Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Clara;

How splendid! O:

And don't feel guilty dreaming of James even though he's my husband.

This is coming from the girl who dreamed she kissed Kendall. o;

- Krystal.



- <3

Dear headphones;

You`re my sixth pair this year, but you`re my best ones so far. <33


Dear openCanvas;

You`re my favorite drawing program so far. :)


Dear Izaya;



Dear Grandma,

It's been so long since I've seen you, and heard your voice. I miss you so much. I think of you every night. Everyone here misses you.

How is heaven? Is it nice? I know you went to church every day, so you should be there, right? I never really understood the whole thing about heaven and hell. If you could send me a letter back, that would be wonderful.

I never knew how important you were to me until you died. I miss the way you said "Hi, pumpkin" to me whenever you talked to me on the phone. I miss holding your hand and walking with you down the street to buy milk.

I went to your funeral and your wake and such. You were cremated, just like you wanted, and buried with your parents, just like you wanted. Up in Minnesota.

I hope you're happy up in heaven. Is everything all right? What's it like? Is it the way everyone on Earth thinks of it, with flying angels and halos and clouds everywhere? Have you seen God?

I have your wedding band, and the jewelry box you bought in China when you came with my parents when I was being adopted. It's sitting on my dresser right now, I can see it from where I'm sitting.

Your tombstone was finished the other day, and my Dad got a picture in the mail. There's a lady bug on it, just like your car. Remember the red Bug you drove, with the red sparkley ladybug stickers? And guess what? They spelled Grandpa Gordon's name wrong!

Please write back soon. I want to hear from you.

Love you and miss you,

~Your Granddaughter

Dear GirlzRule;

That was sweet.

- Krystal.

Dear Topic;

Don't die.

Love, Krystal.

Dear Family;

Really? Gosh.

- Krystal.

Dear Kai ( gazettE );;

I know you can make French toast, and even though I don't like French toast, I'd try yours any day.


- Clara. <3

Dear Topic;;

You're aliiiveee.

.. But barely.

- Constant Poster.

Dear Topic;



So anyway. I'm glad you're being posted in. :3

- Krystal.

Dear Apple;

What would I do without you?

- <3

Dear Readers;

Apple as in the company.

For.. iPods and stuffs?


- Krystal.

Dear Clara;

CPR is actually the greatest form of 'therapy,' if you will.

Know what I'm sayin'?

Mouth to mouth? Yeah.

We should die more often around our husbands so they can save us. :3

- Krystal.

Dear Saito;

On top of you being scary, cold-hearted, attractive, and all, you're tall!

Which just makes you more scary to little girls like Clara and I.

But.. we still love you. For some odd reason.


- Krystal.

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Dear Krystal;;

Fo' sho' !

I love them CPR scenes.

They can be so romantic. And funny.

And most of those scenes make me fall out of my chair.

I'm a bad swimmer, so I'm an easy target for CPR.

I die easily, too. If you know what I mean. :3

- Clara.

Dear Saito;;

Yeah ! You big meanie ladies' man !

I sort of loved you from the moment I saw you.

I.. I don't know, okay? A girl's heart is hard to understand. lD


- Clara.

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Dear Touhou 12,



Dear CPR;


- Krystal.

Dear Dustin;

It's so crazy that you're in college now.

I don't ever want you to grow up.

I know you're my older brother, but I just want you to always be that goofy kid I've known for about 15 years<3

- Your only sister.

Dear Painters;


- The one living in the house.

Dear Children at Work;

Oh my gosh, you all make me so tired.

- The teacher

Dear Tamatalk;


- Beth

Dear Clara && Krystal;

OMG. I watched Big Time Concert && LOVELOVELOVED it.

It was fabulous.

And all of our spouses were attractively dancing around & such.


- Beth

Dear Beth;


Wasn't Big Time Concert just the Schmidt?! 8D /newone

Logan was such a cutie.

And Kendall was such a sweetie.

And James was.. so troubled but came through later on. :3

- Krystal.

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