Current Mood!


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HAPPY, I'M SO EXCITED, I CAN'T DENY IT! My dad is going to get the game I want today. :D
That's great! What game is it?

I'm tired, bored, and happy. My oldest brother has been being nice to me lately, and because we're the only ones stuck at the house all day, he's helping me play lacrosse and basketball better. He's also helping me learn to throw balls farther.

And, I'm going to Hilton Head in two days! But I'm also nervous because I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow. Last time she wouldn't give me glasses or contacts, even though I couldn't read the board in school or anything. I want to get something to help me read the board in school before school starts!

Fluffums: Hope you have fun on your trip. Yes, it is a old game. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, I think my cousin stole it.. Out of state cousins.. >.<' They say he's known for stealing.. Although it was been over a years now since he stolen it, I've been lately seeing Youtube videos of the game, and I feel like playing it again! You know how you play a game, and over years you want to play the whole game again? Well that's my feeling. If you know what I mean. :D

Good cuz I am listening to one of my favorite songs

Bad cuz the mail hasn't come yet >_<

Lazy cuz I have chores and Jujitsu (which I don't want to go to tonight)

Singish cuz I am listening to itunes and its ALL MY FAVORITE SONGS *starts busting out in funky fresh moves*


EDIT: Angry!!!!!!!!!! REALLY FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for the mail until noon and when it finally came, I didnt get what I thought I was gonna get today. It is really important. School Supplies list (so I can go School shopping(clothes too! :D )) and Star Test results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......... I really wanted those.......... but I am calmed down cuz I am listening to my 2nd fav song.

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Good cuz I am listening to one of my favorite songsBad cuz the mail hasn't come yet >_<

Lazy cuz I have chores and Jujitsu (which I don't want to go to tonight)

Singish cuz I am listening to itunes and its ALL MY FAVORITE SONGS *starts busting out in funky fresh moves*


EDIT: Angry!!!!!!!!!! REALLY FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for the mail until noon and when it finally came, I didnt get what I thought I was gonna get today. It is really important. School Supplies list (so I can go School shopping(clothes too! :) )) and Star Test results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......... I really wanted those.......... but I am calmed down cuz I am listening to my 2nd fav song.
lol i know how you feel. i still have a month untill school starts.

Full cuse i just ate

Excited cuse in going shopping

ANd bored...

I ♥ music

Good cuz I am listening to one of my favorite songsBad cuz the mail hasn't come yet >_

Lazy cuz I have chores and Jujitsu (which I don't want to go to tonight)

Singish cuz I am listening to itunes and its ALL MY FAVORITE SONGS *starts busting out in funky fresh moves*


EDIT: Angry!!!!!!!!!! REALLY FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for the mail until noon and when it finally came, I didnt get what I thought I was gonna get today. It is really important. School Supplies list (so I can go School shopping(clothes too! :p )) and Star Test results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......... I really wanted those.......... but I am calmed down cuz I am listening to my 2nd fav song.
I already got my Star Test results! (My brother hasn't though, but he's in high school.) Advanced in everything! My school is doing some weird thing this year where we get mailed our class schedules, instead of going to a sign up day. I have no idea when we'll get our pictures taken this year.

it's a reading test to see how well u read.I think u do it 2 or 4 times a school year.
but my mood is sad
In California it's our State tests we take every year. It has math, language arts, and some years it has science and history.

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