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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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It's that time of year again, for last minute end-of-school drama. I would really appreciate it if you read this, and left me some advice. Even a good luck would make me smile.

1) MANK Break-up

Alright, well here's the deal. There's a group of 4 girls in my class who are technically a clique. Gossip, rumors, drama, you name it! It's all home to MANK (Michelle, Alyssa, Natalie, Kayla). They're all my friends, but I feel they're like a big snowball who can't break apart. Well, Michelle started hanging out with me and my buddy Hailie for a while. MANK (or now should I say ANK) has gone through like 4 fights with her already about this. Well at lunch period, the whole cycling process began again. BAM! When Michelle sat down, they started talking about her at their table. Then the dirty looks came. So all day I have been working my butt off to try to be nice to Alyssa and not to make her mad, and all I get is, "You're a promise breaker! I'm not talking to you or Hailie because you're friends with Michelle." So all I said was "ok" and on IM she starts saying that I'm SO mean! FOR WHAT?! Saying ok? And Michelle didn't do anything! And then Alyssa blocks me! What oh what am I suppose to do about THAT?! The whole clique is going to hate me! I know what you're thinking, "It's probably just another 20 minute fight. They'll be back together tomorrow." But they won't! And I'm pretty sure about this one! =\


Stay out of the drama. Be friends with who you want, and if other people don't like that, that's sad for them.

After you graduate, half these people aren't even going to talk to each other anymore. Cliques don't matter.

If people don't want to be friends with you because you're friends with someone else, they're not worth the effort of trying to befriend or talk to.

Just ignore the stupid ones.

OK, OK, relax. Breathe. Take a deep breath.

If this Alyssa girl is being mean to you it's best not to be her friend. If Alyssa is mad at Michelle, that's her problem. You like Michelle, right? And she's your friend and she's nice to you, right? So that's all that matters. Is that you have Michelle and she's happy being your friend. I hope I'm being helpful because I kinda lost you in the middle of your paragraph a little.

P.S. When you put World War 3 in your post I got scared because I seriously thought you meant that there was actually gonna be a real WW3!

So what if the clique group hates you?

You've tried your hardest to be nice and mature about it, and if they can't handle it it's their problem. Maybe those girls aren't your type of friend.

Now, if you really want them to like you again, APOLIGIZE. Even if you didn't do anything. It'll show them your mature and collected. If they don't forgive you, then leave the whole problem alone. As long as you have faith and confidence in yourself, it shouldn't matter to you if others dislike you for silly things like that.



This is the issue with cliques. -.-

All I can say is that if your friend is mad at you for... well not doing anything, that's her problem and she really isn't your friend.

Give them sometime. Usualy people just kinda' snap, but time heals those wounds. Just let them be for a while and maybe they'll get their right minds back. ;]

When it seems omfortable, tell your friend your sorry that she feels that way but it's not really her buisness that you are friends with another girl- and she shouldn't be mad at someone else because she's mad at you. Then just walk away, leave her to think about it.

If you do end up losing a friend over this, I know it's hard, but don't blame yourself or just to get them back as friends, head to their wishes on this! It's not your fault, no need to make an excuse apology to get this all blown over- don't give them what they want.

If they are still rude to you and/or don't talk to you, just remember- if they break your friendship this easily, they really weren't that great of friends and you are better off losing them now than later.

Stay out of the drama.

You obviously have such a better heart than any of them.

I'm sorry you have to deal with "Mean girls".

Some girls can be so unrealistic!

They get mad for silly reasons, form silly little cliques,

And they are like cats... they know how to scratch!

Don't let their foolish instincts get to you.

You've been as mature as you can.

And if they don't want to be your friend, that's their loss.

One day, you are going to be much better than them.

Shallowness will get these girls nowhere.


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Well all i have to say to that is to try to lay low. Dont try to solve everything and get too involved it will jus cause complication.

I would say that if they want to make such a big dramatic deal out of this instead of being friendly and getting over it, then they're just being drama-queens. If they were real good friends, they would set aside differences so you could all hang out and become... uh... MANKH + The first letter of your name. :D

I've been in this situation before... choosing between friends. If I was friends with J-Byrd, Lexi wouldn't care, but if I was friends with Lexi, J-Byrd would care enough not to be my friend.

So all you need to do is be as nice as you can to all of them, and when they pick at you, and start the emotional brusing, you step back, stay out of it, and let the whole thing sort itself out. It may not sort out by tomorrow, but it will at some point, I promise.

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