Christmas hatch!


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Hey there, today I sadly have no pictures, and yesterday nothing special really happened...

Today the mesu girl, Bri actually evolved, and finding Tux still an Obotchi, I put Bri's clock on SET and waited for Tux to evolve.

Strangely, he didn't, and fell asleep still an Obotchi, whereas I unpaused Bri as I did not want them to be a whole night apart from each other in age.

I wonder why Bri evolved earlier though, they were suppose to be synced by the second in their growth... :huh:

I've heard that in reality girls develop in maturity about two years earlier than boys the same age. Maybe it's the same with Osu and Mesutchi?? :lol:

Anyway Bri is now a loudly snoring Gankotchi, that I will show you pictures of tomorrow. Promise. ;)

Today Tux transformed into a... Bunbuntchi!!! :D

I am confunded over how on earth he became twenty-four hours after Bri but I'm glad that he's caught up now anyways.

I wonder what happened to everyone else in this hatch? Who are left?

I'm extremly sleepy and tired, so today's post sadly won't be too long. Also I can't find my camera, and that's very strange as I basically never loose my things otherwise... Sorry, I'll post pictures when I find it...

Today is a sad day in my world. Ginjirotenshi returned to the Angel home in the clouds. You will not be forgotten!

So Aradia and Megan both got married today!


Left: Aradia and Wooltchi husband, Right: Megan and Shimashimatchi husband

Unbelievable but true.

In the middle of family talk and new year celebration, Bri quietly passed away in my room. I feel so failed.

Tux is alive still, along with the new baby girl who is but in the Kuritchi/baby stage right now.

I am so sorry. -_-

I'm calling the girl Fri (Free in swedish) and I'm planning to in her make up for all the mistakes Bri suffered.

Tux will have to wait for Fri to mature before she can be his mate, and I will not let him die! :p :p

I might not post here so frequently any longer, as It's Teri's generation seems to be pretty finished, and we basically are the only active ones left in this thread, but thank you for this hatch!! :D

I really enjoy the osu/mesu pair by the way, and here's a random fact about them; about the only negative thing I've noticed with them:

The sound is light pitched, ear-cutting and annoying, so I keep it off always, except for the baby stage when I want to listen for my tama.

Finally updating. Apparently the Tamagotchis I chose to start take FOREVER to get to adulthood. I hatched on Christmas and Genjintchi and Devilgotchi are still only at the teenager phase o_O My Morino just got into the cocoon phase today, so should hopefully be an adult soon. For now the Genjintch turned into Monkeetchi, and Devilgotchi turned into Bakedebirutchi. I also started up a Keitai and Akai a few days ago and they have already both grown into Mametchi :D My Angel transformed into Genjirotenshi! So I'm playing with 6 gotchis so far lol I'll post pictures when all of them turn into adults.

Some observations: Even after Genjinch turns to an adolescent/teenager it is still REALLY needy, usually needing its hearts refilled completely every 20 minutes or so. Not nearly as bad as an Oceangotchi though. At least it doesnt have a monster attacking it like on the Umino or Morino. Devilgotchi took about 4 or five days just to transform one time. Both the Devil and the Genjintch have very irritating beeping. This is my first time ever trying to play either of these two pets all the way through and I have to say it has been quite an annoying experience XD Hopefully it pays off with some cute characters! My Keitai and Akai were both seen with their little New Year's objects. Very cute!

EDIT: my Milky White Japanese P2 did not come until a couple of days ago. I think I will start another batch of gotchis once all my current ones die. So I'm going to start the P2, my gold Angelgotchi and any others that happen to come in the mail (I've ordered quite a few because I sorta went Tamagotchi crazy this holiday season lol)

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My Genjintch just transformed into Cactitchi! Apparently this is one of the adults. It now has the option to turn into the secret character of Maskproffutchi I believe. Hopefully this current character isn't as needy as the last one.

yes, my generation is almost finished, as Aradia and Megan had their babies today, both girls!


Left: Aradia and family Right: Megan and family, and there is also my Music Star Dave lurking in the background there

Fun fact Megan's name was originally going to be Kanaya but I changed my mind and decided I didn't want both of them to have Homestuck names this time

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