Viola has taken a job as a school teacher and for the first time I went with her to work. Teaching is a fun job. Viola excels at finding the shapes and has improved her skills greatly.
Because the rules say not to. I posted one once then saw the rules and asked them to delete it. This forum is mainly for owners to keep a log of thier pets, sort of a diary type thing. Admins, please keep this one in, it seems a good teaching tool.
Our new boy is named, Orion. He has a big brother, Remus who loves to give him poo and snake in the box. Brothers, how typical.
Gorgmetchi, Orion's new form. So interesting, so far I am getting new one every time, womething I never expected. Perhaps it is because of my ever changing schedule.
Raven is getting along nicely. she does not like her sister but half as well as Sister loves her. ((Two smileys to 4 smileys)) She has become a lovely young memetchi. We are so proud.
Raven has just taken a job as a Fashion Designer. In another life, she was a smuggler. Interesting it is when one names tama's after other characters. Sometimes they become just like thier namesakes and sometimes they become unique onto themselves.