he'll come sooner or later, so tough.SCREAM! Nooo! i worked hard for my 7000 TGPS!
I'm afraid of the envelope in general. the king brings you okay stuff sometimes, but it's usually bad stuff, like the snake and poo and robber.I hate it it when he comes.He steals a lot of points,and I dont have a lot of points!
Grrrr!!! Im so boiling mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually, I think you mean 99,999 gp's. You can't get a million. lol, I wish I couldi got the robber. He took 500 points. I just earned it back. Now i have 1 millon
You don't want the robber. He is just a nusiance. He steals points and then you earn them back.no how do you
no u DON'T want the robber!!! he looks kinda like a homeless person with facial hair! lol but actually i think it's a mask or something! u don't ever wanna get the robber cuz he takes points from u. and u don't know how many he's gonna take when he comes. he comes through [!] maili want the robber what does he look like
how do you get fortune cookiesYou don't want the robber. He is just a nusiance. He steals points and then you earn them back.
Tip: Get good fortune cookies and you will not get the robber often. I only got it once on one of my generations.