Diary of a couple of Tamagotchi's


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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Hello everyone! This is a really cool diary of 2 of my tamagotchi's lives. I will start with the v-3, since i'll wait until my v-4 has a baby. Ok, here goes:

:rolleyes: I am resetting my tama v-3. I can't wait for it to hatch! My username is 'magic' and the time is currently9:12 am. It's hatching.....IT'S A GIRL! yay! i will name her Shay. i fed her some sushi, at least until all of her hungry hearts were filled. now to play some Get. (elevator music do do do dooo) lol yay! Shay won! she's a really good athelete.

Shay's Current Stats:



Training:{ }

Age: 0

Weight: 7 lbs

Generation: 1

Uh Oh! Shay has a poopie! and she's sick! :wacko: I nursed her back to health. well, we are going to go to tama-town, where she will hopefully learn to enjoy it there! bye for now! i will post soon!

PLEASE DO NOT POST ON THIS LOG! you can pm me though (not yelling)

Hello again! i will start talking about my v-4 now, at least, as soon as i get a new one, but for now, here's my other v-4:

Hello! my name is Naomi! I am a beautiful ringotchi in search of a good partner! Lisa says i will get a new v-4 friend! Derek(my current v-3 friend) can get so drab. every time we connect, we can't play games for points! :D i'm gonna dump him as soon as i meet the other v-4.) unless it is a girl. then i will just have to suck it up. Perhaps im talking too much, so bye!

Ahhh.. tama-love. it hurts, and im pretty sure that i will get another girl, so that Naomi can understand that it doesn't matter the version, as long as they are nice.

This is Naomi again, and i want to become a popular Mimitchi! Ok, bye for now!!!!

Hello again! Naomi wanted to say some stuff:

Hey evry1! I just want to tell you about my day. ok, first, i woke up, and then a minute later, i got mail! yay! it was Fortune cookie of:

POints: 2

Hearts: 2

Man: 3

ok, and then Lisa went to the library, and brought me and derek too. she turned the sound off on us, and as i called for attention, alas, as i was not heard! but she checked on me later, and i ended up being fine. but my happy hearts were down to just 1! i had a good record going, of no less than 2 hapy and hungry hearts! well, at least i may have a slim chance of becoming a Mimitchi. Then she went to the movies. i couldn't see it, because she put me and derek to sleep so we wouldn't need attention. i felt so unwanted, but then again, wouldn't you want to see a movie without any interruptions? i am very excited! lisa is having a sleepover with one of her other tama-loving friends, who has 3 other tamas, and get this: a v-4! finally! another v-4 for me to hang out with! now i have more friends! Uh oh. lisa needs me to go to sleep. it's late, and im really tired! see you all, my adoring fans! ^_^

I want to make sure that Naomi gets her sleep, so she can morph tomorrow!

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Hello, this is me, and i want to say that i am waiting anxiously to see Naomi morph into an adult! I will let her do some of the talking:

Hello! i want to morph today! i am 2 years old, and very impatient! here are my current stats:


Happy: 2






Weight:25 lbs

I don't want to be someone ugly! well, bye! :furawatchi:

Hello, it's me again: and i just want to post about the newest update:

Today, Naomi got a special envelope! It sait that she was leaving school. right after that, she got a job offer, and is a travel agent!

Current Stats:



Training: {|||||||||}





Well, normally, i would let Naomi talk, but we are heading to tamatown to go to the office! she is so excited! :eek:

i am so sorry! i wasw busy over the past few days, and i haven't really had much spare time. well anyway, here are Naomi's current stats:






Flower: 146

Guess what?! Naomi had a baby today! i was eating dinner, and she called for attention. i checked on her, and then i saw the matchmaker! Yay! Here is naomi:

Hello everyone! Over the tama years, i have become more mature. In fact, i have my very own baby girl, and a job at the travel agency! it's amazing how fast you can go from wanting everything to be about you, to being mature and sensible. i hope that in the time i spend with my little girl that she will learn to do the same thing. Peace to you all! ^_^

Wow! they sure grow up fast! well, we are going to take a trip to tamatown now, so i hope to see(or whatever) you later!

Hey! wassup? Naomi is now 6 years old! she is supposed to leave tonight(well, technically, morning, cuz she leaves @0:03)

though she has been a good tama, she will live forever in their family history. anyway, her baby will be able to see her in tamatown anytime! cool! Since this is her last night here, i will let her talk:

Hello! This is Naomi, and i as i am sorry to say that this will be the last time i post on this log, i know that my daughter will keep everyone entertained, and so will future generations! Well, this is my farewell, so i will miss you! :) :)

I will miss her so much!after all, she is the one who got this whole log started! may she always live within our hearts! :blink:

Hi, it's me again! Naomi's baby is doing really great! her name is Candi (short for Candace) She is a baby mametchi! I will let her talk too:

Hi! i am Candi! I am only 0 years old, so im still in preschool! I was born today at 6:05 am. i was born so early, because lisa had to go to school, and at that time, i was a baby, and still sleeping! if she left me alone, i would have woken up, and she would've missed it! i wouldn't have a name until much later! im glad i was born before school, and i morphed into a child at 7:05 am! i will let lisa do some of the talking!

Well you heard her, i will leave now, so we can go to tamatown! see you in a little while! :) ;)

Wait! i wanna say something! before she left, my mommy retired from being a travel agent, and became a chef! ok, now im done! thank you! :D

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Hi evry1! Candi is now 2 years old! i will let her talk:

HI! im a ringotchi! i got the note to leave preschool, and go to big kid school! I have a younger friend who would like to talk:

Hi! My name is Nikki, and i am a v'3. I was born just today, and Now i am a tamatchi! I wish i could become a Mametchi when i grow up! I will leave for now! byeeeeeee!

Yes, those are two of my tamas! i will continue to keep you posted! :lol: :pochitchi: :nyatchi: :chohimetchi:

HI! this is Candi, and i morphed today! I am now a Mimitchi! well, I Just hope i get a job soon! :huh:

Hi, sorry, but i did not talk on the last post. Well, as you've all heard, My little Candi is now a Mimitchi! She lived out her mother's dream! maybe she will get a great job in her life! :angry:

Hi! sorry i haven't posted in a while, i was busy with my other log.

:D I am Hiro, descendant of Candi, and i am an adult. I turned into a tosakatchi! it is so cool! i am going to go now. :D

Yes, hiro is now a tosakotchi! see ya

Hi! i am so excited! guess why?

oh! oh! i wanna say it!

okay Hiro

kk. today, I got a job as a news reporter! also, I have a Wife Riley, and we had 2 babies today! both of them are girls, and I am so proud, because it will be the 4th generation of the family!

Riley will talk in Italic

hey, i love you sooo much, Hiro! :(

awww....... they are so cute! how's about we go to tamatown to celebrate!


Yay! :lol:


kk, I haven't posted in a while, and so I have alot to say. Hiro left, and his daughter is now an adult. Her name is Megan, and she is a :(

Hi, I am Megan, and I am suposed to have a baby tomorrow, andI currently have a job as a florist! I have to leave now, bye!

I am making a resoloution to write more in this log, as well as my other log, so yeah.

i really want to Have the matchmaker come over! I want a baby so bad! I also want to go to tamatown!

You really want to go to tamatown?

Yes please! i am so bored!

why don't you play with you're ufo? you just got it yesterday!

But i want to go to tamatown! Please!

ok, we'll go later, but for now, I'd like to stay on tamatalk for a while


Do you want to go at all?

Yes, but I am very impatient

I know, but you must learn to be patient! We will go later, i want to add to Josie's log


Aww.... Megan is taking a bath! She is so cute! also, she looks like she is having a good tme! It's been a long time since I have posted her stats, so here they are:


Hungry: **


Training, 7/9






i am done my bath now! can we go to tamatown? My little baby boy wants to go there with me before tomorrow when I have to leace, so I want to take him to see his future hang out spot.

hm... well, ok .you have waited long enough, let's go. I will post back later!

i want to say that any of Megan's friends will talk in pink, for future reference

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Megan left, and now her son is named Derek. He will also talk in blue, but I have to go now. More tomorrow!

I have decided that I will write in lime

I am resetting my v4, because I feel it is fitting. Also, because Derek has been feeling a little depressed lately :furawatchi: He wants to live in tamatown now, so I will post tomorrow!

hi everyone! I am resetting my tama now. I have set the time and everything now I am waiting for it to hatch... and... it's a girl! I will name her Tara. When she talks, she will talk inmagentaWell, I must feed Tara, so I will feed her 1 of everything (in the meals) I don't like to feed her snacks. She is 9 pounds now, so I will play Jumping Rope. *30 jumps later* yay! Tara won! Oh, she is so cute! I am so proud of her! Now, she has 400 points. Aww... lets type in some shop codes.... These are her items now:








rare cell phone


well, It's off to tamatown for Tara and I! I will post back later! :)

We are back from tamatown already! reason being, We couldn't spend alot of time there, because i have to get off in about a minute, but Tara did get a passport, and 2400 points! Her current stats:



Training: 0

Points: 2800



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