Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear All TT Member Whose Name Start With K,

I believe we are awesome.

- Fellow K-namer.

Dear Claire and Clara,

You guys don't have names that start with a K, but the C's pronounced the same way. :)

- You're awesome too.




Dear TamaTalk,

Happy birthday.

We adore you.

- Krystal.

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Dear Zebra;

Imma ride youu ;D

-The random girl you thought was lesbian.

Dear C;

"Can you ride a zebra?"

"You know, Zebras are wild animals."

"I wanna take a ride on your hockey stick"


I lovelovelovelove you..





Dear ----;;

Oh my gosh I am so madly in love with you.

Please realize that I exsist...

You are the perfect kind of awkward.

Marry me?

I love you...


Some random girl that you probably have no clue exsists.

Dear Thomas and David;


You don't just take someone's shoes

And throw them in a field.



Dear Taylor;

**** off.

You d`mn well know I'm not a lesbian.

So shut the hell up and stop spreading rumours.

It's a wonder why you have friends.


Dear Cailey;

I didn't imitate your "mars" accent.

You were speaking in a French accent.

I was speaking in a Russian accent.

They're completely different.

Will it make you feel better if I talk in a Chinese accent?

Or will you just call me Racist?


Dear A,


I don't give a cra* about you!

I'm NOT hanging out with you.

Are you that clueless?

Do you ever wonder why i never take your phone calls anymore?

i'm trying to have a nice summer here!


Dear C,

Stop jacking with me...

or get lost.


Dear D,

i swear if you spread rumors things will not be pretty for you >:

and your making my summer stressed out, i can't stop thinking about how wonder fun it will be going back to school.

So seriously.



Dear me,

This is what you get for opening your mouth.


Dear Georgia,

I don't really like you tbh.

What you said at Lunch and after school may not have seemed like a lot but it kinda really affected me. If I confront you I know you'll go off at me and I don't wanna fight but like can you pleaaaaaase let me be freaking friends with Jen again instead of stealing her away and whispering things to yourselves and stuff.

Thanks. I'd really appreciate it.

- Your rebound friend.

Dear Life,

Yeaaaaaah, I'm sick of being the rebound friend.

- Me.

Dear Kirsty,

So it's too late to organize my Birthday party, so, we gotta organize ice-skating like we started to today in SOSE until Heaven interrupted with saying your dad's hair is whiter than paper, LOL. That's not the point but like yeah I hope we go 'cause I really can't wait! ♥

- Your best friend?

Dear tomorrow,

Please be good, as good as every other previous Friday.

But holyfriiiick it's our last P.E and Tech and Multimedia!

I'm gonna miss it.

So bad.

- Ksenia.

Dear Cristina,

How dare you send your Mum to yell at me and Kirsty like that? How dare you cheat in your Science test? How dare you call Kirsty a b'tch? How dare you be that rude to Mehak? How dare you snatch things off of me like that? What was I thinking being friends with you!

- Ksenia.

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Dear TamaTalk,

Six years?

...Hell, it has been six years.

Here's to another year of drama, friendships fading and hell in the chat.

- Claire.

Dear Jen and Georgia,

How could you, tell him absolutely everything I told you not to tell. Well well well, I now know neither of you even like me anymore, especially you, Georgia. Thanks so much for stealing my best friend away, turning her against me, telling my biggest secret to the whole world. I'm so happy to have friends like you guys! Jen, I know you apologized but that doesn't erase anything that you've said and done. Georgia, I want you to get stuffed in a giant hole and never come out, for completely denying it when I heard everything. Mehak told me you don't like me, it's okay, I know who my true friends are now. My whole life is ruined, it's the talk of the school, everyone knows and keeps questioning me about it, I don't even want to come to school on Monday.

I hope you're both proud to have ruined my whole social life.

Thanks so much.

- Ksenia.

Dear Matthew,

I used to like you.

Now I think you're a total butt.


- Ksenia.

Dear Jess, Kelly, Kirsty, Cameron, Chloe and Cori,

Thursssdaaay. I shall never forget that day.

It was way better than last year. I love you all.

- Keeley x

Dear Joe,

I think you've won my approval now. Not that it was needed. xD

Yes, but now I am fine about you dating one of my best friends.

Just don't treat her like crap like you did with the others

I think we're friends now? :)

- Keeley

Dear Brain,


Cro should so dance to that and send it to Leb

- Claire.

Dear Clara,

You've fallen for Mr. Schmidt, haven't you?

I don't blame you. He's very attractive and seems fun and sweet. <3

I've seen lots of pictures of him I could kill you with, but I shouldn't show them to you all at once.

I'll space out the time inbetween. lDD

Love, Mrs. Maslow.

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Dear _ _ _ _;

You're a human.

Not a horse.

Stop kicking me ffs.

You're such a *******, you know?


Dear Krystal;

We should Animal Crossing WiFi again sometime soon.



Dear Krystal;;

Why yes, yes indeed.

I'd rather you not show them all at once either, because it's troublesome to melt in a chair one too many times.

That sounds like a good plan. I'll absorb his attractiveness bit by bit. \D

- Mrs Schmidt. <3

Dear Chris,

You're amazing. Period. Don't let some chick let you think snything else. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like a failure or worthless because you are a winner a lot? Idk xP 'Nyway, you are an amazing guy and my best friend so keep being happy and shiz, even if it is an unstable happy. ;D

Dear Claire,

You don't get s message. You're not cool enough. Loljk i love you, Hun. XD

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Dear Ash,

duuude i h8 u nao

naw jk I love you too. <3

- Claire.

Dear Mrs. Schmidt,

You got it.

- Mrs. Maslow.

Dear Kris,


Oh dear. Francis? Can I marry him with my ACWW character? lD

- Krys.

Dear Clara,

I highlighted your signature.

If Norway likes trolls, does he like trololololo?

- Claire.

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