Do you mean if it gets damage when you drop it? If thats what you mean I dont think anything will happen. I drop mine all the time and nothing happens so you don't have to worry. Hope I helped
Generally, in my past experience, Tamagotchis are pretty durable and won't break too badly unless you purposely slam it into the ground, or if it drops from a very, very high place. The most that will happen is the shell will get a dent or two. This is only from my own personal experience though, and since I stopped buying new Tamagotchis after v4, I'm not sure how strong newer editions are.
If it hits the ground, it may or may not be damaged, depending on where and how hard it dropped. If it landed on carpeting or not-so-hard on a kitchen floor, for instance, I don't think too much harm could come to it...just make sure not to have it near water (particularily enough to submerge it).
There very durable. My friend and me were messing around with it on the bus and he was swing it around his finger and the chain broke and it flew across the bus and it ways fine. I just had to reattach the chain.
Something could happen like if hits the ground hard enough the wire that makes the tama work could yank off or the wire for the sound could be yank off. SO JUST BECAREFULLY.