Did you see the the movie An Inconvenient Truth?


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(Note no.1) I am Californian. So I'm in the state of the 'wackos' leading the woefully behind USA in environmental technology. (A broad statement, however I believe a fitting one.)

(Note no.2) I choose this post to use not because I want to rip up an argument, but because it is possilbly the best argument in this entire thread. I do not want to deal with the unintellegent posts in this thread, and I aim for the best. Give yourself a pat on the back, Mahinva.

(Note no.3) I personally believe in global warming, so I did not see 'an inconvient truth.' I don't feel the need to be preached about something I accept as fact. That's overkill, in my oppinion.

"... to highlight a problem that humans could not have caused over the 100-200 span of.."

You were going good in the first paragraph, (most likely since everything in there can be found in a 6th grade textbook) even though I could easily recite that. However, where is your proof that humans could not have caused partial damage?

I've known since I was ten that the Earth naturally warms and cools, but I don't find that as an excuse of any sort.

Yes, ice ages occured in the past. Scientists know why they occured. The rate of change is much greater then in those earlier warming periods. Scientists also know that CO2 levels have increased dramatically in the last 200 years. It's easy to understand why.

"... the issue of "global warming" is an industry - you have people pushing new lightbulbs, windows, cars, and other energy/enviromentally "friendly" products, and a lot of people go off and buy them. Therefore, there is a lot of money to make. "

This is a good point. But, you are using these products and only picking the selective ones that suit your case. Environmentally friendly things are not limited to global warming. Dolphin safe tuna, for one. The industry is also being pushed to create things like biodegrateable plastic. The gold mining industry is using bacteria to eat away the harmful components in cyanide, and not dumping into rivers or other. Also, last I checked, paying less for your energy bill using floruescent lights wasn't a bad thing.

There's also a lot of money to be made in the industrial industry in India and China. Big gas guzzling cars, and people clinging to their energy wasteful way of life.

"I do not think that Al Gore's documentary should be taught as if it were law. I do think that unbiased scientific work should be shown to students."

I believe that it's convienent. People watch mythbusters as entertainment and scientific fact- although most of the things they prove or disprove a scientist could tell you without thinking about it. What's more entertaining to students- raw material or a movie?

It is important to care about the enviroment, but "global warming" is not our fault - but Al Gore puts it that way. He was a politician, never a scientist.

Who said that this oppinion of his was entirely his own? He didn't formulate this on his own ground- neither did anyone here. They used preexisting facts to help make their case. As did you, as did I. Someone feels the need to take action against something they believe is wrong, which anyone applauds now. I don't think it is up to you to decide how well educated he is in the subject. He has done enough to make you think about the subject- enough to frown upon it, but it's attention grabbing still.

As a side note to that person who said global warming is nothing more then a hot day, please do more research before you come back to a political topic like this again.

Its not global warming!Its just a very hot day! :(
Calm down. There's nothing to threat about.

Now, you can think what you want, but I believe that a hot day is much different than global warming.

Now I'm not here to fight.

First of all..... pyonchit, you are my best friend in this subject. ;) Secondly, you all can believe what you want and say what you want, but im saying MY opinion, and that is that global warming is a huge issue and that it is real.

who ever said " to highlight a problem that humans could not have caused over 100-200 span of.." well thirdly it is not caused by animals, plants, or anything else IT IS CAUSED BY HUMANS!


oooooooooooooh and also Greenland is melting a lot, which was caused by global warming. Al Gore wasn't the one who started to think about global warming first, many scientists have noticed the changes in the world. i still appreciate him greatly. And tamaw/pants, i do understand that the way the government works by electric votes instead of the number of votes, but i still think its not fair. I still think AL Gore should have been president, or should be president right now.


UrItChI**, i strongly agree with you, well stated

Brown Eyed Babe: Opinions are good, but it is important do do research past what one may hear on the news or in a documentary. Believe in whatever you want to - that's part of what makes you an individual :huh: My opinion is my own as well. I'm just not fond of hearing how students in some schools are being shown this film as if it is a compulsory part of the education system, as if it were reviewed and Okay'd by the heads of science, though newspapers and scientists have disassembled the film and pointed out flaws.

I made the remark you quoted. My reply to your comment is this: Animals fart. Methane gas is released through farts. Too much methane can "kill the world". Some scientist had a theory that the dinosaurs farted themselves to death. Well, there are many other theories, most of which are nowhere as amusing.

As for us humans, we do release a lot of gases through production of materials, vehicle emissions and general industrialization. Yes, it's true, there are no gophers working in underground factories that are secretly spewing gases into the atmosphere. Animals of course aren't the cause of what is being released, it is humans.

My point is that the amount of what humans release is not like a "huge hand pushing the world to oblivion". What humans release , if anything, is like a "finger" - we do contribute, but what we do contribute is not what's doing all the "damage". A lot of what is happening to our planet is basically what the planet does on it's own over time in it's own life cycle. Humans were not around to cause the last ice age. The earth got hot, stayed hot, went extremely cold and froze over, got hot, and then melted on it's own. If we didn't have ice ages, the earth would not be able to replenish itself and maintain a balance.

Did you know that when the glaciers melt, the sea's salinity level will decrease to the point that there will be no currents? That's just another affect of the warming process. The world is going through change, I know that. I can see the low-lying western and eastern seaboard regions being underwater as a reality, I just do not believe that humanity's "waste" (gases etc) output can take the full blame.


1) Thanks for the reply. My state is not a "fore-runner" on this issue and my views are only determined by what I learn and the conclusions I make after thinking about it. Aside, those "wackos" in California - kudos to passing those laws to keep drivers from talking with a cellphone held to their face while driving! I am all for enviromental technology, I have no problem with someone wanting to make better lightbulbs, cars, and anything else (most people can't afford some of that stuff, but I digress.)

2) Thanks again, I was surprised to find a topic such as this on TamaTalk and thought it would be interesting to say what I believe. We'll probably end up still disagreeing in the end, but I can live with that. You can't change another person, you can only say what you have to say and let them handle it however they want/can. :huh:

3) I have not seen the film. I suppose it's hypocritical of me to talk about something I've not directly seen and I am sure someone will mention that in some negative way. The reason why I have chosen not to see the film is because I do not need an individual to tell me what to believe. Sure, inform me, but I will take matters into my own hands. With the way the film has been doled out in education systems, talked about in the media, and generally referred to, I wanted to avoid it because I have heard the counterpoints mentioned already too much. It is a headache I can avoid, and I know that watching it will not change my perspective on the issue.

We've emitted a lot of gases including high levels of CO2, but we have done things to try and lower our emissions but have resulted in higher levels as an outcome. There were 2 major "Protocols" in the past 20 or so years to help combat and lower CO2 levels - the Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol. When the Montreal Protocol was in place, it created a lot more CO2 than the later (Kyoto) Protocol was supposed to get rid of.

Humans mess up with whatever they do, we contribute and nobody can deny that. The earth throws it's own curve balls. The ice age trends are generally the same but in each "cycle" there are varying factors and this time around, even factoring in our impact, I think the earth is doing something different.


I am fine with enviromentally safe products but there are a tidal wave of new products coming out that are specifically advertised as "helping to reduce your carbon footprint." I was only trying to highlight the products that are springing up and being mainly advertised for that cause, I'm sorry if that didn't appear clear enough. When advertised ("pushed") for that one point, I think that the effect cascades down to pressure individuals. The world is driven by money because we need it to live, and if you can save a few bucks, sure why not.

However, when Australia is working to ban traditional (incandescent) lightbulbs in favor of fluorescent bulbs by 2010, I cannot help but think "how much will this cost?" With fluorescent bulbs costing more, the initial expenditure is huge. Yes, you save money in the future, and less energy is consumed, but heck, if some company is getting even a small contract, the CEO of that company would be grinning and cashing in a fat check.

It still stands that it's a big industry. Some people can afford the improved products, others can't. I can't afford fluorescent lightbulbs. I'm sorry. However, I only have lights running when I'm in the room and need them. I don't leave the tap running when I brush my teeth. I try to do what I can, and so do many others. We still, however, lead wasteful lives; ones that could be improved upon.

I firmly believe that the type of vechicle a person owns/drives should be determined what they use it for and regulated perhaps how drivers liscenses are divided into Classes. A family of 4 in an extened-cab pick up truck, where nobody in the family uses it to haul cargo on a regular basis (like construction material)? No - get a minivan, car, hatchback - something that tends to your needs, not your ego.


I know many kids who fall asleep during movies shown in class, or otherwise distract themselves. Heck, I've done it before. However, in being taught with the lights on, if you snooze, you're in trouble. I agree that it is convenient to slap in a DVD and let the kids watch the screen, but it is the responsibility of the individual to absorb what is being shown. We're on TamaTalk... many people here are going to grade/high school and who take their Tamagotchis to school.

Look at this post: 17 pages, egad!


Mention of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 was one of the major "look and listen" events in the world that of course caught my attention. I was 11 in 1997. I was too young to hear much about the Montreal Protocol. Climate change is something studied in school and yes, we learned about recycling and human affects on the world - I started to study it in school around grade 5 or 6 I think (it's been a while!)

I was thinking about global warming before Al Gore came out with his movie. When he did, I honestly though to myself "Well no kidding - YOU WIN AN AWARD!" (more funny if I were to verbally say it, including a funny facial expression at the end of the sentence, I assure you!)

However, he won the 17/21 awards he was nominated for under various categories, 13" under "best documentary" categories. The others mainly dealt with a best song type category.

Having a well known individual bringing up such an issue and supporting it so ferociously will get anyones' attention. I wish Douglas Adams were more famous as he was a strong supporter of the Baiji Dolphin. Douglas Adams was a writer and the movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is one way to learn of his name. Anyways, Adams passed away in 2001, and that dolphin was stated as functionally extinct in 2006. Despite the attention he tried to bring to the animal, he failed. Yes, the world will keep turning without that dolphin, but the name behind the cause does hold some impact in a cause gaining momentum.

Same goes for all the foundations that have celebrity spokespeople.

Anyways, I suppose I am digressing - hopefully at least given some food for thought. You'll probably maintain your beliefs - that's perfectly fine. I say my thing, you say yours, and in the end, no blood is shed and hopefully you'll reply to my Tamagotchi-related questions if and when I ask and you see one!

I have to finish preparing for family who are arriving today and will be visiting for almost two weeks :lol:

This post took a while to write; tried to make it well thought out and all of that. I'm afraid I won't be able to dedicate that same amount of time to any more responses - I'm sorry. I tried to proof my response, I hope I didn't make any flaws - -;

I have bathrooms to clean and laundry to attend to and I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast :S

Take care, and thanks for the discussion :) !

Last minute completely random edit:

I thought I'd tack this here because I need to get going. The kitty on your deviantart account (webcam section) has the same face as mine. I've a few submissions of him (aetherna on Deviantart). At least we find the same type of cat cute XD. Eh, I really need to upload some new art. @@ Anyways, toodles~

Edit #2: I swear, after this, I am going to get some lunch!

I'd call this an enviromental topic - though political groups around the world like to address this topic, I think that politics should not come into play. Unfortunately, many people who hold one political point of view also feel the same way about this issue. I wish that Global Warming could be researched on an enviromental level, and leave the politics out of it. Everyone should care for the world, regardless of what political group they belong to. Al Gore was a Democrat, but does mother nature pick a side when she decides to throw the earth some bad weather? :) (Mother Nature, please don't lightning-bolt me x x; )

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I'd call this an enviromental topic - though political groups around the world like to address this topic, I think that politics should not come into play. Unfortunately, many people who hold one political point of view also feel the same way about this issue. I wish that Global Warming could be researched on an enviromental level, and leave the politics out of it. Everyone should care for the world, regardless of what political group they belong to. Al Gore was a Democrat, but does mother nature pick a side when she decides to throw the earth some bad weather? :lol: (Mother Nature, please don't lightning-bolt me x x; )
You're right. Politics is supposed to be about the war, global issues, etc. Not some heated earth phase.

(Nice post by the way, I agree with just about everything you said)

Mahinva, because quoting that post would be absolutely lethal to people who don't want to go through an extra... somenumber paragraphs they've already read I'll just direct you this way;

I think you did give me alot to think about. I'm still young (12) and I don't know to much about this. Everything you said I generally agree with. I hope people aren't turned off by the length and take the time to read your post; it's very informative.

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We'll probably end up still disagreeing in the end, but I can live with that. You can't change another person, you can only say what you have to say and let them handle it however they want/can. ----------------Well stated.

But what's not well stated is that you think you know everything about this--ok you have to face that you DONT--no one really does. You said something like i DONT want to watch the film because i DONT need someone to tell me what i know. well first of all you DONT know everything about this topic.


p.s. i DONT need to do research on what my opinion. I DONT need to do research about this. It's MY opinion, and i strongly believe in it. If you think im wrong, or that im stupid---- thats YOUR opinion

and also to all of you who think you know everything, think again.

We ALL dont know everything, keep that in mind tamatalkers in your next post, or debate

p.s. i DONT need to do research on what my opinion. I DONT need to do research about this. It's MY opinion, and i strongly believe in it. If you think im wrong, or that im stupid---- thats YOUR opinion

and also to all of you who think you know everything, think again.

We ALL dont know everything, keep that in mind tamatalkers in your next post, or debate
You can't just take this movie for fact right off the bat. It's one source- just one out of millions. Well you can, your opinion, but if you just believe whatever comes along, well then you have a problem. It's like the blind men and the elephant story- all of the men have different view points but to truely see and understand what it is you need to have to whole picture, not just a part here or there.

I had to watch it in school, because our crazy/senile/cruel (Language Arts) teacher told us too. Then we did a whole day of activites about it.

... it snowed the day before. It was April.

Needless to say there were alot of jokes. ("GLOBAL COOLING!!")

And it certainly was very biased. (As my dad told me, Global Warming is almost a religion to Al Gore.)

I personally do not think that it is *our* fault-- no, we're not helping it with all our pollution. But it's not our fault (yet-- it could become ours if we keep some certain habits up.) Earth has phases. We're going through a warm one. Yeah, we should find alternitives to fossil fuels and all, but spazzing so much over Global Warming isn't nessacary.

I  don't care about global warming at all.  So I on't hink I'll like it.

You don't care that it will get hotter and hotter and in the places that don't have enough water now, will run out of water totally, killing alot of people? The polar bears will be drowning more all the time as their ice melts?

You don't care that it will get hotter and hotter and in the places that don't have enough water now, will run out of water totally, killing alot of people? The polar bears will be drowning more all the time as their ice melts?
Polar bears can swim.

Don't over exaggerate a situation that hasn't even been proven fact.

Not everyone in the world is going to be all, 'ZOMG WE NEED 2 STOP IT!!!!11one!' People have different opinions and you have no right to challenge them with stupid little guilt trip attempts.

Finding myeslf with a bit of time before family phones to get the day started, so I thought I'd post a quick reply.

Brown Eyed Babe - I'm sorry that you think I'm maintaining a position and mind-thought of absolute knowledge. I suppose I missed where I admitted that, or gave off that impression.

I thought we were having a discussion. Were someone to "trump" me, I'd have no problem on it. All that would do is make me go off and try to learn more which is the important part of this topic - the motivation to go off and do your own research so that you know what's going on in the world.

I'm not looking for a fight, I'm not looking to cause a revelation in someone's life and I most certainly do not think I know everything. All I did was state what I know and what my opinion is. If you can't take my post for what it is, then please don't read or reply to anything I write on TamaTalk ever again, whether it be Tamagotchi-related or not. I'm not here to defend myself from such simple "misunderstandings."

If you can have your own opinion without doing anything at all aside from perhaps watching one "documentary", then please don't you dare impose that I go off and watch An Inconvenient Truth after I've actually put effort in learning a bit more about the issue at hand and formulating my own opinions. Opinions that I've simply tried to explain, even though you interpret me as acting like I'm omniscient.


I am not a stupid, mean, ignorant or generally "bad" person just because I don't want to watch the movie and have a different view but I get the impression that's how you're treating me with your angry shouting capslocks and aggressive standpoint. I have shared one of my reasons, the most important one, and if you can't accept it, then that's not my fault.

Of course I'll learn things that I "didn't know" if I watch that movie, but that doesn't mean I'll have some sort of miracle conversion and automatically agree, or believe it to be completely accurate.

If I'm going to watch a program on global warming, it'll be an unbiased program shown on Discovery Channel or some such. If I'm going to read a book, I'd look for it under the non-fiction section and try to make sure that the author won't be playing on any political tones. If I wanted to read an article online, listen to a radio program, or otherwise absorb new information, it's my own decision.

You'll probably find this as being offensive, once again. Sorry, I can't help you there; all I'm trying to do is explain myself. I've asked you no questions, so please don't reply in an attempt to justify yourself. I understand you feel the way you do and I can't change it. I just don't enjoy the fact that someone is attempting to treat my opinion like a piece of dog poop.

I have nothing more to say, have a great day.

RachelGotchi - I understand completely. No worries. :D I'm glad you didn't take that offensively and understood that it was a passive question (about caring for future generations). Sorry I didn't reply earlier; I got caught up with preparing for family and writing that other post. It was either take my time to reply, or don't reply and seem as if I did not care.

tamtamkitty07 - Thank you. :D

~TamaBloom12~ - The problem with all the ice melting is not the fact that all the polar bears will flat out drown., because unless a severe flash temperature change occurs, the bears will be able to move to other ice flows. Some bears may drown if caught "out at sea" but not all. The problem is that the ice formations will melt, reducing the polar bears' natural habitat. The bears will continue to retreat to find solid areas to live on, which may result in bears coming far down enough to overlap on human populations, as well as other impacts.

I'm done with this topic, I've said my opinion and that's all. I've tried not to offend anyone, but it seems I have. I'm sorry that I believe in what I think and am not some supple sapling, bending to the will of the wind. I'm going to slip back into Tama-World and go about catching up on any new information about the V4.5.

I hope nobody goes around disliking me for my opinion, if someone does: don't drag your feelings into other topics. If I ask a Tama-related question and you decide to write a rude post to me because you don't agree with my opinion on Global Warming, please save others the trouble and report yourself for trolling.


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TamaBloom12.......... i agree with you strongly.... and Mahinva... I didn't mean to treat your opinion like a piece of dog poo... its just that i felt some ppl were treating my opinion like a piece of dog poo. I'm just stating my opinion just like you are Mahinva....ok...............so no hard feelings.

oh and by the way... i have done research...my opinion isn't only based on watching al gores documentary. Tamaw/pants i don't have a problem.

p.s. did any of you see Live Earth on bravo? Well its an all day concert on the lucky day ( or so ppl say) (7-7-07) that is all over the world in different places like London, New York, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, And alot of other places. 150 people are performing. It started really early...and goes till like 1 or 2(in the morning) i think. It supporting global warming-- the climate crisis

did anyone see live earth???????? Madonna, Fall Out Boy, Kelly Clarkson, Cheryl Crow, Tim Magraw, Duran Duran, Kt Tunstall, Akon, and lots more people performed

You're right. Politics is supposed to be about the war, global issues, etc. Not some heated earth phase.
IT IS NOT SOME HEATED EARTH PHASE!!!!!! GLOBAL WARMING IS A GLOBAL ISSUE!!!! I of course, believe in Global Warming, and yes, I did see an Inconvenient Truth, my science teacher showed it to us (she got parental permission first, too), and whether you believe it or not, whether you care or not, it's going to happen if we don't take action!!! And yes, we are all responsible!!! Most of us use lights all the time, TV, computer, driving a lot, etc. etc. which burns electric and gases and so on. It releases CO2 in the atmosphere, and it creates a 'blanket' of heat and gases, which makes our planet warmer. And the Earth can't escape this 'blanket' of gases, and what's going to happen is we're all going to be underwater!!! And RachelGotchi, you are SO cruel!!! How can you not care about your own children/grandchildren????? I would never want you as a mother!


And THANK YOU pyonchit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME!!!!!!!!!! And sure, maybe animals are somewhat responsible, but hardly!!!! I mean, if humans are only a 'finger' to the problem, then what? Animals are 4 'fingers'??? Humans are responsible, and not just big companies who use a lot of energy and stuff, everyone!!! even though I am against Democrats, I think that George Bush could take some action for Global Warming.


It's not just a "hot day". The Earth's probably getting warmer as we speak!!!



We all need to take some action. Turn off the lights when we're not using them (and other electrical appliances, as well)!


I hope you all at least take some action, because we need to. To save our lives. To save other people's lives. To save the Earth!!!!!!!!

kuchipatchiluver......... your right. We should all take actions. It is our fault..... humans. It's not animals that caused this. In my opinion, humans are the whole body of the problem.... and animals are just one toe.

IT IS NOT SOME HEATED EARTH PHASE!!!!!!  GLOBAL WARMING IS A GLOBAL ISSUE!!!!  I of course, believe in Global Warming, and yes, I did see an Inconvenient Truth, my science teacher showed it to us (she got parental permission first, too), and whether you believe it or not, whether you care or not, it's going to happen if we don't take action!!!  And yes, we are all responsible!!!  Most of us use lights all the time, TV, computer, driving a lot, etc. etc.  which burns electric and gases and so on.  It releases CO2 in the atmosphere, and it creates a 'blanket' of heat and gases, which makes our planet warmer.  And the Earth can't escape this 'blanket' of gases, and what's going to happen is we're all going to be underwater!!! And RachelGotchi, you are SO cruel!!!  How can you not care about your own children/grandchildren?????  I would never want you as a mother! 

And THANK YOU pyonchit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!  And sure, maybe animals are somewhat responsible, but hardly!!!!  I mean, if humans are only a 'finger' to the problem, then what?  Animals are 4 'fingers'???  Humans are responsible, and not just big companies who use a lot of energy and stuff, everyone!!!  even though I am against Democrats, I think that George Bush could take some action for Global Warming. 


It's not just a "hot day".  The Earth's probably getting warmer as we speak!!!



We all need to take some action.  Turn off the lights when we're not using them (and other electrical appliances, as well)! 


I hope you all at least take some action, because we need to.  To save our lives.  To save other people's lives.  To save the Earth!!!!!!!!
[bolded portion]

That was uncalled for- seriously, respect other people even if you don't agree with them. >.>

If you didn't realize, not everyone 'believes' in global warming so don't push it into our faces and try to force your theories on us.

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We can all do simple things to help the environment like:

car pool


use environment friendly cars

take showers

turn off the water when your brushing your teeth( when your not using it)

turn off the tv when your not watching it

use flauresent(not sure how to spell it) lights

turn off the lights when your not using it

don't use lights in the day( come on people... the suns so bright!)

and lots of other things!


IT IS NOT SOME HEATED EARTH PHASE!!!!!!  GLOBAL WARMING IS A GLOBAL ISSUE!!!!  I of course, believe in Global Warming, and yes, I did see an Inconvenient Truth, my science teacher showed it to us (she got parental permission first, too), and whether you believe it or not, whether you care or not, it's going to happen if we don't take action!!!  And yes, we are all responsible!!!  Most of us use lights all the time, TV, computer, driving a lot, etc. etc.  which burns electric and gases and so on.  It releases CO2 in the atmosphere, and it creates a 'blanket' of heat and gases, which makes our planet warmer.  And the Earth can't escape this 'blanket' of gases, and what's going to happen is we're all going to be underwater!!!  And RachelGotchi, you are SO cruel!!!  How can you not care about your own children/grandchildren?????  I would never want you as a mother! 

And THANK YOU pyonchit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!  And sure, maybe animals are somewhat responsible, but hardly!!!!  I mean, if humans are only a 'finger' to the problem, then what?  Animals are 4 'fingers'???  Humans are responsible, and not just big companies who use a lot of energy and stuff, everyone!!!  even though I am against Democrats, I think that George Bush could take some action for Global Warming. 


It's not just a "hot day".  The Earth's probably getting warmer as we speak!!!



We all need to take some action.  Turn off the lights when we're not using them (and other electrical appliances, as well)! 


I hope you all at least take some action, because we need to.  To save our lives.  To save other people's lives.  To save the Earth!!!!!!!!
I never want to be a mother myself. I could never handle the stress.

Yes, it is cruel. Therefore it is selfish. Exactly how I stated it.

-EDIT- I wanted to say this before but it must've slipped my mind. They think they can possibly reverse the effects of global warming by putting this chemical in Con Trails (The white clouds that come from the exhaust of jets).

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