Danii's Tamagotchi Log


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Good afternoon and happy Friday to all you weekday workers! 

I have lots of catching up to do. Iris the Chamametchi evolved into lovely Memetchi! I feel so-so about this character usually, but I adore her in colour! It was also nice seeing a character from V1 - she's so cute. I kept her around for a couple of days, enjoying how easy she is to care for while I've been at work. I've been trying lottery to get the rainbow watering can, but even then I'm not seeing any nice weather days at all, so I think those Happy Stamps are out of reach for the time being. She did however, plant the Hapi Hapi seeds. I forgot how long the trees take to grow though, so I decided to marry her and leave the Hapi Hapi tree for her offspring. I was keen to see more characters and keep generations going, rather than wait for more happy stamps, especially knowing I wasn't going to fill all seven. So, on Tuesday, Iris went to the matchmaker and hoped and hoped for a partner. To her delight, it was Mametchi! The kissing scenes are so cute on this version. 


They had a cute little baby boy, who soon evolved into Ahirukutchi. He certainly enjoyed the Hapi Candy that Iris left for him. His name is Hyde (short for Hydrangea, since I guess I'm doing flower names!). Yesterday, I was pleased to see him evolved into Young Mametchi - another old favourite (so like his dad, too). We've unlocked TamaDepa now and are just playing games and saving up to collect more prize tickets. Still no luck there - just repeat items. 


I had a big morning at work, and I accidentally left Hyde at home! I was sooo worried he wouldn't make it, but since we have 3 happy stamps - that meter wasn't even close to empty. His hungry bowls were completely empty and he was a bit displeased. I'm so glad I didn't lose him and have to start again. Because of this care miss and one yesterday, we should be seeing Shimashimatchi for his adult evolution. I haven't seen this character for ages, so I'm looking forward to it.

Til next time! 

Bonus pic - My TMGC+C and adorable foster kitten, Bambi! 


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Good evening! 

So, it looks like my care misses with Hyde were a bit more than I thought, because on Saturday I woke up to sleepy Nemutchi! He's pretty cute, and I was happy to have a new character to enjoy. He's a bit unenthusiastic a lot of the time though! We grew the burger tree, and also had our first clear day! Unfortunately there were no puffy clouds, so we didn't pick up any more happy stamps. I kept Nemutchi until Monday morning, and then he went to the Date Place to meet none other than Gorippatchi. She's super cute, I'm definitely going to try for her at some stage. Hyde had a cutie pie baby girl, and we're calling her Lavender. Oh, and remember the cute pictures of my foster kitten and TMGC+C...she did end up stealing it and putting a big long scratch in the screen. Oops! Luckily, it doesn't look too bad when the screen's lit up plus I'm unlikely to ever sell this one on so if it doesn't bother me - it doesn't matter. It was in such perfect condition though, I was a little disappointed I hadn't been a little bit more careful. 


Lavender became Sakuramotchi for her toddler stage (the only option for odd generation females). I did 4 carefully-executed care misses and was rewarded with my absolute FAVOURITE character and I love her even more in colour. Ichigotchi! I think the + Colour might be my new favourite version - I am loving it. I had an accidental care miss earlier today, so I think Lavender will become the 'average' adult. I'm playing lots with Ichigotchi to see all her animations. 


I also decided to start up another monochrome over the long weekend, the only V2 in my collection. When they first came out, I had the zebra stripe version but I haven't seen it for a long time - it's probably hiding in an old box from many moves ago! This one is a cute starry shell design that I received in a cheap eBay lot - it's not in the greatest condition so I may look to pick up another one at some point. I feel like I've really overlooked this version! I don't think I've run one since they first came out. I'm really struggling with the games though! I'm not sure if it's me or if maybe the buttons or a little bit sticky. I currently have a Ringotchi named Peony - it's slow going as I'm pausing her while I'm at work, but I'm looking forward to playing through it more. I've always adored the V1 but the extra characters and features on V2, 3, and 4 are pretty fun. I find running the V1 a little boring as I know it so well, but I do like to now and again to enjoy the memories and the unique animations...and Ichigotchi!


'Till next time! 
