Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear person I miss,

I miss you.

I think you miss me too.

But you see, there's nothing me and you can do. I wish to see you again, but are wishes don't always come true. My heart is broken and cannot be fixed. You should never have gone with her, I knew she was dangerous. But now its happened, you can't erase it and its gonna ruin us both forever. Its just a shame. If we could just meet again........

I really, really am missing you. And I hope you feel the same way.


PS.Are you really reading this? If you are, OMG give me a shout out please!

A really, really deep letter. This isn't true, but I somehow love writing anonymous letters and not telling you who its about. You can guess if you want.

Dear Ksenia;

Feel better, love. ]': I hate seeing my online buddies sad.


Dear -----;

Hm. You're sneaky, you're fun, and you're dang good at playing the guilt game...

I still like you, though. You're pretty cool~


Dear Morgan;


-Mrs. Diamond.

Dear -------------,

Thank you for writing to me. And yes, its me. I do miss you and my life is hard without you. But I guess thats just tough life. I'm not gonna tell you where I am, and you'll never know. Just take this message, I love you and I want to come back to you. But I can't.

From ------------


OMG is it really you! I really have so missed you! I always dream about you at night and you never leave me alone when I'm dreaming. I've had something amazing happen to me that you'd be so proud of, if only you were here. But, as we can't see each other anymore, we'll have to live without each other.



I'm so sorry, -----------. But when I left, I knew I would never come back, and I was right. Sorry my darling. I knew you'd be sad. You were my best friend, and I can't believe your not coping without me. Its just a moment in live we can't erase, eh? Well, anyways goodbye my love, although I may not be here anymore I still love you!


Dear Tuesday,

I can't wait for you. Shame that he is so grumpy in the mornings though... hmm.

- Keeley.

Dear people in TC at the moment;

I always feel left out.


Conversations I know nothing about.

That's only what you talk about.

-Person you barely know

Dear _ _ _ _;

Wow. You motherfracking greedy b`tch.

-I hate you

Dear Hetalia;

Why are you no interest to me anymore?

I can't stand the songs.

I find Italy annoying.

And Russia is now just weird.

What's happened to me?

-A used-to-be fan

Dear Michael Jackson,

Watched your movie, This Is It, today, and it only made me wish even more that you had lived.

No doubt that, had you still lived to do the tour, it would have gone down in history. If rehearsals were incredible, God only knows what the real show would have been like.

I also wish you were still here, not only for you, your family or your fans, but for the endless amounts of people who had worked with you so hard for three months, living their dream.

Orianthi, the rest of the band, your dancers, the lighting, effects and sound crew.. Everyone involved in the show. It must have been crushing for them, not only because we lost a legend and no doubt you were an inspirational friend to them, but to never get to live the This Is It dream to its full extent.

Peace, love, rock and roll, oh and, yes, heal the world, it's a beautiful place,


Dear Whoever You Are,

Yes, unfortunately I don't have a clue as to your identity. All I know is that you're a loser. Last time I checked, Formspring was a site for asking questions, not trying to diss people and make them feel bad while adversely making me, and many other people, think you're a complete loser. I like my boots, Chris likes them, Annie likes them, Lillian likes them, and many others. Other anonymous people on Formspring say things against your beliefs:

"i love your boots, dont let people stop you wearing them. at least you dont feel the need to be like everyone else, in an army of conformist whores. "

"by the way your totally gorgeous, have more confidence in yourself dear. "

"your like the prettiest girl i know, go out there be happy, have confidence in yourself. Don't listen to anyone else Maria, they're just jealous get out there and enjoy yourself.... sorry if this sounds creepy."

I've learnt that Fort Street is home to alot of stupid, cowardly, pathetic, hypocritical idiots. And there are some freaks who just have to try and pick on perfectly normal people. So what if I self harm? So what if I did drugs? You just need to stay out of people's personal business. When did you ever look at my wrist anyway? My wrists are covered with SMALL scars from my early days. What do you expect, stitches and bandages? I mainly cut myself on my thighs, and yes, I did do cocaine. I also socially smoke, maybe you'd like to know.

I don't need to have scars on my wrists to show how problematic I am, the true proof of my problems is in my heart. Also, Chris does care for me. You just obviously want to make me feel bad because I didn't go out with him.

Get over yourself and grow up.


[SIZE=7pt] TT, I don't care if you read this. Look at my formsping and you might understand. I trust you guys on this site, with my life. Don't judge me because of what happens at school. Thanks x[/SIZE]

Dear Maria Count Me In

They are all pathetic losers.

Especially for the fact that they are doing it anonymously. That basically shows that they have no bravery what so ever and are just cowards. They are sad for abusing you over the internet.

Alot of people love you, so just ignore the couple of people that don't. They are probably doing it anonymously because they know that you could say 5000x more worse things about them. Ehh, they need a life.


- Keeley x

Dear Isaac (my little cousin),

You are at an age where you can't read, write etc. You don't even understand the words I'm saying. But one day, my little man, you'll understand how much you mean to me and how much you have changed my life. It's 3 days until your very first birthday, and it will be amazing. I love you with all my heart.

- Your big cousin Keeley. xxx

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Dear Chris and Lillian,

What the hell.


I loved you both so much, as two different people.

Now you're going out.

Oh my gosh you have no idea how jealous, really, I am.

Whoa, way to go. Ruin my life completely.

Thanks alot. I hate you so much.

But I love you so much also <3


Dear Keneisha,

Way to ruin my schoooool! We were better off without you honestly. Your make-up's shocking. Your hair looks like a dead animal of some sort. You practically forced Dylan to break up with Aya for you. But you're spending a loaddd of time with Corey as well. And how dare you chase around Aya threatening her and telling her she stole your boyfriend.. when you're the one who did. Darling, you're seventeen and you're in Year 8. I do believe you should be ashamed. Please get expelled, go die in a hole or something, I was better off before I saw your disgusting mask of a face.

- Some kid who's on Aya's side of this :)

Dear Jay,

All my friends know. All your friends know. All my class know. All your class know. Random individuals know.

Wow, aren't we secretive? xD

- Keeley x


You smoke? lololololololololololol.

You think you're cool with those cigarettes behind each ear.

I can honestly say you're the absolute worst person I've ever met.


Dear Mr.McQuaid;


You're going to love my "Goldie-Locks" parody.

No, I'm not being full of myself.

It's a strange, yet awesome, story involving Hetalia.

...I should be slapped for doing what that kid in Grade 8 did last year, right?

Neh. I can still mold Hetalia into stories without it being suspicious.

-Crazy girl in your first period class you know as "Kristin Laurin"

PS; I like to just be called Kristin, kay thanks. Double first names FTL

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