Connecting Tama-Go and Music Star?


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2013
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MN, United States
This is a bit of a silly question, but I haven't been able to connect my Tama-Go and Music Star. I click "Other" for both of them under the connect button and face the ir "ports" to each other, as usual...but nothing happens. It's like they're not sensing each other. Does anyone have any idea why this could be? I've been trying indoors, not outside, so I wouldn't think light would be an issue.

Is it possible one of them is defective? I've never actually connected either one to any other Tama before, so I'm a little worried.

Thank you!

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Have you been pressing the B button on the Music Star when they're facing each other at the standby screen? That's how I connected mine.

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Did you make sure that when "Stand By" shows up on the screen, you press B so it says, "Connect"?

And it may take a while to connect.

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Yep, I did click B so it said "connect," but they don't sense each other. I've never had this problem before, so I'm not sure what to do. Any other ideas?

Perhaps one of them is damaged. Can the Tama-Go connect to others Tamagotchis? Can the Music Star connect to other Tamagotchis?

This also sometimes happens when the batteries are low. Try putting in new batteries.

@Mametchi: You know, that's the thing. I don't have any other Tamas they can connect with, so I have no idea if one of them is damaged, and which one it would be if so. I was thinking of buying a v5 at some point, so I could test it then, but until then...I'm kind of left in the dark. :( I can try the battery idea, though. I'll switch them out and see what happens.

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