Daisy Chain


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Viola has taken a job as a school teacher and for the first time I went with her to work. Teaching is a fun job. Viola excels at finding the shapes and has improved her skills greatly.

4 hungry

4 happy

7 training

193 pencil

72 star

105 flower

5 yr

35 lbs

38075 p

Viola :hitodetchi: has met the matchmaker and was matched with a Gozarutchi :mimitchi: . She had a son, the fifth in the family line.

4 hungry

4 happy

7 training

215 pencil

87 star

121 flower

6 yr

35 lb

38895 p

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4 hungry

4 happy

7 training

232 pencil

90 star

139 flower

6 yr

32 lbs

42727 p

Mother and son are both fine. Baby loves to repeat after Mom. He cheers when mommy cheers and is a chip off the old pixel.

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Because the rules say not to. I posted one once then saw the rules and asked them to delete it. This forum is mainly for owners to keep a log of thier pets, sort of a diary type thing. Admins, please keep this one in, it seems a good teaching tool.

Our new boy is named, Orion. He has a big brother, Remus who loves to give him poo and snake in the box. Brothers, how typical.

4 hungry

4 happy

3 training

13 pencil

3 star

10 flower

0 yr


5 gen

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Gorgmetchi, Orion's new form. So interesting, so far I am getting new one every time, womething I never expected. Perhaps it is because of my ever changing schedule.

4 hunger

4 happy

3 training

38 pencil

32 star

39 flower


17 lbs

5 g

52747 p

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

76 pencil

66 star

90 flower

4 yr

31 lbs

59707 p

Orion is as happy as a clam and about to meet a new little sister. He got a job in an amusement park and loves to run about catching errant balloons.

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Orion just had a little girl. I was not looking for the matchmaker, but she came and we did not say no to her company.

4 training

4 happy

6 training

108 pencil

85 star

115 flower

6 yr

34 lb

58357 p

A new baby

0 training

0 pencil

0 star

0 flower

0 yr

25 lbs


6 gen

35517 p

Little bit eats alot, poos alot and has already fallen asleep. She plays with her bigger sister Adrie and the two are already becoming friends.

She became a Puchitchi and has started preschool.

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4 hungry

4 happy

5 training

35 pencil

39 star

31 flower

1 yr

15 lbs


:huh: :D :D :wub: :nyatchi: :unsure: :wub: :( ;)

Raven is getting along nicely. she does not like her sister but half as well as Sister loves her. ((Two smileys to 4 smileys)) She has become a lovely young memetchi. We are so proud.

We just got accepted into Mr. Canvas's class.

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Raven has just taken a job as a Fashion Designer. In another life, she was a smuggler. Interesting it is when one names tama's after other characters. Sometimes they become just like thier namesakes and sometimes they become unique onto themselves.


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