F FireCracker Well-known member Joined Oct 29, 2005 Messages 1,484 Reaction score 0 Location In a dumpster Dec 19, 2008 #21 OMG I HAVE THIS SPOT ON MA ANKLE THATS REALLY DRY ITS BEEN DER FOR LIKE 2 YEARS >
K ~Kiroleaf Well-known member Joined Dec 17, 2008 Messages 203 Reaction score 0 Location Where ever you want me to be , baby XP Dec 19, 2008 #22 Thanks for mentioning that ...
T TamaPATCHI Well-known member Joined May 20, 2006 Messages 2,210 Reaction score 0 Location Michigan, the home of the bipolar weather. Dec 19, 2008 #23 I do have some dead and dry skin, but it's not too bad. My sister has a really bad skin problem. Okay, it's not really bad, but she has a dry skin problem. Well, bad enough to have to go to the dermatologist.
I do have some dead and dry skin, but it's not too bad. My sister has a really bad skin problem. Okay, it's not really bad, but she has a dry skin problem. Well, bad enough to have to go to the dermatologist.
K ~Kiroleaf Well-known member Joined Dec 17, 2008 Messages 203 Reaction score 0 Location Where ever you want me to be , baby XP Dec 19, 2008 #24 What is 'dead' skin, tamaPATCHI?
X x.Saku Well-known member Joined Aug 10, 2007 Messages 1,080 Reaction score 1 Location TEXAS Dec 19, 2008 #25 My lips are the ones that get extremely dry and chapped during winter. Vaseline works wonders. Try to keep your skin under lotion as much as you can.
My lips are the ones that get extremely dry and chapped during winter. Vaseline works wonders. Try to keep your skin under lotion as much as you can.
I ilovekuchipa555 Well-known member Joined Sep 30, 2008 Messages 1,872 Reaction score 1 Location Somewhere over the rainbow.... Dec 19, 2008 #26 That also happens to me. I think you should use lotion daily, If it's serious, you should call the doctor.
That also happens to me. I think you should use lotion daily, If it's serious, you should call the doctor.
K ~Kiroleaf Well-known member Joined Dec 17, 2008 Messages 203 Reaction score 0 Location Where ever you want me to be , baby XP Dec 19, 2008 #27 I don't think its serious. I just prefer not to look like a lizard everyday ...