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No Mood is currently running through me now.
Same here!!! We are leaving soon for Copperfields (bookstore) look in siggy to see when it comes out!I'm excited. Tonight, after mignight, I get to buy Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. ^.^ Yaaay!!
oh that so sad! I'm sorry! My cat recently ran away but came back, my hamsters died and also our cat died when i was 5 my mom had it before she even met my dad, it was a heart brake and i got mad at my mom for not picking me up from school early to see her last minute alive...i'm sorry, but its the way of life, your b orn and your destined to die someday ya know, well ask your mom if you can atleast get another cat...or dog when i'm really sad about an animal i go to them and its makes me feel better, again sorry about thatVery very very sad. My cat died not that long ago and I just got guinea pig and he died 1 and half days after I got him. He was sleeping on my pink chair and then I saw him flip over in a different position. Then I went and got popcorn, came back up, checked up on him and he was dead.
. My mom said I can't get a new one cause I have like 8 hamsters and they all died. Please PM me for why you think my guinea pig died.