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A clique is just a group of people who hang together- it's not always 'mean popular girls who never let anyone else in'. You have your circle of friends and that's your clique. See, the word isn't negative. It's really just a group of good friends. ;]
I think the cliques that say, oh, well you can't sit with us because you have sweats on today. Or, we told you to wear this ribbon and well, you didn't. is just rediculous. It's sad but there really are girls out there like that.

It's okay to have a clique- we all have them, face it. BUT, you just have to make sure that the clique is healthy and your friends support you and don't pull you down instead.
Sorry but I kinda disagree with you. Read the post above and you'll know what I think cliques are. Cliques aren't just 'groups of friends'. Cliques are groups of friends who are too self-sentered with themselves and won't be friends with anyone outside their group. Ordinary groups of friends will be friends with ppl outside their group. Well, that's what I think.

I get labeled all the time because of the way I dress. I've heard everything:






Labeling is no fun. I hate it when people label me, and I try as hard as I can not to label others, although temptation hits when you see a bunch of girly girls walking around..

Cliques have been around forever, and probably will stay that way.


Welcome to Society.

Have a free pamphlet!

-hands piece of paper with a kitty on it-

Sorry if that wasn't helpfull. But, you can't keep it at primary school clique-free level forever. Highschool, never ends. I don't actually know that from experience, but I listen to my family grump. Pardon the song reference, hm?

The only thing I hate is when there ARE cliques and people ignore them.

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Sorry but I kinda disagree with you. Read the post above and you'll know what I think cliques are. Cliques aren't just 'groups of friends'. Cliques are groups of friends who are too self-sentered with themselves and won't be friends with anyone outside their group. Ordinary groups of friends will be friends with ppl outside their group. Well, that's what I think.
There's nothing to disagree with- that's the definition. You and your group of friends are a clique by definition. That doesn't make your group a bad one, it's probably a very healthy relationship but it's still a clique.

Cliques do not have to be 'an evil group of self centered, popular, blonde cheerleaders who flirt with every guy they see, and are totally rude to every not cool person they see'. I think I've got most of the stereotypes.

Cliques, if you mean it that way, is something I don't believe in.

To me, a clique is a group of friends who share similar intrests, or just get along really well and enjoy each other's company.

[SIZE=15pt]I[/SIZE]f they chose to hang out with who they want to,
then that's great.
Let them hang with who they want,
it's their life. :/

There's nothing to disagree with- that's the definition. You and your group of friends are a clique by definition. That doesn't make your group a bad one, it's probably a very healthy relationship but it's still a clique.
It may be the definition but everyone has different opinions. Just because it's a definition doesn't mean I'm not allowed to think differently. It's a free country. :l

It may be the definition but everyone has different opinions. Just because it's a definition doesn't mean I'm not allowed to think differently. It's a free country. :l
This is true. Don't get TWP's word so harshly. Opinion is opinion which is true, but definition is what it means by the majority of people on society like words you find in the dictionary are not debated on much since they're defined in a general aspect. How you're thinking it's more of a specified aspect or outlook on the word "clique".

So please next time before getting the knickers in a knot, Think about what the person is really saying. She meant nothing for you to get defensive at kay?

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Our school is clique-ish. There are the:

'preps'- the kids who are upper-middle class that have all abercrombie, and nothing else.

'country kids'- the kids who are like the preps, except they all own hunting jackets and bring pics of dead animals to school

'skaters'- The kids who all bought an extra locker to put their skateboards in

'nerds'- The perfect kids who are too scared to do anything but study

'weird people'- not quite 'emo', but not normal either. cant really be labled easily.

'emos'- this group is mostly skaters who are mistaken for 'emo's

'normal people'- pretty much everyone else... the boring people.

And my group of friends is CRAZY. We've got the gay chubby white kid, hot asian, A girl who makes wal-mart look like it came straight off a runway show, the black white girl, The 'preppy but yet somehow punk' girl, and that one girl who hangs out with us but never says anything. just stares at us.

Cliques are nothing but something that gets people hurt. My school is like littlechibikiki's. I'm, I guess, in the middle of "Nerds" and "Animal Nazi".

I don't mind cliques, I know they are just labels or words and they don't bug me. But they do bug some people.

In my opinion, cliques are groups of friends (girls) who are too self-sentered with themselves and won't let anyone else in their group of be friends with anyone that aren't in their 'group'. I think that normal groups of friends aren't cliques unless they won't be friends with anyone else.
lol I was typing this so fast I spelt centered wrong. I spelt it sentered. lol :huh:

im a boy and boys dont really have to worry about that stuff because the get on with life and don't really care about how people look ....

im a boy and boys dont really have to worry about that stuff because the get on with life and don't really care about how people look ....
Maybe not in "oh I iz gorgeous and poplar yew cannot wear srunchi today- buhbye" but you guys do have your hierarchy.

I was reading a physiology book called “Queen Bee’s and Wannabe’s” [very good book although is for parents and has some sensitive material not right for everyone] and it had what happens with guys. Do you ever feel pressure to be “manly”? Suck it up and be a man. In today’s society it’s “gay” or “homosexual” for a guy to cry, to be sensitive or not talk about sex all the time. And that’s sad. Some guys are outcasted and pushed around because they are more sensitive than others. It’s sad and I feel for you guys!

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