Current Mood


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bored and yet content.. i've always wondered how that workss.

-pondering. yes, i am pondering...

Determined, and other-people-shoving-their-achievements-in-my-face-y.

Actually, there's a bit of anger in there as well.

But when I think about today, all that anger goes away!

Extremely upset. Not exactly sure why.

Everything for me just seems to be going wrong. No one cares for anything anymore.

I have no idea what's going wrong with me. Mood swings? But I feel horrendous. D':

A convosation Destiny and I had today.

Destiny: Your Rude!

Me: how?

Destiny: you killed my pet rock!

Me: Which One?

Destiny: Phil!

Me: Oh He ... well already...was ....dead.

Destiny: I miss----

Me: ADRIAN!!!!

Destiny: I dislike you.

me: I love you to.

Destiny : Awwww mom!

Me: No I was your sister.

Destiny: Who is mom?

Me: Steffy.

Destiny: Ohhhhh. Ok.

So i feel awesome

Quite hyperactive, really.

And happy. For some reason having my headband on my forehead makes me happy.

And texting Jen. And talking to my Mummy. Only person I need now is my brother. D:


Weiwei makes me happy. :)

& Curious... what does that button do? o:

I must press it!

Edit: It did nothing! ):

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