I decided to let people create their own characters for the emulator.
There will be 8 custom characters in the emulator, which will appear as special characters under certain circumstances.
I made 2, the ones for the Mame family, as an example:
Chantotchi will evolve into Chietchi if she is a librarian and has very high logic and high beauty.
Melodytchi will become Mutsukitchi if she is a circus member with very high humour and high artistry.
The characters needed will now be described:
Meme family (2 males):
-From a Sukatchi that works as an art critic, very high beauty and high kindness.
-From a Motetchi that works as a fashion designer, very high artistry and high passion.
Kuchi family (2 females):
-From a Momotchi that works as an adventurer, very high passion and high logic.
-From a HotTeatchi that works a preschool teacher, very high kindness and high humour. ~Requested~
No family (1 male, 1 female):
You have more liberty here, instead of requiring a job and certain skills, the evolution might be triggered by having certain parents or eating something.
For instance, Oyajitchi would be obtained by giving sake to a Zuccitchi that was born from an Otokitchi and an Ojitchi.
You can choose one of these as a base character:
Male: Nyorotchi or Ginjirotchi.
Female: Kunoitchi or Whaletchi.
The requirements are up to you.
There is no set deadline yet, but, apart from what has been stated above, there are some things to have in mind:
Each person should only submit 1 character.
You must submit a drawing (no specific style, as long as the design is clear) or a very detailed description of the character, as well as their name and which character they evolve from.
If there are very few submissions (which seems likely), try to make an evolution for a character that has not been done or requested yet.
If a character’s evolution gets more than 1 submission, there will be a poll to decide which makes it to the emulator.
After this is over there should be one special evolution for each character stated, except in the no family group where only 1 male and 1 female will make it. 6 new characters.
To submit, reply to this topic with the drawing or description.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Bye! (I hope this is the right place for this)
I decided to let people create their own characters for the emulator.
There will be 8 custom characters in the emulator, which will appear as special characters under certain circumstances.
I made 2, the ones for the Mame family, as an example:

Chantotchi will evolve into Chietchi if she is a librarian and has very high logic and high beauty.
Melodytchi will become Mutsukitchi if she is a circus member with very high humour and high artistry.
The characters needed will now be described:

Meme family (2 males):
-From a Sukatchi that works as an art critic, very high beauty and high kindness.
-From a Motetchi that works as a fashion designer, very high artistry and high passion.
Kuchi family (2 females):
-From a Momotchi that works as an adventurer, very high passion and high logic.
-From a HotTeatchi that works a preschool teacher, very high kindness and high humour. ~Requested~
No family (1 male, 1 female):
You have more liberty here, instead of requiring a job and certain skills, the evolution might be triggered by having certain parents or eating something.
For instance, Oyajitchi would be obtained by giving sake to a Zuccitchi that was born from an Otokitchi and an Ojitchi.
You can choose one of these as a base character:
Male: Nyorotchi or Ginjirotchi.
Female: Kunoitchi or Whaletchi.
The requirements are up to you.
There is no set deadline yet, but, apart from what has been stated above, there are some things to have in mind:
Each person should only submit 1 character.
You must submit a drawing (no specific style, as long as the design is clear) or a very detailed description of the character, as well as their name and which character they evolve from.
If there are very few submissions (which seems likely), try to make an evolution for a character that has not been done or requested yet.
If a character’s evolution gets more than 1 submission, there will be a poll to decide which makes it to the emulator.
After this is over there should be one special evolution for each character stated, except in the no family group where only 1 male and 1 female will make it. 6 new characters.
To submit, reply to this topic with the drawing or description.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Bye! (I hope this is the right place for this)