Daisy Chain


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
WinterHaven, Florida
Entry One

Family History


20 yo

Jan 9

Jan 29

1st gen



Survived by neice Robin.


Had daughter at 7yo, left for homeworld at 8 yo

Jan 28

Feb 7-7

1st gen



Kindergarten Teacher

Mated with Togetchi through Matchmaker. Bore daughter on Feb. 7th.


Feb 7th

2nd Gen




Its a boy!!!

Matchmaker came at 3pm at age 6 for mom. She Brought a Mametchi and the two fell in love. She had a happy baby boy at the tail end of the Valentines day group hatching. Mom and son are fine and young boy will recieve love related name, a bit later then some, but held in same spirit in which out loving family is held together.

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

123 pencil

115 star

121 flower

6 yr

50 lbs

21900 points

Our third generation is alive and well. Long live the prince.

Entry two and a half.

Thought it would be worth noting, that on Feb 13th yound Annie, not yet a mother was caught outside playing in the snow. She ws making a perfact little snowman.

A name has been decided for the little one, Agape. It is Greek and it means love, perfect for his Valentine's Day birth.

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Baby Agape has gone to sleep. He is hungry, it seems every few minutes, but loves to jumprope too. This is the first boy in the family, but we feel confident that all will be well. He is awake again, this morning should be interesting. Little bit cried on messing in the floor, but I assured him it was ok.

4 hunger ((for the moment))

4 happy

1 training

14 pencil

8 star

12 flower

0 yr

7 lb

3rd gen

33630 points

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This is what Agape has become. He already is less hungry and more settled into our routine. He is growing up so fast and geting cuter every day.

4 hungry

4 happy

1 training

14 pencil

14 star

14 Flower

0 yr

10 lbs

34130 points

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Went to visit mom and grandma. Both lavished gifts on the little boy. Then we went to the arcade. He is great at the claw game.

44030 points

Also we got our passport and a tamatown brochure

In other news, we just got accepted into preschool!!

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Androtchi is now what little bit has become.

4 hungry

4 happy

4 training

33 pencil

23 star

36 Flower

1 year

20 lbs

45955 points

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Little bit woke up crying. I soothed him and gave him some scones with ice cream for desert. Then we jumped rope. He cried a bit while I was at work. Then I just cleaned him up and fed him quickly. He then went to sleep and should be up again soon.

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

60 pencil

39 star

52 flower

3 yr

26 lbs

47455 points

We finally figured out how to choose out teacher and picked the flower lady this time around. Creativity will be our focus this time rather then intellegence.

Agape had just evolved into Mametchi!!! We are thrilled. We could not aske for a better valentines day little boy.

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

66 pencil

51 star

55 flower

3 yr

40 lbs

48405 points

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Agape took a job as Kindergarten teacher. He's discovered chocolate hearts and likes them. His grandmother, Robin, gave him a fishing pole when he went to visit her and he's already taken it fishing.

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

90 pencil

57 star

63 flower

4 yr

33 lb

44655 points

ps the burgler came stole 800 points. We were sad, but we recovered.

Little bit played hide and seek, gave me a scare. Fortunately he decided to beep and let me find him.

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

98 pencil

62 star

84 flower

5 yr

32 lbs


The matchmaker came to visit us at 3pm today. She matched Agape with a lovely Violetchi and together they bore a beautiful little girl. Father and daughter are both well.

4 hunger

4 happy

6 training

113 pencil

70 star

96 flower

6 yo

33 lbs

25225 p

Agape started teaching at the older school after the birth of his daughter. We are thinking of either the name Viola for her mother the violetchi or Sofia.

4 hungry

4 happy

6 training

121 pencil

73 star

101 flower

25355 p


4 hungry

4 happy

3 training

29 pencil

12 star

27 flower

0 yr

16 lbs

29175 p

4th gen

Agape left for home Saturday, leaving little Voila, named after her mother to carry on the family tradition. Her bebyhood found her well cared for and she has already evolved into her first new form and accepted into preschool. She is a Mizumetchi. She ;oves jumprope like all her family before her and loves going to school.

Viola evolved into a young memetchi. She started schoool and loves to learn.

4 hungry

4 happy

5 training

50 pencil

39 star

41 flower

1 yr

26 lbs

31705 p


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