Diary of a couple of Tamagotchi's


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hiya! I have more news! and also, Tara morphed into a child version of mametchi, and she is so adorable!

And I also got the letter to go to pre-school!

Yes you did Tara and We will go to Tamatown later(she absoloutley adores that place!)

We're going to tamatown? Yippie! Oh, I also got mail earlier, and it was a snake! I got a little scared, but lisa comforted me, so now I am fine. I have 6800 points, and there is a UFO in the shop on sale for 25000 points, so I hope to get some more points in my purse from tamatown!

then let's go right now! Oh, here are Tara's stats:





Fashion: 32

Social: 16

Age: 0

Weight:10 lbs

points: 6800

see ya!

yeah, bye! :wub:

Hello again, it's me, and We are back from tamatown. Tara loves it there! she wants to go every day, and she is already begging us to go back

Please please please please pleeeease! I love it there! I want to go back so bad!

well, we will go back soon, for you must learn to be patient!

yeah, Tara, I didn't get my chance at all! I want to go to tama town!

Shut it Kale! you know I asked first!

Oh, c'mon darling, You knw I'm kidding, you didn't have to get so mad

hey everyone, this is Kale, my boyfriend. Sorry for getting mad at you Kale honey

okay okay! Kale, I will take you to tamatown. Tara, I will take you next. Are we okay with that?


yeah, sure

olright then, it's settled. Kale is first, and here are Tara's stats:







Age: 0

weight: 16 lbs

Points: 16,700

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Cool news everybody, I came home from school to find that Tara had evolved into a young memetchi! She is so drop-dead cute! especialy when she comes up to the screen!

I know, I am so cute! and my boyfriend thinks so too, He even said so!

Hey, can we go to tamatown? I still didn't get to go today! I also want to play games and stuff.

Well, Kale, we can go, but then we get to go to tamatown with Tara, okay?

Well, okay, and then we can do connecting later on, right? I want to get closer to my sweetie. We ahven't seen each other since this morning, and I really wish I cold see her again!

Geez, with the two of you talking so much, I haven't had the chance to say much, So Lisa, can you post my stats now? And then we can go? And by the way, I got the letter saying that I would get out of pre-school, and into bigger school! My teacher is ms. Flower, and she is really nice. She is also A flower! She was really sweet to me when I first met her, and now I look forward to going to school every day!

Geez, and you say I hog the spot? Well, anyway, Here are Tara's stats:








Weight:40 lbs

Points: 15,300

Bye! :D

Great news! Wait. Nothing has really happened, So I guess I will post stats:








Age: 2

Weight:61 pounds

Hey, I connected with Kale today, and now We have 3 faces! Okay. I'm bored, can we go to tamatown?

Sure, why not :marumimitchi:

Hi everyone! Tara is now a Hanatchi! I need to visit Tamatown, she is begging me to go!


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