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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2010
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I've searched for it, but can't seem to get a clear answer. CAN YOU DEBUG A V4 AND WILL IT BE SUCCESSFUL? (e.g. able to stop hyperspeed)

What ever you do not debug! It may sound cool but my sister has broke may of hers trying to "debug" to get "cool characters".

Trust me, its not worth it. Anyway I will provide you to a few links that will show you how to debug your device if you do decide

to go a head with the debugging.

Debugging, done manually by anyone, begins with opening the rear panel of the Tamagotchi and removing the rear of the main shell. On the back of the circuit board, near the battery, are two foil semicircles wth DEBUG written above. Using a pencil, owners draw a line between the two half circles to connect them. Upon re-assembling the Tamagotchi and restarting it, all of the immediate effects take place.You can also depress the circle, but I have not tried that.

Immediate Effects

Hyperspeed, as named by fans, is a process that starts as soon as the debug program begins. Minutes are turned into seconds, and the Tamagotchi moves and operates at breakneck speed. To be exact, every second 15 minutes passes in this mode. This can be turned on or off with most Tamagotchi releases with the C button. However, it cannot be turned off with the V4, V4.5, and V5 as pressing C will make Tamagotchi come up close. V5's debug cannot be turned off becase there is a c button reaction.

Character Selection is an effect if the owner hatches a new Tamagotchi after debugging. As soon as the baby appears, the owner can press A and scroll through characters programmed into the Tamagotchi, able to gain access to previously unobtainable or difficult to obtain characters.

Debug Removal

Debug Removal is a process used to turn off the Debug program and return the Tamagotchi to its formal state. This is done by re-opening the Tamagotchi and erasing the drawn line (either by eraser or the end of a flathead screwdriver). The effect is not always immediate, and some Tamagotchi pets jolt into Hyperspeed mode for no reason. Sometimes when the Tamagotchi has not been undebugged, it stops being debugged for a short period of time

Known Issues Among ReleasesSome Tamagotchi releases, though possible to be debugged, have negative side effects when debugged. The Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 and Tamagotchi Connection Version 4, for example, lose PC access (not the V4.5), though it's unknown if the same can be said for the internet-based Japanese releases, Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus and Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi Plus. The Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 and V4.5 also cannot turn off Hyperspeed.

Links to written guides

Link 1

Link to video


I am so sorry to post so much information, but i hope that I have helped you!

Kindest Regards


You know, I'm not new. I know all that. Anyway, (not to be rude) that wasn't my question. I didn't ask you whether or not I should do it. I have experience with this, and as long as you are careful, you'll be fine. And why would you tell me about it AFTER you told me not to do it? So, anyone, what versions can you debug? :/

As far as I know, just the V3 (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). There's a video on YouTube by Erica (Angelofmusic), who walks through how to do it in her video. Debugging a V4.5 will send you into hyperspeed, as you may already know. There are experiments in the Tips and Tricks section on debugging a V6 but I'm not sure how successful those attempts have been. I don't know about the older versions, unfortunately.

ok when u debug a v3 or lower leavit debugged

for v4-4.5 debug it but after you got the tama you want undebug it by erasing the pencil marks this will stop the hyperspeed effect thus making normal and you still have the tama that you wanted

ps. if the debug effects continue keep erasing the pencil marks until it stops happening

i do this all the time on my v4 and 4.5

:nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: 25

You know, I'm not new. I know all that. Anyway, (not to be rude) that wasn't my question. I didn't ask you whether or not I should do it. I have experience with this, and as long as you are careful, you'll be fine. And why would you tell me about it AFTER you told me not to do it? So, anyone, what versions can you debug? :/
Well since you said 'I have experienced with it' why did you ask the question. It sounds a but pointless. Anyway have you tried google? Or searched in the forum?

EDIT!: If the edit feature was avalible for ipod I would have.

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Well since you said 'I have experienced with it' why did you ask the question. It sounds a but pointless. Anyway have you tried google? Or searched in the forum?

OST EDIT: Removed subsequent posts. Let's please stay on topic here. Also, if you have something to add (especially within 24 hours of making your original post, please note that there is an edit button in the bottom right-hand corner of posts that you can use. Double- or triple-posting is not necessary. Thanks.
Yes, I HAVE. I wouldn't have made a topic if I hadn't. Anyway, back to the topic! Please contribute something useful! (No offense)

Yes, I HAVE. I wouldn't have made a topic if I hadn't. Anyway, back to the topic! Please contribute something useful! (No offense)
I have ! you asked

CAN YOU DEBUG A V4 AND WILL IT BE SUCCESSFUL? (e.g. able to stop hyperspeed)

And I replyed!:

This can be turned on or off with most Tamagotchi releases with the C button. However, it cannot be turned off with the V4, V4.5, and V5.



This ANSWERED your question. Please read carefully next time.

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