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are you sure its possible to dubug?? my screws wont budge! i dont think it is possible! i tried 3 tamas none of the 4 little screws moved a millimeter

wow thats really helpful!! i already debugged my tama before i read this. i didnt like it debugged so i undebugged yesterday morning. now its back to normal lol. but anyway, thats really going to help out others that dont no how to debug! :(
how do you undebug it?

Im sorry but ive already answered the "unebugging" question. Please go back a few posts and surly you will wind the answer.


Santatgotchi :D

Yeah, when you debug your tama you have tounscew these tiny little scews.

Once you debugg your Tamagotchi how can you reset it back to the original mode it was in before you debugged it because I debugged mine and now it won't let me input any passwords into it. How can I get it to let me put passwords in again? Please let me know. Thanks. :)

Thats pretty strange for the tamagotchi not to allow you to input passwords, but the "undebugging" question has already been answered. Please check back in the posts before and surly you will find your answer. I don't really think you will be able to ever put in ANY passwords anymore because like Santatgotchi said before, debugging is very risky and things like that can happen. Sorry, i can't help you.

Tamaninja B)

[quote name=.: :( :.' date='Feb 26 2006, 10:15 AM] did you know you could also undebug? it works if you have a debuged connection- it can also be v1, v2, or v3. just open up the backing again and erase the pencil marks. if all goes well, your tama will be back to normal. it really does work. i've done it many times when i get sick of having a debuged tamagotchi. the reason it works is becasue it open the once closed circuit. the lead of the pencil closes that circiut, allowing you to explore more things with your tama! you can also turn your connection into a connextion! when your tama is opened up and you see the circiut borad, look in the upper left corner (kinda in the middle too) and you should see 2 sets of semi cirles that say JP1 and JP2. rub them both with your pencil and walla! you now have turned your connection into a connextion! :unsure:

Okay I have one question...... Whats the difference between connection and connexion?? :D they're the same thing.. A TAMAGOTCHI!!!!

You also thaught rom test didn't work, Mimi333- Debugging is no longer a roumer, it's a real trick that yea. . Can make youre tama break. Not cool, but you have to be a real pro and have more than one tamagotchi to have it almost work if lucky.

yea. and rom testing does work but it is pretty useless. :angry:

I'm sorry but this is not a chat-room. This topic is getting SPAMed too much and should be closed but pinned. Please let a guide Pin and close this.


Exuse me but didnt some one all ready post some thing about D-buging. Because I remember printing it out. :huh:


P.S. some one reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh yes, I'm sure there were loads of topics about de-bugging, so... yeah.

actually, I made this topic about 4-5 months ago. (That's how long it's been on!) and I've seen LOADS of topics on how to debug, some more detailed than others. Anyway, this is not chat room. And questions keep coming up saying: "how do I undebug?" "How do I debug?" If you want an aswer why don't you actually read the guide? It tells you how to debug because i did it myself and it tells you how to debug (or I already posted a reply sating how to undebug) this could be pinned and closed for good because this is becoming a little to much. I wouldn't be surprised if sometime there was more replys on here than there was topics on the whole tips and tricks section!


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