I could write a novel on all of my crazy teachers. I'll just give a few though, and save my fingers from carpul tunnel.
Well, my 7th grade pre-algebra teacher is obsessed with bikes. He has at least twenty of them. He would bring them to school to show us. He either rode his bike or his unicycle to school everyday, and you could just tell, he was a passionate biker. He rides
everywhere. So um... yeah, it was a little wierd, but he was an awesome teacher.
My science teacher (also from my 7th grade year) has a lazy eye, and would constantly pick on me because I transferred to his class and therefore my name is at the bottom of his grade book.
My Algebra teacher from this year has a boyfriend who sings opera.
My french teacher was just, INSANE. She has like OCD or something, and has spaz attacks all the time. Slave-driver. I can't even begin to put her into words. And she wonders why I'm switching to Japanese next year.
My 7th grade history teacher slept during his own class. Like everyday. All we did was watch movies, all year long.
My 6th grade teacher took away my Tamagotchis (which I had on a clasp-type thing), and dangled them from his belt all day long, just to taunt me.
My best friend's history teacher this year, was a complete -cencored- -bleep- -cencor- -cencor-. He would take off points if the word searches he gave you to do if your highlighter didn't match the color of paper and the lines weren't
perfectly straight. No one could do well in his class, and all you heard were people complain about the cranky old man.
Umm.... okay, good for now. I'm not really in a ranting mood right now, surprisingly.