Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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Something I didn't mention before is that my friend returned my V4, who is now a toddler girl named Anna. She was feeling rather ill that day, so she just handed me it and said "Here's your Gammadotchi back. The thing fell off". At first I was confused. Then I realised that - oh no! - my handmade blue keychain was gone. I would have turned on her and got angry if she ahd not been really sick. Instead I just sighed and said under my breath "I'm not lending a Tama to THIS Year 4/third-grader again!" and I was actually quite angry. Me and my best friend who lost my keychain haven't talked to each other since.

So much I got in exchange for killing Max! Sorry Max, it was a damned waste of time. I won't trust Madeline and also, whatever the circumstances, I will NOT lend out or kill my Tamas. That's a total promise. If I break the promise, you can tell me!

- dazzilitchigirl

This is a late-at-night sneaky update. I'm supposed to be in bed, but I'm sneaking on my laptop. So, today I was bored so I decided to have a look at an old V6 my brother game me ages ago, and it's been lying around for about a year. When I downloaded it, I was confronted with a shocking sight. MY STUPID BROTHER! The poor 4th generation Ringotchi, with all hearts empty and max stress! I wnated to adopt the poor Tama and turn her into Chantotchi, my all-time favourite V6 character! But my brother was utterly cruel enough to name the poor little girl Gagy. I think that's a terrible name, so I re-named her Gemma. Of course that's not actually installed in the Tama. Her band's name is Bop, so I changed it to TamaStars. That's not actually installed on the Tama either. In her band are a Kikitchi, Dino, and a Hinotamatachi, Ryo. Gemma plays the Singers. Each of her skill point categories are in the late 300's.

So, of course, what would your soft-hearted friend Destiny do apart from take care of the poor little Tama and put it in my log? So now, I have my band, the TamaStars, with Gemma, Dino and Ryo in it! And plus, little Gemma the Ringotchi's in my log! But don't blame me if I don't get Chantotchi, it will all be my brother's fault! Now I got to end this, I'm about to get caught.

- dazzilitchigirl, Gemma, Shanetta and Skye

Skye's been paused for a while because there was no good time to care for him, and Shanetta I have deactivated, which leaves only Gemma. Gemma's getting on really well. Her skill points have risen to almost double their original amounts, in the late 500's or early 600's. I played with her right through a boring math lesson (hidden in my hat in my desk) and nobody even noticed! She got about 5000 GP from her dad the Mametchi, as well as two stars in the mail. Her stress got up to well over the 30's, but I was always ranging from instrument (Singers) to toy (Ball) so as to keep her stress at an average level of about 15. As you can tell, I sneaked her into school. I'm going to try to get more skill points as the day goes on. Come on Chantotchi, I need you!!

- dazzilitchigirl, Gemma and Skye

Skye's been paused for a while because there was no good time to care for him, and Shanetta I have deactivated, which leaves only Gemma. Gemma's getting on really well. Her skill points have risen to almost double their original amounts, in the late 500's or early 600's. I played with her right through a boring math lesson (hidden in my hat in my desk) and nobody even noticed! She got about 5000 GP from her dad the Mametchi, as well as two stars in the mail. Her stress got up to well over the 30's, but I was always ranging from instrument (Singers) to toy (Ball) so as to keep her stress at an average level of about 15. As you can tell, I sneaked her into school. I'm going to try to get more skill points as the day goes on. Come on Chantotchi, I need you!!

- dazzilitchigirl, Gemma and Skye

I couldn't resist! I wanted photos of Gemma on here! Plus, I got some McDonalds plastic Tama toys (Mametchi, Kuchipatchi and Violetchi) which are each about the size of a Tama-Go. The Violetchi one is sooo cute! Also, I wanted photos of my new Tama-Go and Tama-Go figures. So here they are...


Above: My cute little Tama charatcer toys, Tama-Go, faceplates, figures and Tamas I'm currently logging!


Above: Gemma bouncing around


Above: Gemma coming close up!

Sorry for the bad focus in Gemma's photos :( .

- dazzilitchigirl, Gemma and Skye

Thanx for over 500 views, guys. And you have a GOOD CHARACTER to read about, finally!

Gemma evolved into...Makiko!

Alright, it's not Chantotchi, but Makiko's still pretty cute. Even though each of her skill point categories were in the early 900's and her stress never got above 50, and she never had more than 2/2 hearts, and when I found her hearts full and her stress at 7 after she evolved, I STILL only got Good Care! Boo, brother, Boo for not letting me get Chantotchi!

Anyway, Gemma's band the TamaStars evolved into Kuromametchi (Perfect Care) and Androtchi (Bad Care). I wasn't surprised that at Pro Debut, Gemma and Kuromametchi got 0's and Androtchi got an X. All about the character, I say. I'll hopefully have enough skill points by the end of school today. No time for photos - it's school soon!

- dazzilitchigirl and Gemma (Skye's paused)

I'm T-I-R-E-D. Gemma keeps getting Pro Debut (she just called me) and Androtchi keeps failing. No point even trying, even though Gemma has 999 in every skill point category.

A few quoted conversations needed to be recorded here. Number One: While Waiting for the Bus

Me: *gets out Tama*

Boy 1: Is that a Tamagotchi?

Me: Yah...

Boy 2: What is it?

Boy 1: They're for girls, not boys.

Boy 3: I threw my sister's in the pool!

*everyone laughs except me*

Boy 2: I threw my sister's mobile phone in the pool!

Me: (a bit louder and more Tama-defensive than intended) Who cares?

Number Two: In the Car Back Home

Me: *plays with Tama* (it is currently trying at Pro Debut)

Brother: *cranes neck over to my seat to see Tama*

Me: *uses hand to block brother's vision of my Tama*

Brother: *moves my hand*

Brother: *shakes head and grins* They made a mistake.

Me: None of your business, it's MY Tama.

Brother: No it's not. I lent it to you the Christmas before last Christmas.

Me: No, you PROMISED this April that once you got your iD L, you would give me that blue Music Star PERMANENTLY. Remember, I wrote it down on that piece of paper and you signed it?

(Dad barges in and makes a general point of me being horrible to my brother in too many words)

Ugh, I seriously had to fight for Gemma in that second one. But my little Makiko is worth it!

Today, I escaped from getting caught with Gemma by an INCH. I was peering into my hat in my desk, checking Gemma during lunch break, when I heard loud voices in the corridor. Gemma was trying Pro Debut. I rushed into the girls toilets quicker than I ever though I could run and slid to a halt. There I watched the stupid Androtchi let Gemma down once more. But it was worth everybody being suspicious for Gemma.

- dazzilitcihigirl and Gemma



Yup, it was a Classical music concert, and she got it! 10,000 GP and 100 more Tama Fans! Yipee!

This is an occasion for Gemma to speak!

Gemma: I got PRO DEBUT!

Destiny: Yes, and it's well deserved. You are my determined little Makiko. I'm proud of you. *praises Gemma* It was worth arguing for you, since you're worth more than Jack the Tarakotchi who got a Classical music award. He had a Chantotchi daughter, you know. But it's not about the character, I've learned. It's about how much you love the character.

Gemma: Right, Destiny. When I was playing that concert I thought "Destiny's played with me for hours so that she can watch this moment. I can't let her down" and all of a sudden it was over and we finally passed!

So, I'm excited for Gemma because I KNOW she'll probably win an award.

P.S. My brother says that if I get Gemma to win an award (or from my point of view, if Gemma will win an award for me) then I can have the Tama! I'd better tell Gemma that she's practicing for het life (she will definitely get reset if my brother gets hold of her without an award :( )

- dazzilitchigirl and Gemma

Today, Gemma got up to star ranking 2nd! Right now, I'm trying to figure out a cheat to make her go to concerts so that she gains more fans and maybe wins an award sometime soon! The time they get to go concerts is 5:00 PM, so set the time for 4:59 PM. JUst so you know if you want to try it :)

- dazzilitchigirl and Gemma



She deserves ALL the treats in the Snacks area of the Tama, plus this banner...


We both worked hard for this.

Gemma: It was hard and scary, but we did the concert and I had to prompt Dino the Androtchi once or twice! But still, I think Ryo's okay with the drum set and I've been playing the Singers all my life!

Destiny: You got the same award as your great, great grandfather Jack. He was Tarakotchi. Should I tell his story?

Gemma: Okay.

Destiny: Once upon a time, there was a twelve-year-old boy. He had a younger sister who was 8, and she was called Destiny. The twelve-year-old boy went to a toy shop with Destiny, and there they found some Tamagotchi Music Stars. Destiny, who always loved Tamas, bought two. The boy bought one. Destiny, when she got home, decided she didn't want to take care of them as babies and left them to evolve. That night, one died and the other she reset. A few days later, when she had put away her Music Stars, her brother's evolved into Nonopotchi. His name was Jack. Because Destiny wanted this totally un-needy one, she bought it from her brother for 5 mini stamps and 10 dollars. She raised the skill points to 999 in all categories. But she never loved Jack. He had to practice all day and his life was hard with such a stern owner as young Destiny. But he made it to adulthood, and was Tarakotchi. He instantly passed his Pro Debut and a few days later won a Classical music award, just like Gemma.

Gemma: Wow. We have the same story, apart from his owner being cruel part.

Destiny: Yes. What a coincidence!

- dazzilitchigirl and Gemma

SO UGH...Long log update today...with photos!

To start, I've started up my iD L. She is this white fluffy baby character I forgot the name of. Her name is Tamyra (something I kinda invented). I'm gonna make her Meloditchi! Here are her best photos:



I took a lot more but I am considering photo limits here.

My other news is, I've started on making a Violetchi plush! Yes MAKING! So far, I've only got as far as sewing the two sides together and starting to fill it. The camera ran out of batteries so I can't show the latest developments, but here's what I've got:


Cutting the felt to make the first half


The complete first half!


Cutting the felt to make the second half


Felt flowers for putting on the head - oh you know where!


Both halves with the flowers

-at this point we had to go to the neighbours house and I continued there-


Sewing the two halves together

So what do you think?

- dazzilitchigirl, Gemma, Tamyra and half-completed Violetchi plush!

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THANX FOR THE LOG VIEWS GUYS!! They're piling up and soon I'll be at 1,000! Undoubtedly, Gemma will be leaving a baby by the time that happens.

Anyways, my log was really popular when I had photos in every post, so that's what I'm gonna do from now on. AND HOW COULD I FORGET PHOTOS OF GEMMA?!?!

Well, I couldn't, but the annoying camera annoningly ran out batteried at the annoyingly annoying time of an hour ago! And since I didn't take my beloved Makiko to my neighbours house, I don't have photos of her! But they're coming tomorrow, since it's gonna be SUNDAYYY!

- dazzilitchigirl, Gemma, Tamyra and the half-completed Violetchi plush

Oh yeh, ONE MORE update: Last night there was a conversation which BADLY NEEDS TO BE QUOTED IN MY LOG. It's an argument between my mom and me.

Me: *walks into room holding V6 Tama*

Me: *starts talking about Tamas*

*Somehow, I can't remember how, trouble arises*

Mom: Destiny, can you put that machine (referring to insulted Gemma) away?

Me: Why?

Mom: (beginning to be sharpish) Destiny, if you can't put that away you are addicted to the thing.

Me: No I'm not, I just like to bring Gemma with me to see what she does. Tamas aren't made for pausing, you know.

Mom: They're made for being addictive, Destiny. You THINK you may not need to pause them but that's the company's trick. (almost yelling)

Me: Well, I've had 5 years of experience and have found that Tamagotchis are more fun if you avoid pausing them.

Mom: CAN'T YOU TAKE A BREAK JUST FOR A WEEK? (really yelling now)

Me: Well Would I get many log readers if I did THAT? No way!

Mom: Just for a WEEK, Destiny!

Me: Well then. I'll just say on TamaTalk "sorry, my mom is forcing me to take a break for a week, so I can't log for a week. Sorry". But, you sure you won't then ask me to take another break...and another...and another?

Mom: You need to take breaks REGULARLY. (calming down)

Me: Well what's the chance of any log readers if I keep them paused EVERY OTHER WEEK OR SOMETHING? I have my own life, mom. (walks off to room)

That's all directly quoted. Do you see WHY I never got Chantotchi on my V6? Well, I hope you do.

- dazzilitchigirl, G, T and VP (Gemma, Tamyra and Violetchi Plush)

How many more updates will I need?! I got my own camera memory card from my dad (yay) so I can use it for my Tama photos! I got photos of Gem-ahhh!



Isn't she cute?


They're called the TAMASTARS, not Bosh!


I do not lie about skill points!


:eek: That's a lot of points!

Also, I bought a house thing for my Tamas! But that won't be used for anything that can be sneaked into school ;)


- dazzilitchigirl, G, T and VP

So, no photos today because nothing happened yet today.

Gemma is still 4 yr which I think is 1 yr below marrying age, that means she'll get married tomorrow on Monday (while I'm at school as likely as not :angry: I won't be able to get any photos!).

Tamyra has been paused and hasn't evolved.

I'll do some more work on my Violetchi plush soon.

- dazzilitchigirl, G, T and VP

I've finished my Violetchi plush apart from the flowers! Here are photos:


Filling my plush


Filled, now need to finish sewing...


Finished filling my plush!


What a cute face...

- dazzilitchigirl, G, T and VP

My computer's being really slow so this will be a short update.

Gemma turned 5 so hopefully she'll be getting married soon!






- dazzilitchigirl, G, T and VP


It's so cute! Here are pics of me finishing off sewing on the flowers and me holding up my completed Violetchi plush!


Finshing the sewing...


My complete, handmade Violetchi plush!

Not as good as the ones you can buy, but a good effort for a ten-year-old girl with no help with anything except buying materials from anyone!

P.S. Thanks Violetchilluvr3 and ****oo1 for the good comments on my log!

- dazzilitchigirl, G, T and FVP (Finished Violetchi Plush!)

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