Congratulations everyone!!!


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:p I really did enjoy everyones entries! It made it that much harder to try and pick a winner!

I'd hate for anyone to get discouraged by not winning... I tried to keep it fair by not letting a member win more than one contest and by being as fair as possible... But there would never be enough to go around for everyone so somebody is always left disappointed! :angry: :(

To those who entered and didn't win... There will be more! I'll do my best to make sure of it!

To those who didn't enter and are disappointed you didn't win... ENTER NEXT TIME! :( I was amazed that there weren't more entries to win one of five Tamagotchi Connections for TamaTalk members... Next time, enter and you just might win!

To those who entered and won... Congrats to you! I am waiting for some final replies back so I can sort through who wants what color and so on... I'll get these mailed out as soon as possible!


:angry: Giving away stuff is so much fun! :(

Oniontchi, don't feel bad. I'm 17 and I've never won anything in my life. Ok, wait. I won a cake walk once and a coloring contest but that was when I was 5. There will be another chance again, there was a drawing not too long ago too! Maybe you'll win the next one, you never know :p .
Wow afterglw, you're like... me, 5 years ago XD as far as winning things is concerned... exact same scenario.

:D I really did enjoy everyones entries! It made it that much harder to try and pick a winner!
I'd hate for anyone to get discouraged by not winning... I tried to keep it fair by not letting a member win more than one contest and by being as fair as possible... But there would never be enough to go around for everyone so somebody is always left disappointed! :D :p

To those who entered and didn't win... There will be more! I'll do my best to make sure of it!

To those who didn't enter and are disappointed you didn't win... ENTER NEXT TIME! :p I was amazed that there weren't more entries to win one of five Tamagotchi Connections for TamaTalk members... Next time, enter and you just might win!

To those who entered and won... Congrats to you! I am waiting for some final replies back so I can sort through who wants what color and so on... I'll get these mailed out as soon as possible!


:D Giving away stuff is so much fun! :D
Yes, i agree!

But, i would like to personally thank Admin for giving all members of TamaTalk the chance to win 12 free TamaConnECTV1s. Thankyou.

I would also like to extend my thanks to BanDai, for making Tamagotchis and giving TamaTalk the 12 free tamagotchis.

Thankyou! :D

Bandai will probably send a shipment of V2s to the Admin when they come out here in the U.S., so that's another contest right there!

Congratulations winners!You all deserved to win!


Oh I feel bad for not even thanking the Admin @_@ THANKS ADMIN. You could've kept all of those for yourself but intead you're giving them to us for free. n_n thank you.
I feel bad also, Thank you Admin for picking me out of the many other contest enterers. When I read my names up there I let out a loud happy sound. My mother rushed in to see why I was making so much noise so late in the night. :D I didn't think I was going to be the one to win. Like many others have said, I have never won anything in my 19 year life. So I would like to say thank you one more time:Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :huh: ^_^ :lol:

Oniontchi, don't feel bad. I'm 17 and I've never won anything in my life. Ok, wait. I won a cake walk once and a coloring contest but that was when I was 5. There will be another chance again, there was a drawing not too long ago too! Maybe you'll win the next one, you never know :D .
Aww...sorry you didn't win either. :angry:

Yeah, I only won this thing ummm when I was 10. I drew the PPG's really good on the sidewalk and we won 3rd place.

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