DEVIL vs. ANGEL hatch! <3 (logging section)


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Id like to join if it not too late i have the angel app! let me know i dont want to restart my tamagotchi if its too late!

So sorry - I'd been looking forward to this hatch but with my schedule as it is I'd struggle to run my Angel as well as my currently running iD L...maybe next time. Enjoy!!

DAY 2: with my little PIXEL woke up this morning @ 9 am ready to eat! lol he was very [SIZE=17.77777862548828px]mischievous[/SIZE] last night as he decided to keep setting fireworks

off in the middle of the night so i had to turn the sound off as i really needed my sleep baha &lt;3 so today he turned 1 yrs old and we had a great morning

his DP-DEVIL POWER was very high this morning after playing all those tricks on me last night so i fed him then we played some games ^.^ he

wasnt into have his breakfast too much but he wanted some chocolate of course hehe

so after his tummy was full we played a game of eat the star! lol

i guess my little PIXEL is appreciative of me taking such good care of him because he wanted to shake my hand for the very first time so it made me a very

proud momma! &lt;3

and at the end he went from the 30 DP down to 15DP yay im taking very good care of him hes going to grow big and cute lol ^.^

My little angel evolved today! He's being very playful and just all around happy to be here.

Sorry for crappy photos I'm in my car lol

ANGELIC POOOOOOOP! legend says that smearing angel poop upon thyn face will give you wings.... I have not tested this. Do this at your own risk :)

My little Monster had lots of handshakes today, I guess he's sorry about all the pranks yesterday. Though he did give me attitude at breakfast and threw his pie back at me. When I wanted to check his stats to get his DP reading, he pulled another prank, you naughty little thing. He's got 30 DP now and all full and happy. I can't wait to see what he turns into from here.

My posts might be slow for the next few days, I'm going away for the weekend to spend time with friends, I'll try to make a post at least once a day.

Well, getting some batteries for my Angelgotchi proved to be a lengthy effort, but none the less, I'm ready to start. Better late than never!

I set the time, and before I knew it, a sweet little angel ghost rose from her grave to greet me! She looked up at me with an exited twinkle in her eyes, and so she became Twink. Little Twink isn't quite like all the other angels, though. She is often too shy to even speak up for herself, and even too timid to spook the candy hungry bat burglar. In other words, Twink's sound chip has became inactive in recent years, meaning she cannot make a sound, nor can I help scare away the bat, as the "motion senser" is actually a sound senser, but me and Twink don't let this little inconvenience get in our way, as even though she may not be able to speak, she can still like a perfectly healthy life as an angel!

After a bit more than an hour, Twink began to mature from her ghostly form to that of the first step of her transcending journey to becoming an angel. Her wings have just started to come in, and boy is she overjoyed about them! She spends most her free time now weaving through the shooting starts in the beautiful clear night sky, and when she returns from her star weaving, she spends most her time in the kitchen eating every jelly filled doughnut and chocolate heart she can spot! After an exhausting first day of her journey, she flew up as far as the eye can see to rest her head on the coucheny clouds far above.

And I too should get some rest, we have an eventful journey ahead of us!

No pictures today, but I plan to have some tomorrow!~

Sorry for being a bit late lol but I hatched my blue Japanese Angel earlier today :) He has evolved into the toddler, Marutenshi I believe. His happy and hunger are full and his Angel Power is 13. c: I'll post a photo tomorrow because he's sleeping at the moment ;)

And my little guy changed today! He's a cute little guy that likes to show his butt a lot to me :)

:( Bad end! My devilgotchi died on me today. I guess I wasn't listening enough to him while I was out and about today. I'm such a bad tama-mama.

well my little PIXEL is growing and is so adorable, he is 3 years today and i have been making sure to keep his DP down to really excited to see what little one he turns into!

An exert from my log as an update:


Up next is Twink the Angelgotchi! I have kind of taken to the habit of keeping her around with me wherever I go, and so even though she was unable to scare away the bat burglar, and was only able to get a single praise, Twink became the healthy teen, and then the healthiest adult, the chestnut angel! Fingers crossed for getting the twin angels!

And I really need to get pictures :eek:

Another exert from my log as an update:


Next in the platoon is Twink, and unlike Rose, she saw the most unpause time yesterday, as I pretty much carried her everywhere in my pocket. Despite this, she hasn’t really seen much change, other than being spoiled rotten with more chocolate hearts than I’ve ever seen someone eat. Otherwise, she is 6 now, and will hopefully become the twin angels pretty soon here is she is going to, that is. Fingers still crossed!


...hold that.

I recently purchased a complete in package silver Angel from Kait (thank you so much Kait!!) and if I can get it in time, I'll maybe hatch it. :3

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