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In early February we experienced an eathquake with a 6.8 or somthing like that on the Richter Scale. Amazingly, we didn't have any damage!

During Hurricane Charley we were without powerfor about 3 1/2 weeks to 1 month. Talk about hot! We didn't stay at our house though; we went to my mom's friends house until power came back on.

Cyclone Tracy was also a pretty bad cyclone in Australia's history. It hit Darwin a while ago.
Anyway. I've not been in any natural disasters. =]
Yeah. Tracy was pretty bad. But it was only category 4. But it still cost like $4.3 million in damage.

I did say "on the east coast" though.

Yes, actually, It almost created a new category.
I know. It was pretty bad. And bananas may as well have been turned into gold.

When it was still blowing, my class did a report on it, and there was a joke between our class about the price of bananas...

Like buying a 20 carat diamond ring x.x

Wow! All of you guys have gone through so much.

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I'm sad. We're in hurricane season again. :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :D :p :D

When I was on the road the Pittsburg, PA in 2002, we were hit by a nasty storm- that was accompanied by tornadoes. It was beyond petrifying for me, a little second-grader at the time.

Here in Central Ontario, we have Tornadoes every once in a while.

2 weeks back, a tornado warning in the GTA.

Last year in the Haliburton County, there were 5 severe Tornadoes that destroyed many houses and trees in the area.

Mind you that my Cottage is in the Haliburton County. :D We were darn lucky.

It is indeed tornado season, and I'm just trying to keep my cool as it passes by.

I hope.

I've been through a lot in the past few years, but there are some other things from a little farther back.

When I lived in Texas there was a huge flood and no matter where I was, I was in 3 feet of water.

It didn't damage anything, but I was kinda scary.

When I lived in Texas there was also a very bad tornado storm.

We lived in a trailer so when my dad saw the huge tornado coming right for us, he told us

to go inside the house and hide in the closet.

It was a miracle.

the tornado DID touch ground, but it hopped over every

house in the area as if they were cracks in the pavement.

It was very amazing. I didn't see it myself, but

my father was keeping a look out.

When Katrina Past through Louisiana, it was just close enough

to my town to see the spiraling whips of clouds.

We only had one or two showers from her.

However, when Rita came through, our entire town had

a manditory evacuation and

when we left, we headed strait for Arkansas, where some of our friends from

church where headed.

We had made it to El Dorado when my dad was tired of driving and we started

to look for a hotel. Every sign said the same thing.


We had no choice but to go and park in the Wal*Mart

parking lot and sleep in our car.

At about 2:00 in the morning I woke up and it was so hot that my back

had clung to the floor from sweat.

I woke my mom and dad and told them to keep on driving.

At that time, driving was a relief.

We finnally found a room in a really badly kept motel that only had one room left.

It was a 2 bed smokers room and since I have athma, I didn't

take it lightly. I had to sleep on the floor becuase

there were only 2 beds and 6 people.

Later in the night, we were able to change rooms to a better non-smoking

room. It still had only 2 beds, but I got to sleep on one that time.

The next day we had met different evacuees and shared our troubles and fears.

I was actually kinda happy at the time.

I was glad and thankful to God that we were all safe,

no matter what we had gone through.

When we headed off, we drove a good long ways and the sky started to get darker.

The storm was catching up with us.

The horizon was beautiful.

You could see the clouds coming around and slowly blocking out the sun and

giving it a dark red glow. the trees were swaying in the wind

and I knew that soon we would be in darkness.

We waited at a gas station for about 15 minutes before

We met up with our friends from church.

we headed off and I continued to stare at the sunset.

When we got to the town, It was already dark.

It was not raining yet, but thunder and lighting filled the air.

Sudenlly as we passed a curve a lightning bolt hit a tree

right next to our car! It almost made my father swerve off

the road in surprise. That tree was an oak that was over 500 years

old and was HUGE. it is no longer there, but a very large stump.

when we got to the place where we were to stay, we quickly unpacked our things

and headed into and old fire house that was to be our stay.

It had already started to sprinkle and we were only half done with our luggage.

We had a dog with us named Taco (a chahuaha) and it was drizzling when

they first left the building and it was pouring down rain by the time

he had returned. there were cracks in the windows and the power was out

so it was very hot with no air conditioning and you could hear

every last bit of noise that came howling through the cracks in the windows.

It was very frightening. I could see the lightning and hear the thunder.

I could hear the wind howling through every crack of the building.

the rain was pelting the building like hail and nothing but fear

remained in my body. I was in a panic state and started to cry.

I was miserible and scared. I didn't know what to do.

I just layed there and cryed and prayed myself to sleep.

Hoping that God would give us a miracle.

Wow it's amazing to hear all these stories. Trust me it's amazing for me because nothing that bad happened in my town!

I live in West Michigan (Near Lake Michigan) and we don't get anything! All we get is like thunderstorms, and rarely tornadoes!

tamasweet2 :p

Not alot of disatsers in canada, but Ive been through HUGE wind storms. one time, at school, it wa so windy, one of our tree's fell over!And we could not outside due to wind, but I saw an umbrella fly by!*Fly umbrella fly!*

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I've been in a Macroburst. I have no clue what it is but thst's what my dad said it was. It knocked down Lots of trees. In my friend's yard it knocked down 7!!!! In the middle of the night the trees started to fall down and all the people in the nieghborhood went outside to see what it was. My family were ZZZZzzzzz a sleep.

I guess that's New Jersey's type of a hurricane :furawatchi: !!!


Today we had a bad rainstorm and meteorologists say that tomorrow we are gonna be hit by a tropical depression. :)

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