Diary Of A Cool Tama


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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2009
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[SIZE=13pt]I'm back![/SIZE]

I suddenly got back into Tamagotchi's! After looking at Tamatalk I just thought about how I loved my tama's.

Today I walked into my room and grabbed my Tamabag, even after half a year of pauseness they still had their battery left! So today I'm starting up my new log!

My old V3 Tama, Sky the 1st Gene Patapatatchi!

Her training bar is full! I never remember training her like that, but yet again... I don't remember anything.


Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Training: Full

Age: 3 Years

Weight: 63 LB

Gen: 1

Points: 1,540

Orange is Sky's talking colour! well that's Sky done and some more to go.

Another V3 Tama, Rocka the Obotchi!


Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Training: 7 Bars

Weight: 53 LB

Gen: 1

Points: 2,479

Blue is Rocka's color. Hehe :3

My Music Star, Amie.


Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

T/R/O: 678/706/999

Weight: 30 LB

Gen: 53 LB

Points: 4,662,160

Purple Is Amie's colour! Gosh I love Amie Wamie!

Amie: Shush!

Now Introducing My V4, Tulip and her baby who is yet to be named, PM me for suggestions, I'm probably gonna use it!


Hungry: *** (Fixing this)

Happy: ****

Training: 3 Bars. I'm A bad Tama looker afterer.

Age: 7 Years

Weight: 83 Lbs (WOW)

Points: 11,820

Green is Tulip's colour while she is here

Now my V5, the Metro Family!

Shelly Metro the Shelltchi!

Bommi Metro the Bakutchi!

Titan Metro the Korokotchi!


Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Bonds: 40%

Gen: 1

Points: 710!

Gray is Titan's Color

Pink is Shelly's color

Black is Bommi's colour.


Sky: Thank god I have been unpaused!

Rocka: You aint the only one girly!

Sky: Oh, hi Rocka! *blush*

Titan: Ohhh Skkkyyy!

Sky: Titan, NOT NOW!

Titan: Stop what?

Sky: You've been stalking me all winter and you are constantly flirting with me, obviously you're in total love with me.

Shelly: Give Sky a break, besides today she's spending girl time with me *winks at Sky*

Sky: Oh, um yeah I almost forgot! *flees*

Bommi: Your horrid at getting chicks bro

Titan: Oh yeah?

Seeya! Be sure to Pm and sugest a name for baby boy! Bye for now but not forvever!

Yay! Fan-mail! We are off to a start

Shelly: It was me because of my beauty!

Tulip: Eh?

Hey!I like your new log, it think its off to a good new start!

I think you should name your baby Marley, its a co-ed name so it doesn't matter if its a girl or a boy:3

Maybe you can check out one of my two logs! (just a suggestion, the one about Fendi is better if you decide to.)

Oh thank you and I will check your log! I probably already have but yay! Fanmail :3

Yes! I'm on a roll readers!

The Metro's have their bond up to 100%!

Shelly: Did I really bond with those two idiots?

Titan: Skyyyyy


Bommi: MUM I NEED MY MEDS! > :eek:

But-You don't have medication!

Bommi: I'mma watchin' you


Amie's band (Lookout) has reached number one!

Amie: Obviously my singing :)

Sorry for the short post ;)

Shelly: Oh I'm much more pretty than you Sky!

Sky: Are not! You look like a coffee!

Shelly: Well you look like a boy, I mean wow a Mametchi!


Amie: Girls just stop! Shelly, Sky your both bringing yourself to low levels!

Sky: Her level's lower!

Shelly: Oh yeah well you-

I really thought they were friends, but I ban both of you from talking for 5 minutes!

Anyway, almost everyone evolved this morning.

Shelly - Hotteatchi

Sky > Mametchi

Rocka > Violetchi

Bommi > Sukatchi

Titan > Kuchipatchi

Titan: Sick, do you like me now Sky?

Sky: Pffft No

Rocka: Sky, can I say something? *Twirls flower*

Failed Cliffhanger XD

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Tulip has left us.

???: Mwum? WWUUUMMM?

And left Marli, I couldn't fit Marley so I shortened it down.

Rocka: Here it goes... I LOVE YOU SKY!

Sky: Yeah yeah watevs...

She still acts like a teenager.

Titan: Yes!


Shelly: I'm not your Mum get off me you little rodent! :)

Bommi: Sky, our dinner date is ready! Lets go!

Sky: Bommi! *kisses*

Rocka: Noooooooooo!

Titan: Nooooooooooooo

Shelly: Nuh uh sister! NO ONE is having a date before me *drags Sky back*

Sky: Bommi! Don't just do something! STAND THERE!

Bommi: What?

Rocka: *Releases Sky from Shelly* Um, will you go on date with me?

Sky: Okay *blushes*

Rocka: Yes!

Sky: *kisses

Rocka: *kisses back*

Who should get the girl? PM me and cast you vote!

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Marli will update us because I'm WAY too lazy

Marli: I evolved i\and I have legs.

What did you evolve into

Marli: Puchitchi!


Best tune ever!

Marli: It's all about us! All about all about us! If there's a theme that they can't! Cause you you know! Ooooh!

Glad Marli agrees with me :)

Titan: Was Marli just singing? Hahaha that's so stupid Marli

Marli: Wha whaa? :(

Sky: Don't be mean to Marli *hugs Marli*

Titan: Okay, if you want me to Sky

Sky: Hm liking me pays off sometimes

Amie: *sniffle sniffle cry*

What's wrong Amie?


Oh no, no more huge paychecks..

Rocka: Can I announce something

Titan: Go ahead!

Rocka: I am announcing me and Sky are going to get married!

Titan: Oh she better not!

That's the end of todays post, P.S does anyone know what age a V3 has to be to marry another V3? I would like to known! Thanks!

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Nevermind, XD Sky and Rocka are an offical couple with twin boys. (Can I just have a girl? :) )

Rocka: My baby boy! I wish I could name him now! But I have no idea what to name hi.

Sky: Agreed here Rocka, maybe someone could give a suggestion?

You heard them, PM me with name suggestions for Baby boys!

Sky: And please bloblsd-

@#$% don't run out of battery on me :(

Rocka: SKY?!

Amie: I love my toyy <3

Now I know all my tama's are gonna run out of battery's X(

I haven't updated for a while, hehe naughty me.

Well I have pause my Tamas a lot lately, in a result not much has been happening, but there has been a lot happening.

Marli: Like me evolving? Into young Androtchi! :)

Another character I have NEVER had before!

Titan: And I got married today! To a lovely Yonepatchi! We had 2 kids and officially have an all Kuchipa-family!


Titan: I hate Sky, now Kucha is my girl!

Sky: Finally!

And I got Sky back, reset button rocks! One thing troubles me with Sky and Rocka's relationship... WHEN I CONNECT THEM THEY DON'T KISS ANYMORE D:

Rocka: It's just a bit awkward, ya know?

Sky: Yuppers! Awkwardness!

Oh.. :lol:

Kucha: Hi! I'm a part of the big family here now!

SHUT UP! You were just part of the plan to get kids, nobody really cares about you.

Titan: Oh no you didn't say that to my girl?

Look at your kids, jumping around the screen. Too bad the will grow up WAY too fast :)

Kurt: I liike pieee!~

Kale: CANDEH!!!!!!!!

Kabi: Help me I'm stuck inside Kurt!

Kurt: We have to evolve before you can come out > :)


Amie: BYE!~ <3

I called myself naughty before, look how long its been since I actually PLAYED my tamas. Cr!@ now all their lives are messed up, except Kale's... He was dropped on his head when he hatched.


Anyways, I couldn't reset Sky so he's dead... Errr I mean she's dead..

*Cut-scenes over to the Tama graveyard*

Rocka: *On his knees facing Sky's grave* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Amie: Baby baby baby ooooooh yeah baby baby baby ooooooooooooooooooooooooohAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Titan, put the sword down.

Titan: Buuut... Fine..

Sky: AMDSHWUGOswk yaaaai,l FRBsybj.akdm;qs,'qd.flkgjh

*Puts tama down* Not trying to reset you again...
