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Rawr The Citty

Active member
Nov 24, 2008
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Sorry if this is a copy, I looked around for a topic like this and couldn't find one. If I missed it, sorry.

So what do you do for Christmas?

Usually my family comes to my house on Christmas Eve, and we chill and have dinner and catch up. Then we read Christmas books then go to bed. The next morning, I wake up earlier than everyone and run to the tree and read the tags on the presents (xD its a habit now) and I wait (very impatiently) for my family to come. When they do, we all find a spot to curl up and open gifts. It's really fun, then they have to go D:

What's on your list?

My list is WAAAAY shorter then last year fo shizzle:

A laptop

iTunes gift Cards

Boys Like Girls CD "Boys Like Girls"

I think that's it :D

The reason I'm keeping it short is because I REALLY want the laptop.... very badly... :D

So 2 questions:

What do you do for Christmas

Whats on your list


What do you do for Hannakuh or Kwanza (sp) and what's on your list? :)

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eye get depressed around christmas..

I love christmastime..but...

I just get really sad and wanna huddle up in a ball.

happens everytime >;P

but I want an iPod.

PSH. 14 and no iPod >:[

oh &&...a video camera :'D

anything neon...


cobra starship/metro station/3OH!3/Fall Out Boy/Panic! at the disco [etc] merch and CDs...

certain manga




Well forrrr Hannukah, I want a hoodie and an iPod and my mom just bought me the hoodie today, and I already saw it, but she's gonna wrap it anyway and give it to me later xD

And the iPod, we're buying later too ! :D

I want a digital camera. I already picked out the kind I want and it isn't too much money so my parents are buying it. Also i get 100$ from my Grandma each year so yea!! xD cant wait till i have my camera!!!

Well forrrr Hannukah, I want a hoodie and an iPod and my mom just bought me the hoodie today, and I already saw it, but she's gonna wrap it anyway and give it to me later xDAnd the iPod, we're buying later too ! :D


I missed Hannakuh and Kwanza (sp?)


I have no idea what I want for Christmas. As long as its not some sort of Barbie doll, I'm fine with it :D

My brothers normally wake up at 2am on Christmas day, then they wake me up. And I'm mostly crabby for the rest of the day, but it doesn't really matter. We do open up the presents as a family though, we've been waking up that early for years.

An Xbox 360.


What has the world come to?

And, usually, I stay up all night, then, as it reaches midnight, I dive in and open my presents, while my parents wake my brother.

After I sleep, me, my mum, my dad, my papa, my sister, my other sister, my brother-in-law, my nephew, my other nephew, my niece and my brother are all in my house for Christmas dinner, and, my sisters buy me board games, so we play them after dinner, and I usually play whatever games console I got that year.

Then, we discuss what we're doing for the first birthday of the next year, mine, and I pretend to zone out playing the games console I got that year, all the while, listening intently to them.

Yeah, we're weird.

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I wish I could get a laptop. But my parents won't get me one because I'll never sleep and never get off of it. D:<

I usually get up between 8AM-9AM on Christmas morning. If I'm up earlier and get my parents up, they yell at me. D:< And I'm not allowed to open anything until my parents are up.

It's nice because everyone comes to our house for Christmas. I stay in my 'jammies all day. ^_^ My mom makes dinner and we have a gift exchange with friends and family. It's so nice and relaxed.

For Christmas this year I'm getting an electric guitar. <3 I've had my acustic for quite a few months. We made a deal with the music shop that at Christmas I can either finish paying off my acustic or trade it in for an electric one and pay the difference. I love the electric guitar. I play my instructor's when I go in for lessons every Saturday morning. The sound and everything is so much better, and it's easier to play; I have small hands. I picked out a navy blue and white one. I can't wait. <3 I want to get an amp and a distorter to go with it.

My parents said I wouldn't be getting really anything else, but my mom already got me the Music scent of the Harajuku Lovers perfume collection. It smells so yummy. <3

Mother said she'd take me out today or Saturday to pick out the rest of the stuff I want at the mall. She'll buy it and wrap it up and give it to my relatives to give to me. XD I want a winter jacket from Rue 21 - it's black and red plaid. A Panic At The Disco and A The Academy Is... t-shirt from Hot Topic, and some new jeans from PacSun. I also asked for the new Fall Out Boy CD, Folie a Deux.

And of course, iTunes. <3

A new iPod some gift cards and a phone..

Well on christmas I get up early and wake my bros then we sit in one of our rooms and talk and watch tv until my parents get up and tell us to go down then we eat brekkie D:< Not alou to open prezzies until breakfast is done then we open up our presents our counsins come round we eat christmas dinner then like.. Nothing much else.. But I cant wait until christmas this year.. I rember last year I never came out of my room and I cried?? I have no idea why though...

I go to my grandma's. I have Christmas first at my place, then I have dinner and present's at hers. C=

What I want:

Cobra Starship hoodie. xDD

Angels && Airwaves T-shirt

Skinny jeans

I wanted a Alto flute, but the Alto I wanted was gonna be $1,518 [Plus TAX. EVAL TAX! D:<]... ;_; I'll ask for it next year.

If I got it, I wouldn't get anything for Christmas because it'd go to my b-day and Christmas.

After a trip to the mall today, I got the black and red plaid jacket I wanted, two pairs of jeans from PacSun, and a Panic At The Disco tee. ^_^

My mom said that she's gonna give them to my grandparents and other relatives to wrap up and give me, since they haven't a clue. xD So I know everything I'm getting for the most part, much to my mom's distaste. :3

I usually wake up at 5am, (I'm ALWAYS THE LAST ONE. D:<) and while we wait, we sort our presents into piles. (much easier. xD) We also get these plastic stockings with different chocolates in it. (Y'know, the ones at the supermarket.)

Then my brother, sister and I just talk and wait for Mum and Dad to get up at 9am. While I wait, I rip a little hole in one of the presents that attracts me so, so then I can get a little peek. Usually, it's a hole in the side so no-one notices. xD

Then I go to toilet, grab a little carton of pineapple juice, and go back to the loungeroom, talk a little more and get anxious for the clock to strike 9am. AFTER THAT (it's like a long story. xD), I wake up Mum and Dad, Dad gets in loungeroom first because Mum can't be bothered. FINALLY, Mum gets out of bed, and we open our prezzies. > :D

List this year isn't as much as last year. I'll get it.......

Okay, I'm back. The list is:

-Samba de Amigo Wii Game with Maracas.

-Nintendo Ds Lite (Any Colour)

-School Rumble Vol.5 and 6.

-Skeleanimals Bag and dolls and other stuff avaliable.

-Clothes (I always get new clothes. xD)

-Sonic Unleashed Wii Game.

-Mermaid Melody Manga Vol.4

-Beadoes! :D

-Go Girl Differences books.

-Ds Lite Accessories.

-Kirby Ds Game.

-Funky Fun: Make a Mirror.

-Double Dip Ice Cream machine.

-Girl Gourmet: Cupcake Maker.

-Animal Crossing Wii Game.

-Excel Saga Imperfect Dvd Collection.

I know, it's kinda big but usually I only get half of this stuff, and other stuff I didn't ask for. xD


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