Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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YAY PAGE 4!!! :D :D :D :p :lol: ;)

Sorry I haven't been updating for ages! Well, Matilda evolved into Kodoten, then I paused her because my brother was lending me his Tama-Go so I could care for it. He is wicked with his Tamas. He sends them to sleep for their whole lives and doesn't even give them names. I had to force him to name this one Tom. You see, when I was younger, I invented something called "Tama Care". It was where my brother (my sister was only a baby and she isn't allowed Tamas even now she's four) paid me $2 per day to take care of one of his Tamas. So, in the good days when I was allowed more than 1 Tama at a time, I was raising all his Tamas for $2 per day. My money supply shot up, so I decided that now, saving for a Tamagotchi V3, I would bring that back. He gave me $2 to take care of Tom yesterday.

Once I had got rid of Tom and put the $2 away, I unpaused Skye. Then, about half an hour later, she got jobbed! He failed to get into the Circus, so I tried him for the Hospital and he somehow got in! He's inherited that hospital job from his grandmother, Fern, and his mother, Delta! I'm not sure if Kiana ever worked in the hospital though...

Anyway, notes on Skye's baby names: For a girl, I'll toss a coin and if I get heads she'll be called Ciara and if I get tails it'll be Laura.

For a boy, I'll name him James without coin-tossing.

Not that he's marrying age yet.

- dazz and Skye

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So I neglect my duty as a regular TTer and get 200 views and a faulty spacebar while I'm gone. Typical.

Anyway, I can't lie to you, so here's the truth: I never lived in New Zealand, I was only on holiday. Now I'm back to my own home. Work out where I am by following what times I come on to uncover my time zone.

Skye got married and had a baby girl, Laura, who later evolved into Kuchitamatchi.

I'm going to stop logging Skye.

When I got back here, I noticed my blue Nintendo DS on my desk and - yay I missed those - my Dolphin Island Underwater Adventures and Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 3 DS games! So I decided to log my Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 3!

I don't want to post photos now, at 8:39 AM, so I'll just tell you I got a letter from Mametchi asking me to help out with something on Tamagotchi Planet. Then a UFO landed and inside the UFO, I was introduced to Mametchi and the mayor of Putchi Hill on Tama Planet. They explained I needed to come and help them set up shops on Putchi Hill, and I created my ID card as Dazztchi (I'll post a photo later). Then we arrived at Tamaplanet and I was asked to help out at the Treasure Hunters shop. Then, when I'd got a 3/3 star rating as "Awesome Job" and been praised by Mametchi for doing well (photos later), the mayor came and asked me to help out at the Card Shop. I didn't like the Card Shop so I stopped playing. I don't know if it saved my game but I hope it did.

- dazz

I just got asked to help out at the Recycling Center, and got Awesome Job. I'm good at that one, but not at the Card Shop. Could someone please tell me what all the different cards are (I've only worked out that the small one = name card, and the gold frame = painting). A few more to go till I get to go help out at another shop!

Laura: I evolved into UraYoungMemetchi!

Me: My strategy with the high weight worked! Yay! UraVioletchi here we come!

Laura: I'm the first Tama to talk on page 4 of this log, right?

Me: Yup!

Laura: Cool! And my great-great-great grandmother Kiana was the first Tama to talk on this log?

Me: Yes! Whoa, this thing has got farrrrr! Over 100 post of evolutions, photos, adventures, new Tamas, births, resets, and so much more! But miraculously, no deaths!

Laura: This is cool. Did my dad Skye talk in this log?

Me: Nah. A Tama hasn't talked in here for ages.

Laura: I want a friend. Can you log something else too?

Me: I'm not allowed. But should we draw up a sneaky plan?

Laura: YEAH!

Me: So we need to log something not needy and not skill point-ish. So I can discreetly care for it without worrying about skill points. Also not a Tama-Go.

Laura: iD L?

Me: Great idea! I'll hide it behind my hamster's cage or in its dry food packet and pretend I'm messing with my hamster if I'm caught!

Laura: It's settled. Let's get that iD L going!

Me: Wait. Baby stage.

Laura: Uhh...sneak it outside and hide in the garden then take care of the baby?

Me: You're great, Laura! It's settled. iD L here we come!!

- dazz and Laura

There is good news. I convinced my mom to let me run more than 1 Tama. Also, I swapped Orion the V6 (he better get treated well!) for my old V4 my brother got hold of. And it has a working Infra Red sensor! And...so does Laura!

The V4 hatched a baby girl, Helen. Over to you, Helen!

Helen: My owner took care of me until I evolved into a Mame family toddler, although I have a lot of Beauty skill points. My owner wants me to become a Memetchi and I suppose that is a nice character.

Laura: Memetchi? You get to be a MEMETCHI?! YOU ARE SO LUCKY HELEN!!!!

Me: Now calm down, I might not be able to turn you into UraVioletchi, Laura, or turn you into Memetchi, Helen.

Well, I'll have a go, and watch me fail again like with Skye! Well, Laura and Helen are quite good friends...

P.S. Finally it's Two Tamas and One Girl again! A V4 and 4.5! ;) :D

- dazz, Laura and Helen

Sorry. So, a few days ago my mom was in a bad mood. The worst mood of the year. So she banned me from the computer for 3 days for no reason. She wanted me to say I "took a break" but breaks from logging are NOT ON with me. Also I do not want to tell too many lies. Helen evolved into Ringotchi and Laura evolved into *shiver* Shitekitchi. No offence, but she is H-I-D-E-O-U-S. I promptly paused both.

So that's the bad news. OOPS I FORGOT. More bad news. I'm not allowed to buy an Oceangotchi because it's too needy. And the good news? I might be getting iD L downloads if my mom's in a good mood today! That means I need to only go on the computer when she's not around (which is now), finish my book, spend ages in the garden and volunteer to do some maths this evening! Fingers crossed!

I'm going to stop logging Laura and Helen because it is impossible to get the right character on those versions and I CANNOT BEAR looking after a horrid Shitekitchi for a few days.

- dazz and...nothing :(

When I feel like it, I'll start logging my iD L regardless of whether I get downloads or not. If you're one of my regular log readers, you'll know that this is Celia the Paletchi and I am NOT planning to reset her! I read in Violetchilluvr3's log (yup I know all the cool stuff you get to unlock from that log!) that you can change the icons and go to different locations when you get up to a really high generation, so I'm going to run that thing no matter what. And this time I'll get ALL the Ta Ma To Mo letters on every generation and unlock Henshin Jo and everything! But...not with photos. Well maybe.

P.S. I'm going over to my grandma's house from Wednesday (tomorrow) GMT (yes I am in GMT time zone now) to this Saturday GMT. I'll be using my dad's computer and I'll be allowed 1 hour computer time per day so no photos. I'll probably unapuse Celia later today (it's 12:25 PM-as-in-lunchtime-not-midnight right now)

- dazz and hopefully Celia soon!

I've unpaused Celia! I'll be including photos and Celia talking once I come back from my grandma's house on Saturday, since I can't upload photos on 1 hour computer time per day along with my regular schedule of checking and responding to my profile comments and posting on a few topics around the forums. Not that tihs log isn't a priority ;)

- dazz and Celia

I'm proud to announce...


My first victory of persuasion skills! My mom is gonna buy a cheap phone with infra red so nobody can track us using the phone, I'm gonna do some research on the downloads using my 1 hour computer time per day (not all of it though!), and by next week I'll have the downloads unless my mom's second worst mood of the year happens to be in the next few days. I get a trial of having downloads and if my mom thinks they're not too addictive and don't increase my time spent logging or playing Tamas then I'll get them! I can have downloads on one condition: That I only log 1 Tama which is the iD L. FINE WITH ME MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- dazz and Celia

I'm at my grandma's house and there is MAJOR news about Celia!

Also, you guys are in for a treat! I actually got photos!

Celia evolved into Painaputchi, then after a few care misses, she evolved into Meloditchi this morning at 9:11 AM! It was funny cos I wanted to find out how long it took for the screen to go black (screensaver) on the iD L and thought it was 30 seconds. I counted to 30 after pressing a button and it didn't go black. I was like, "huh??? Whaar...OH SHE'S EVOLVING!" XD. I bought the 1000 GP music wallpaper background that looks a lot like my room on TamaTown that would suit her. Also I got two of the Ta Ma To Mo letters from the heart cake and the kimono! I need to grow Ocarino using the red star seed so I planted that today.


The room suits her so well! A great bargain too!


Enjoying the heart cake...


"That was the BESTEST ever!"


Celebrating the Ta letter!




Look at those big, blue, oval eyes as she recieves her Ma letter...SOOO CUTE!!


Well done Celia, you successfully planted the red star seed!

Also, breaking news about my mom...today we went to a garden thing, you know those ones with exotic/native only plants. I had Celia in my pocket. I'd shown my mom her in the car, and she said Meloditchi was her new favourite character and that Celia was cute. THAT IS SOME KIND OF BROKEN RECORD! Anyway, in the garden, my mom said: "Why don't you show your Tama the garden? She'd like it". That totally blew me away. Here was the worst Tama hater in the world...saying...this...omg...Something tells me it was more than a good mood. Thanks all my log readers and online friends for helping me get this far. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't even have an iD L.

- dazz and Celia

Woo hoo! This is good luck week for me! I went out to a shop where everything was £1, and found...a Nano Baby, which is just like a Tama except it's a virtual baby you take care of! You lucky guys get unboxing photos! Also, when I started my Nano Baby, I found it is from 1997 ifthe package is correct! I'm probably wrong but this could be a real rare discovery.


My Nano Baby in the box!






I named my Nano Baby Gama, as you can see. At the start when he hatched, I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, so I just made up a random name. Gama turned out to be a boy. All I can say is this: HE SURE POOPS A LOT!

This morning, I picked up my camera and poised it in from of Celia's screen. We went outside and the red star seed grew into...


Just then my camera ran out of battery, but we used the ocarina and got the To letter! Yay! Hopefully we'll get our Mo letter tomorrow morning, but DON'T EXPECT A MILLION DOZEN PHOTOS SINCE TOMORROW WE ARE LEAVING MY GRANDMA'S HOUSE EARLY IN THE MORNING. Just so ya know.


Also, last night Celia got her pet. The pet's name is Angelica. Here's a photo:


Also, if you didn't notice, Celia and I went out to Tama Mori, where we bought a few clothes. I thought Meloditchi would look awful in the princess dress, but I was wrong. I'm still waiting to be able to sell the kimono, which I don't want now that I've used it to get my Ma/Ta letter. Well, I guess it could come in handy with other characters like Shigurehimetchi...

I'm allowed to run the iD L with downloads as well as my Nano Baby, my mom said I could when I told her truthfully that it needs attention roughly every 40 minutes. I didn't mention that you can't pause the Nano Baby, but I guess she doesn't need that particular little bit of information ^_^

P.S. I got photo limit so I had to remove a few of Gama's unboxing.

- dazz, Celia and Gama

Gama is a FAIL. I can't pause him or send him to sleep. When I tried taking out the batteries, that reset him. I kept the batteries out. Goodbye short-lived Gama.

Sorry that this is a suckish log with a super-suckish constantly-travelling-author-who-can-hardly-ever-get-photos but yesterday Celia got married! In the morning, with my annoying battery-less camera sitting on my bedside table at my grandma's house which I thankfully have now left, she got her Mo letter then I sent her off to the dating place where she met a nice Kuromametchi who presented her with a pink diamond ring. HOW I WISH I HAD PHOTOS! Anyway, after they went out to a few places and had fireworks, Celia had a baby boy, Isaac. Due to my lack of photos I cannot post a photo of what he was, only that he was brown and in a nutshell with a plant on his head. Cute! Perfect Care of this will get me a Mametchi, which is great because my borther knows all the Ta Ma To Mo letters for Mametchi. Later he evolved into the cowboy with the big brown hat with a red feather. I'm not too fond of this charatcer but never mind. I'll include photos as soon as my camera is unpacked and the battery charged! Isaac's time of evolution was about 3:10 PM by the way.

- dazz and Isaac

Hey guys! At about 3:45 PM today (due to some pausing because I needed to transfer the batteries into my Anipalz World toy to see if it still worked) Isaac evolved into a teen that will definitely turn into Mametchi with Perfect Care! Also we bought the pyramid wallpaper for 5000 GP, so I only have 850 GP left.


Pretty cute character, reminds me of the matchmaker XD

- dazz and Isaac

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Yayyyeeee! Today, at 3:39 PM, Isaac evolved into...


We'd better start saving up for the Ta, Ma and To letters :)


Oh yeah, and my dad ordered a compatible adaptor that lets you get downloads to an iD L right fro the computer so that should arrive tomorrow or the day after, but I'll do my first download with Isaac's baby. I hope to get a girl. If I get Momoirotchi I will name her Evelyn and turn her into Violetchi, and if I get Choribotchi I will name her Connie and turn her into Lovelitchi.

- dazz and Isaac

Okay, yup, it's time for what everyone has been waiting for.....!!!!!!......

Not my sister wailing her loudest ever which is what it also happening...

Not my brother attempting to spy on me every 5 seconds which is what is also happening...

Not my mom shouting her loudest ever which is wat is ALSO happening...

What it is is...


I bought a little shoulder bag and the moment my mom indirectly gave me this opportunity by showing me it in the store, I knew it would be a perfect fit for my iD L. Once I'd bought it, I stuffed toddler Isaac into it (it was a few days ago, I waited a few days before announcing to see if it really worked and she didn't ask me to take it off), did up the button to close it, and I was off. Ever since I bought that shoulder bag, Isaac has not left my sight. I took him places I would never have DREAMED of being allowed a Tama - my friend's house, the gardening centre, cafes, the library, EVERYWHERE. NEVER EVEN IN MY WILDEST DREAMS OF SWOOPING AT 100MPH OVER RAINFORESTS DID I IMAGINE THIS!!!!!! Now, only one forseeable victory left - my no.3 will be something that would make my life heaven - having a Tama-loving friend. Once I'm in college/secondary school/whateveryear7iscalledinyourplace I will get to work on that greatest ambition of all ambitions (beside swimming with dolphins in the wild)

Anyway, thanks so much for helping me get this far, I hope I can get even further with not Two Tamas and One Girl but One Tama, One Log and One Girl. And A Lot Of Helpful Online Friends too, of course. These are the people who were EXTREMELY HELPFUL WHO I OWE A SHOUT OUT:

Violetchilluvr3, for all the advice on getting into Tamas

OldSchoolTama, for all the advice on iD L downloads

Binary, for the growth charts and information helping me get the right character so I can prove to my mom the iD L is easy to get Perfect Cares on

And don't feel left out if you aren't one of those people! Anyone who reads my log is helping me because at least I can tell my parents "I've got so-and-so log views and so-and-so 5 star rating and so-and-so thinks my log is great" so they get the message that logging is improving my writing, which it is.

- dazz and Isaac

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The adaptor isn't working. That's all there is to say, me and my dad have been trying for an hour.

Thanks tamalover134 for the fanmail! I'll post on here how to include photos later :)

My friend is comnig in an hour, so I can't have a really long update.

- dazz and Isaac

I just remembered that we can visit Celia now Isaac's an adult, and she cooked him a delicious cake!


"It's you, Isaac! Great to see you! You've grown SOOOOOO MUCH!!"


"I'll cook a special music notes cake for you, as a treat for my beloved son!"


"Do you like my special cake, Isaac?", "Yeah! It's great, mom!" *Celia blushes*


"Bye mom, thanks for the cake!", "See you soon Isaac!"

Also, I got my Ta latter from the crown which was a whopping 3000/400 GP but it was worth it :) . I'll get the Ma and To letters tomorrow, when he's 4 yr.

- dazz and Isaac

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Today we went out. For ages. When we came back, I knew Isaac was 4 yrs old so he wouldn't have his Mo letter yet. But when I set out to collect the Ma and To letters...HE HAD HIS MO LETTER!! I don't have photos, but now Isaac can get married! I'll post the marriage photos and photos of the baby tomorrow.

We visited Celia one last time, and she gave Isaac a specially delicious music notes cake and we both said goodbye. Hopefully her grandchild will be able to visit her in the future!

I'll miss Isaac when he gets married. Next post will be about the baby!

- dazz and Isaac (for the last time :( )

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