Desi's NEW fabulous tama log!


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Hello TT.

I slept well, thanks for asking.

AND...Fetzer got into preschool!!

I beat that Tamatchi good!! >=D

Yes, You did.

And Eepers evolved into a Mizutamatchi

How sweet! =]

I always get mizutamatchi on the v3.

I don't remember getting any other character on there...

Oh but I might have gotten a Tamatchi once.

Any ways, I think this is my 3rd page finally...


OH! do you guys wanna hear a song?

It's amazing listen to it:

^-^ semi charmed life

I love third eye blind! they are great!!

ok well I better be going then


-D e s i i i i i [i wish you would step back...]


I accidentally left my tamas at my dad's house,

so I have nothing to say.

I will just let you guys know that I will be posting later tonight.

But I do know that I really need to get Eep's weight down.

Alrighty then.


DEZZY [Cutting ties baby!]


paig 3 :]

But the bad news is that both of my Tamas died!

I can't believe it.

It's like i don't have enough time,

even though I have all the time in the world!

I suck.

And idk if I should start a new one or not.

I guess I will.

I'll start my v4 and my v5.

I don't care whether you want to read an=bout my v5 or not,

If you like my log so much,

your gonna have too.

alrighty then here goes!

v4 activation


-Desi goes to find something to poke the button-


kay, let me set the date 'n' such..

okay! my v4 is now giggling inside his/her egg.

v5 activation



v4 hatched :D

it's a boy =]

Name: Jacob [no TWILIGHT intended.]

and he is teardrop guy, classic baby.

back to v5 hatching...

alrighty! Sorry for that tramatic episode, Eep is bouncing around, all hearts filled, and v5 [no names yet] are bouncing around in their eggs.


hatching time!

Family name:Keish [yes i am clever with the names, oh yes. :D ]

middle guy:boy:eek:mututchi:Benny

side guy:girl:futabatchi:Clare

side guy:boy:mimifuwatchi:Leif

alrighty then I'll post back in a sec =]

-Desi [L-O-V-E :) ]


I "accidentally" reset Jacob. =[

he evolved into a bad care teen and I couldn't stand the guilt.

So now I have a girl named Megan.

Cute name right?


Good, your being positive now.

Well I will have too get back to you on her...

[she's still a baby ^-^]

Oh yeah, did I tell you that Benny, Clare and Leif EVOLVED??? =]

Benny is now an jukebox [mousetchi]

Clare is a bell with a bow [belltchi]

and Leif is a deranged onion lookin' thing [mattaritchi]

yayayayay for that. =]


Here is the color code:

ME [blue violet color]

Benny [orange]

Clare [red]

Leif [green, it suits him right?]


I think next post I will have each tama have there own "diary" post,




-Dez-uh-ray. [at :angry: her :angry: house.]

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Hi friends.

I have some terrible news,

They Died!!!!

I am having some serious Issues with this right now.

PM me with whether or not you want me to continue my log,

Cuz I'm starting to doubt it.

Well I'll restart my v4.


Alllll-righty then,

It's a girl.

Her name: Nemo

[i liek that name =^-^=]

Alright so I'll post when something exciting happens.


-Desi =] [You find nemo urselfez.]

Howdy =]

I'm letting my baby Nemo get sooo fat!

I'm not playing games with her cuz,

There is a movie on.

I just wanted to let you guys know that.

Oh and also,

she is pooping non-stop.

AND, she got sick.


I love them.

Ok I'm gonna go, I'm just rambling on.


- D. [she Likes Bittersweet Love]

Hello dear readers,

Nemo evolved into a teardrop,

How ironic =D

so adorable =]

and She also got a heart in the mail


That's all I have to say.


-D E Z Z A R A Y Y Y [Do YOU like waffles??]


[i LOVE using "ai" for "I" now!!]

Well, nothing much has been going on in my world.

I kept Nemo alive today!!

[just barely B) ]

She is still... -ninjas into room to get tama-

0 years old.

Hurray! [happy un-birthday =]]

haha. but anyways,

Her wieght was liek, really high earlier today,

but I bought her a chest in the shop

and she was turned into a baby

so she lost 20 pounds B)


I need to play games with her because she is unhappy.

[i got a new bathing suit! its blue with white polkadots]

how random! =]

Hi, it's Nemo!

I just got a star mail!


I'll open it.





oh and I found these cool characters:

[SIZE=14pt]☈☄☂ ☀☁ ☃ <-- its a snowman![/SIZE]

and some peoples internet servers won't allow them to see these. =]


Who likes too post by them selves?



Mom, chill.

but yes, I did post by my self!!


I have to go. =[


-Desi :)





I cannot win jump rope.

I don't know what my problem is!!

I'll just try again,

You wanna say hi?

HAII! my name is Nemo [idk why?!]

I loviee my Madre and I loviee my best pal Jude.

Hey is cool, but he cannot sing for his life!

:) BAI!!


Guess who's being boringg?

That's right,



You're boring too! >=[

yeah I know. =[

I guess there was no point in posting.

But I did anyways!!


I got all her skill points up.


Oh no, she's crying

[probably because I said she was boring :) ]

3 trainings =]


-Desirae. [oh, holy cow.]

Evening Ladies and Gents =]

I figured that Nemo must be really lonely,

so I am starting my v4.5 up.

Alright lets hope for a boy!!

but I guess a girl would be righteous too :D



his name? its Colby =]


he is the adorable-est

His color is HOT PINK >.<

Ohkay thats all for right now,

ttyl :blink:

- D. Diggity Dog Desi =0 [Thats whats up, yo!!]


I accidentally time-outed my poor Colby,

so he has no training =[

my lip hurts!

oops, that was random!

He should be evolving soon,

in about five or ten minutes.

okayy I'll update when he doess =]



Ugh I'm tired.

He evolved!!

He is a Tamatchi =]

And I'm sorry about only posting so small like,

but I am tired and watching a movie with Logan

so bye.

-Desi =] :blink: [GOOD NIGHT!!]


just checkin.

I haven't gotten any mail lately.

I am DEEPLY disturbed, people of TT.

Nemo evolved into a Ojyotchi.

=[ Bad care.

OH the king is coming to Colby,

He got a plant =]

Say thanks Colby...

Thank you king!

Let's see what I got,

-cool music-

I got a...Sunshine face??

Well whatever,


And he also got accepted into preschool.

well it turns out I didn't get Nemo's skill points upo all the way =[

But I will take of that soon =]


-Ripped_Jeans [Whoa.]


My eyes hurt from reading my tamagotchis so much :mellow:

Guess who got accepted into art school?

That's right!, Nemo!!

I don't really know what I want her to be when she grows up,

But I'll figure it out!

Uhmm Colby is in preschool,

He is doing good.

I think I want him to be a Gorgeous character when he grows up.

I m on the lookout for v4 codes btw...



I want to be posting a lot more today,

so I think I will =]

I'm guessing that you are wondering:

"who is this Desi girl anyways?"

Here she is:

Meh =]

haha me and My friend were playing dress up =]

Well my tamas would like to have a word:

Hai =]

My color is lime because I have a glow-in-the-dark shell :unsure:

I bought an Mp3 player at the shop today!

I can't wait until I'm an adult so I can listen to it. I love music!

It's too bad that I am a bad care tama. I didn't do anything wrong! it must have been Desi's fault =[

HEY!~ that's enough of that Missy!

sorry Des. =[

it's alright...


this is the first time I have posted by my self! =]

I have a girly color because that's what color the star antenna on my shell is.

but that's alright with me actually.

girls dig guys who wear pink :huh: ;)


Oh i got a mail!

it's an envelope,


some one sent me a snake!!

that's not nice!

Desi you shoul play a game with me so that I feel better.

Plus I'm kinda fat...


Ok then at that I guess I'm leaving,

for now...

-Dezz. =]

Hello again.

I want something to eat something...but I can't because my mom mopped the kitchen

Oh Nemo called for my attention without a reason.

Naughty girl =]

ugh I don't feel like playing games right now!!

But I have too. I am having a hard time with Colby.

He is liek,

being boring and I wanna play games with him but I keep on losing!

I honestly think the toddler stage is the most boring.

I wanna go swimming!

awh! I'm being way too random!

Oh Colby, you are soooo Immature!

You think that you can get away with eating all the pudding but I saw you!

and I am going to tell DESI!

NOOO! I can't afford to have her get mad at me!!

I'll be your best friend if you don't tell on me!!

Whatever! i couldn't care less if you were my friend or not!

I have friends at my REAL school!

I do too! and I didn't eat ALL the pudding, just most of it.

Hey! what is all that noise?

why are you guys fighting??


NO! she is lying! I had nothing to do with the pudding!!

HEY!! I don't care if you ate the pudding!

I just went out and bought sishkabobs for you guys both! =]

YAY! I love me a good shishkabob!

Me too! ily Desi! >=D


-Dazzling Desi [wondering...]


I am aiming to get 420 views today!!

That would be amazing!

I guess there was no reason in posting, as usual.

But I am sooo lonely! no one is updating their logs

or PMing me!!

well the tam-tams are being UBER boring,

as usual.

I guess I am a very usual person huh?

Oh, Colby pooped.

And Nemo pooped earlier but I already cleaned it up.


I am gonna go on tama town, with both tamas





-Desi [paige 4?]


I have 400 views! no better than that! 402!


and this is post #5 of the day,

and post #57 total =]

here i a great song that I am currently obsessing over!:


I keep listening to it!!

oh and I am currently on tamatown with Nemo.

right this second =]

so I better go...


-Desi [the armada men ♥]

Evening Folks.

My tamas have fallen asleep.

I am B-O-R-E-D!

Uhmmmmm, I bought 2 chests at the shop for Nemo.

the first one she got a present, it was building blocks.

the second one was points...500 I think

and I didn't do much with poor Colby.

I didn't even get to go on tamatown with him. =[

maybe I will later...but I'm watching a movie with logan

[it's pretty in pink!]


-Desi :lol: :eek: :)

Morning peeps.

Guess who evolved with out me??!!

Yup, Colby.

He is an Ura-Young Mametchi.

So I guess I will try to get Ura Mametchi.


and he got accepted into school,

I put him in the funny group [turtle teacher]

I am having a VERY hard time playing with Nemo.

She is being impossible for the whole "lots of skill points" thing.

She will turn into a bad care tama if she doesn't shape up right now!!

sorry for yelling -_-

It's alright Desi.

I think I should start trying harder too

or else I will turn into a football player! =[

I don't want that!!


you might become a a bad care tama!! but I wont because I'm a good boy! >=P

I will play and win the games! I wil--

-sniffles- I understand that you are SO much better than me!!! -sobs a bit-

NO! don't cry! I really didn't mean it! I was jus-

I don't care! just get away from me!!

oh!...I'm sorry... I was messing around.

........... :p

aw great.

My poor tamas are fighting. =[

Oh here is a song!!


I love nevershoutnever!

ok Bai!!

-Desi [Cristofer Drew!♥♥]
