Did You Ever Get In Trouble At School


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A few days ago I did. Except, it was so minor. I dunno why, but during this meeting for a society that is for 4th grade and up, I got in trouble. I was sitting where the thing was projecting, so I was leaning over so my head was blocking the way. And then, the head said "___" I don't wanna tell my name - too embarrassing x.x

And I don't believe that this got me in trouble, but we have a study buddy. We have to sign assignment books. I signed real big just to be funny, but she goes and shows it to the teacher e.e I didn't get in trouble though. Just an embarrassing moment..

Meh, Behind this sweet face there is a girl who everyone hates :( ! (I'm talking to you teachers)

-I was 1 minute late for class and I got lunch detention (in lunch detention they make you sit there: NO TALKING AT ALL!!! for 15 min, looking at your food and thinking about what you did. Then you have 2 min to eat ONLY healthy food, and no good food like the rest of the kids)

-I missed my homework and I got a big lecture

-I was pulling my friend's legs to make 'em trip (they were doing it to me, too) and the principal has an hour long talk with me and sent my bff to spy on me making sure I didn't do ANYTHING wrong, and she didn't get in trouble even though she did it to :( And my bff (the spy) got mad at me for not telling her something the principal told her I would tell the her, when the principal didn't tell me to tell her ANYTHING! So she hated me for no reason...

-Much more dumb reasons :(

Oh and I think this one is odd. I have a math teacher who is plain old mean! and he even gets mad at a handicap (sp?) kid for no reason (that makes me sooooo mad at the teacher) and he ONLY lets you call him Mr. Note, and if you call him something else like Mr. Notes he'll be soooooooooooooo mad at you!! He'll give you lunch detention for LIFE!!

Here is what happened: (not to me)

-Kid 1: "I'm in Mr. Note class."

-Kid 2: "Huh? What?"

-Kid 1: I'm in Mr. Note's homeroom class"

and the teacher make him run 2 miles every day, and gave him over and hour lecture and gave him lunch detention about once a week! (he told me himself that the teacher REALLY does that)


Well, a couple times, but most times I do something I'm not supposed to, I'm not caught. I'm THAT good. This year I'm such a goody goody though, it drives me crazy because I don't think my 'friends' have matured yet like I have, and we end up in stupid little fights.

Anyways, what I can remember recently is -

1. Throwing snowballs

2. Looking at pictures during class and talking loud and backtalking and stuff like that

3. Not doing homework < multiple times

4. Pulling some kids hair and kicking him to death because he spilt juice on me ON PURPOSE

and that's all I can remember right now.

my freind got into troble once when the pearson wgho dobbed a tullay was being mean to them and he said they were being mean to him likleay story my friend is viloent with i dont take to heart any more

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