opinion, they die. I know its sad, but that's what I believe happens.

Well, the first versions like v1, v2, v3, v4, and v4.5 die. But for v5, they go back to their planet and same goes for v6... :furawatchi: :D ;) :p :( :D B) :D

I think they go back home, because for some reason, thinking that they die depresses me. :p

After they go back to Tamagotchi Planet, they return back to earth in baby form. And the whole cycle repeats itself.

So basically, I believe in Tamagotchi reincarnation. :D

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