Crushes/Relationship Discussion


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I'm pretty annoyed with all the crush topics.
So lets discuss it here!

I'll start!

I have 3 boyfriend. Blaine, who goes to my school, troy, who goes to a different school, and Hunter, to goes to another different school.

No problems yet they don't know about me dating 2 other guys besides them.
That's terrible!!!! :huh: , but clever...... :huh: ! Not intrested yet, my first 1 was just to cheer 'em yeah, i FINALLY GOT RID OF HIM!!!!!! :huh: , so yeah!

Cheating is so shallow, especially when your proud of it. It makes me very angry.

How would you feel, if you fell deeply in love with someone, and then find out they are cheating on you with two other girls?

What you are doing is cruel and selfish. It's pretty much saying, "I don't care about anybodys feelings but my own, and I want as many boyfriends as I possibly can because cheating is just so much fun! WEEEE!"

Anyways....back on topic.....

I have no idea who to like anymore.

I was in love with someone, but he has a girlfriend. And I KNOW he'll never like me.

So I've begun to lose hope.

I think I might like this guy from a different school, but he's a grade younger than me.....but he's really nice, good-looking, and cares about his girlfriends.

But I dont know.....

-sigh- Love can be confusing.

OK, well, I like a guy in my band class, and now he's in more classes with me this year, which I'm glad about.

Were becoming closer and closer, and yeah. He's always nice to me, would do his best so I'm not hurt, and he has said nice things about which me which sorta count as compliments. :D

Recently we began chatting online, and yeah.

He says we have a lot in common. (Which I agree with.)

Also, earlier this month at a sleepover, I told my friends I had a crush on him.

We were playing "Truth or Dare", and my three other friends were like, "Who do you like?" to each other, but they weren't harassing me. One girl said that she likes this guy, but is letting my other friend have him because she likes him. My other friend said she doesn't like anybody, but she thinks that this one boy is cute, but me and another friend believe that she likes the boy my other two friends like. Anyway, I was finally like "OK! SOMEONE TRUTH OR DARE ME!". Then they were like "Who do you like?" and I confessed, and they've been supportive of it since then. :D

Also, in a few days, I might find out if he likes me back or not, but I don't know.

So, yeah.

OK, well, I like a guy in my band class, and now he's in more classes with me this year, which I'm glad about.
All the boys I like do band, xDD

Me and this boy I have a crush on[Peter, he plays clarinet] have alot in common, we can talk about music and Jazz band. :3 Plus, he's REALLY good on the clarinet.

Good luck! :3

All the boys I like do band, xDD
Me and this boy I have a crush on[Peter, he plays clarinet] have alot in common, we can talk about music and Jazz band. :3 Plus, he's REALLY good on the clarinet.

Good luck! :3
Oh yeah! High five! :gozarutchi:

My friend also likes a boy in her band class.

And I wish the best of luck to you too!

Well, find a topic that the guy you like has interests in (example: cars, blowing stuff up, skateboarding) and talk about it.l
One problemo there

hes in NONE of my classes and im not quite friends with him

i just say hi to him. Blarg it sucks to be me

^ Well then during lunch or break or something, find a subject he is interested in first, go up to him and say something that starts a conversation liiiieeek...

If he likes football "Hey did you see the game last night between _______ and _____"

If he likes cars "I hear you like cars, what do you like about them?"

Something casual.

I'm hopeless with guys. I either say something stupid or find out he doesn't like me back.

I've never had a boyfriend, but gosh I want one.

Maybe I'm just too obsessed, but seriously. Every other girl at least can talk to a guy. I can't even look at one.

Well I dumped Blaine and Hunter dumped me for Laci (I was gonna dump him anyways) so I have one boyfriend now, and I'm sticking to him. I love him alot ^^

I'm hopeless with guys. I either say something stupid or find out he doesn't like me back.
I've never had a boyfriend, but gosh I want one.

Maybe I'm just too obsessed, but seriously. Every other girl at least can talk to a guy. I can't even look at one.
are u negitive? If so, that's y the boys don't like u, so be confedent and positive, and u'll get the dudes u want! :D :D :D

Well I dumped Blaine and Hunter dumped me for Laci (I was gonna dump him anyways) so I have one boyfriend now, and I'm sticking to him. I love him alot ^^
Finally!! The end of a cruel, selfish relationship!! Or should I say relationships?? Well, whatever, we can stop the flaming now!! What you did was sick, selfish and wrong so you should be sorry, but things are all settled now so I won't start on about it.

My guy situation??

Well..there's this guy I've liked for a while ( :huh: . I really thought that he was amazing but he never liked me back and gradually the spark just went. But lots of people liked him, and he is a nice person still (for a friend) but all my friends think I like him. And now there's this new boy on the scene (M) and I suddenly realised how much I like him! We are currently in the 'just friends' situation but we have so much in common and he is funny and friendly as well! But my friends really don't like him (they didn't like who he was a couple of years ago, but now he's completely changed) because they have known him for so long I guess they're just sick of him or something. So they all want me to like B and think that I like him too (because I did until recently) but now I like M. I can't help myself but everytime I see him my heart skips a beat and he is always so lovely to me!! <3 He's single too!! But the two girls I'm trying to make friends with hate him (they are great people and so is he, they just don't get on) and I don't want guys to get in the way of friendships (friends come first!!) But I also really like M, and not B. What should I do??!!!

-shrinks back into hole because rant has finished-

I'm single.

I've had girlfriends and I've always been the dumpee ]:

Right now, I know a few girls like me.

But I don't really fancy anyone.

Finally!! The end of a cruel, selfish relationship!! Or should I say relationships?? Well, whatever, we can stop the flaming now!! What you did was sick, selfish and wrong so you should be sorry, but things are all settled now so I won't start on about it.
My guy situation??

Well..there's this guy I've liked for a while ( :unsure: . I really thought that he was amazing but he never liked me back and gradually the spark just went. But lots of people liked him, and he is a nice person still (for a friend) but all my friends think I like him. And now there's this new boy on the scene (M) and I suddenly realised how much I like him! We are currently in the 'just friends' situation but we have so much in common and he is funny and friendly as well! But my friends really don't like him (they didn't like who he was a couple of years ago, but now he's completely changed) because they have known him for so long I guess they're just sick of him or something. So they all want me to like B and think that I like him too (because I did until recently) but now I like M. I can't help myself but everytime I see him my heart skips a beat and he is always so lovely to me!! <3 He's single too!! But the two girls I'm trying to make friends with hate him (they are great people and so is he, they just don't get on) and I don't want guys to get in the way of friendships (friends come first!!) But I also really like M, and not B. What should I do??!!!

-shrinks back into hole because rant has finished-
I've sorta had a similar situation. My friends hated the guy I like.

But recently, with the sleepover and all, I told them. (Well, again, sorta.) And now, they're supportive. ^_^

But that was a span of a few months.

So, my advice is tell them you've lost interest in B, and wait a while before you let them know you like M.

I'm single and don't want a relationship.

I'm too young. When I have a realtionship, I don't want it to be lust or puppy love, I want it to be a actual relationship.

I have 2 crushes.

K is great. He's got a fantastic personality, the best sense of humour, and not to mention he's flat out gorgeous.

M is just M. M has a bright personality and looks adorable.

Hey, they don't know about each other.
I don't think it's too wrong. Plenty of my friends do that.

No because Hunter lives 5 hours away and Troy lives 30 minutes away. Blaine is on my myspace friend list but Hunter isn't and I don't have my display name as Courtnee Loves Blaine or Courtnee Loves Troy or w/e. They won't find out =)
Urm, no.

Just because your friends are doing this, doesn't mean you should. What if they do find out? You never know something won't happen until it does. ^_^

Urm, no.
Just because your friends are doing this, doesn't mean you should. What if they do find out? You never know something won't happen until it does. ^_^
Well Hunter gladly dumped me for his ex (I was gonna dump him anyways) and I dumped Blaine for pressuring me into sex which is GROSS (with him). I think I might just love Troy. He's the nicest one to me and doesn't treat me like sh!t. Hunter and Blaine did and I do feel bad for cheating on Troy :[ And I won't cheat on him again. I love him alot :[

And no, what none of you said stopped me from cheating. My love for Troy and his niceness to me is what made me want to dump Blaine and Hunter because those 2 are *****. They never reply to my text messages, never anwser any questions, and always ignore my calls and messages on myspace. But Troy always replies to my texts and anwser questions without chaning the subject and thinking I won't notice e-e

Well Hunter gladly dumped me for his ex (I was gonna dump him anyways) and I dumped Blaine for pressuring me into sex which is GROSS (with him). I think I might just love Troy. He's the nicest one to me and doesn't treat me like sh!t. Hunter and Blaine did and I do feel bad for cheating on Troy :[ And I won't cheat on him again. I love him alot :[
And no, what none of you said stopped me from cheating. My love for Troy and his niceness to me is what made me want to dump Blaine and Hunter because those 2 are *****. They never reply to my text messages, never anwser any questions, and always ignore my calls and messages on myspace. But Troy always replies to my texts and anwser questions without chaning the subject and thinking I won't notice e-e
U, my friend, need to pick better, and not just based on looks, but on personality......... ^_^ :D :D

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