Thoughts or opinions on cursing? Curses?
Mostly, I think cursing is rude, but at the same time, it's mostly a common thing that humans have. After all, who hasn't said 1 cuss word? I have, but I have never said the F word or B word, but I have said the SH word once when I was pronouncing Sunset Shimmer's name..And I also think it's stupid for 12 year olds to think it's cool to cuss...No, it's not cool, it's immature.< One of the reasons why I dislike our society today..And I do say words that are close to the F word, like fudge, frick, and freaking, but I never said the actual word..I do say crap alot though, but I rarely say the SH word, and I have used Hell as a cuss word, to *Who hasn't?*. Overall, we're not perfect, but we should at least try to not cuss. And I do not have anything againts people who like cussing, either, but I still think it's a bad thing to do. *And mostly everyone in my family cusses, so I'm used to cussing IRL...*