Debugging a V3


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i droped my favorite tama and it got this fat line over it and i cuoldn't see any thing!

and the exact same ting happened to my bf

:kuribotchi: :wub: :huh:

i tryed to debug but i lost the reset button and now its broken for ever :wub: :rolleyes: :wacko: :angry: :eek:

i dropped mine in water when i was little, mind you, i was tama-addicted back then [and im going to be soon once i find batteries for my tamagotchi! :wub: ] so i kept crying n crying and it never worked again...

tnx for the tip. This is pretty good for people who are planning to debug they're tamas. ( my lil sis dropped my tama.I screamed like a baboon.but my tama's working fine.)

how do you fix a tama that has been soaked in water????? :angry:

your curius friend, diver-_-girl

My friend's went in the washer, she took it out it had white lines on the screen i could not fix that, but I did fix mine by opening up the back(to where the computer is) gently wipeing it off, and leaving it to dry about a day

:nyatchi: How do you un debug? :wacko:

T :)

TA ;)

TAM ;)

TAMA :mellow:

TAM :)


T :kusatchi:

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hiya! okay so to undebug a tama B) all you have to do is take it apart find the debug panel and take an eracer(sp?) and rub off the lead or what i did was i took the pencel covered it with a pice of tissue (the tip of the pencel) and rub it you can do it eather ways it doesn't really matter B) hope i helped

debbuging a tamagotchi isnt fun because when u debug, u cheat

i dont liek cheating

then theres no point of playing

coz u already have everything...

debbuging a tamagotchi isnt fun because when u debug, u cheati dont liek cheating

then theres no point of playing

coz u already have everything...
True. I totally agree. I wouldn't want to de-bug. I'm not so desprate to get a certain character that I risk the life of the whoe tamagotchi machine itself! I can wait and see what I get B)


my brother got his wet then he put it out in the sun all day then it was fine.

I know this is off topoik WHERE IS EVRY ONE GETTING PIKTURS ON THERE REPLIS?! :furawatchi:

i tryed to debug but i lost the reset button and now its broken for ever :huh: :D :D :( :(
It isn't broken forever use a sharp pencil to poke the hole with :D

I bought a multy pet one of the buttons fell of and it worked ;)

Yeah i tried to debug mine but luckly i couldn't unscrew the thingy so i didn't thats when i got a phone call from my friend saying she tried to debug her's and broke it!

Thanks for the tip, I wanted to debug. o__________o Does that mean when you debug a v3, the usernames and codes/passwords dun work anymore? :huh:

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