Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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Fished out of the depths of page 3 in Tamagotchi Logs...

...The time has come to...


Welcome to my (practically) new log. I HOPE it won't fail because I'll be doing things a little differently this time.

  • No photos. Photos make me hate updating, get bored and fail at logging. AGAIN.
  • No stats, posting what EVERY SINGLE TAMA is doing becomes a bore after about 5 posts.
  • I must spend a lot of time talking about birthdays, friends, school, forums, chatrooms and how much I fail at logging. This will keep my mind off the boring business of saying what actually happens to my Tama.
  • No sign-offs. They're boring.

Now...um...let's catch up with this page 6 thingy. It was supposed to be a new log...but I got fed up of making new logs and decided to stick with this. My first and best log got locked, so I moved to my oldest one that I wouldn't be bumping by posting in. Also, let's catch up with my very different position of having almost 30 Tamas. I HATE HATE HATE posting collection lists, but OH WELL.

2 Angelgotchis - 1 white and 1 pink. The pink one is new. I got it NIP and I unboxed it but put it away again.

1 Osu/Mesu pair (2 Tamas). These are new. Both are white; the Osutchi has green stars and the Mesutchi has orange hearts. I got them NIP and I ran them for a while but re-boxed them too.


2 V3s

2 V4s


3 V5s

4 V6s

5 Tama-Gos


2 iD Ls

iD L Princess Spacy

1 first wave Nano

2 fourth wave Nanos - new too! I got them NIP, like everything else, but also like everything else they're re-boxed and not running.

If that doesn't come to 29, too bad because I just went to my room and counted and there are definitely no more and no less than 29 Tamagotchis.

I also have a Mametchi plush, Violetchi plush pouch, handmade Memetchi and Himespetchi plushes...I must post a photo. Oh, photos are denied. But I think collection photos are OK. :)

I'm currently running nothing...see you when I am! :)

OK, I started up my V4 and V4.5. My V4 is Danna the Violetchi and my V4.5 is Kenny the Matsuritchi. Just for a quick recap of how they are, here are the important stats:


Character: Violetchi

Training: Full

Social: 92

Beauty: 86

Smart: 39

Job: I think she's a hairdresser...


Character: Matsuritchi

Training: 4 bars

Social: 65

Beauty: 33

Spiritual: 138

Job: No idea.

I bought the Love Potion for Danna and connected her to Kenny so they would fall in love without all that tedious connecting. I hope they can have babies soon to get better training for my V4.5 and better skill points for both. :)

It turns out that Danna is a cafe worker and Kenny is a firefighter, but that's not the only thing to update about! Today, Danna and Kenny unexpectedly got married and had twin baby boys! The one on my V4 is called Marvin and the one on my V4.5 is called Colin. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans (people who have read ALL the books or listened to ALL the audiobooks, not just watched the movie), you'll know why I named them that. ;)

Anyway, as you probably know, Marvin and Colin's parents will be sticking around for a bit before leaving me with those dreaded baby stages. Now for a conversation! (Everyone, I'm doing the personalities of the characters I named Marvin and Colin after. Marvin is very depressed and Colin is super happy.)

Colin: I'm so happy I was born! I love my dad, Kenny! I can't wait for Dazzmina to look after me!

Marvin: I hate this. I bet Dazzmina will be a horrible carer.

Colin: Don't be so negative, Marvin! I'd like to have a twin who's happy like me!

Marvin: Both you and Dazzmina's tennis ball are named after that stupidly happy robot.

Colin: Ooh, a tennis ball with the same name as me! I'd love to be friends with it!

Marvin: It's soaking wet. Dazzmina's brother threw it in the pond but she got it out again.

Colin: See? She's a life-saver, not a horrible carer!

Marvin: It's a tennis ball. It's not alive, so it has no life to be saved.

Colin: Yes it is alive! It's my new best friend!

Marvin: You haven't even talked to it...

Colin: All the robot YOU'RE named after does is depress other robots so much they die!

Marvin: Yes, I depress robots that are going to kill the main characters. I save a lot of lives. All you do is mooch around being happy.

Colin: No, I save the life of one of the main characters!

Marvin: No you don't, all you do is screech that you're so happy.

Dazzmina: I think that's enough! Remember, this is my TAMA LOG, not a book review!

OK, news, news, news...

Danna and Kenny left their sons last night, but silly me forgot that Marvin can't fit in the name thing! My V4 is called Eddie instead, after a happy computer with a really strong American accent, XD. They evolved at 11:21 AM - Eddie is Puchi-something-tchi - the one that looks like a little girl with her hair in 2 buns - and Colin is Hitodetchi. They each have one training bar. Colin is excelling in Spiritual points, which run in the family and he has an impressive 36 of, and Eddie is very friendly (like the character he's named after!) with 15 Social points. They're a bit overweight right now, so I'm off to play some games with them! :)

On May the 22nd 2012...

Dazzmina got up at 5:30 AM...

And opened her 30th Tamagotchi! None other than a 15TH ANNIVERSARY ID L!! Oh, and she turned 11...I almost forgot that bit. :p

I DO owe you photos for all the Happy Birthdays I got, but I must go to school soon and my camera ran out of battery so I'll just do a normal update.

My 15th anni. iD L hatched into, to my delight, a baby girl, Marutchi. I decided to do an alphabet letter theme name, so I was happy to get a girl because there aren't many boy names beginning with A. I named her Anika. It's an uncommon name, but I know it because I almost got named that. Anyway, after an hour of trying to fill the happiness bar playing the impossible games, Anika evolved into Kusatchi (ugh! I wanted UFOtchi!) and we checked out the Interior Shop and TamaDepa. We'll be saving up for the awesome stuff there, not to mention all the downloads I'm going to get!

I also got another birthday gift, naturally...and it was, as Fwoggy would say, RANDOM. It was a giant Mametchi plush my mom made! It isn't the greatest of accuracy, but it's more than half my height and I'm not short for my age. No, Mametchi isn't my favourite character, but my favourite character happens to be Anperotchi and my mom can't sew her so she made Mametchi. It's cute! I'll post photos of it and my 15th anni. iD L after school. See you! :D
