Choco's Virtual Pet Log!


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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Well, First off, this log will be filled with virtual pets from cheap 6 dollar ones to the expensive 80 dollar pets.


I do love fanmail too! *hint hint*




Well, so here it is! The beginning of my life with my new ID L.



I started my ID L up (after spending 20 minutes trying to figure out how to open the battery door) I set the time and soon saw a cute egg with colorful stars on it start to wobble around.



I was happy to see that a cute little Momoirotchi popped out of the egg. She looks like a cute little present! Well maybe when she poops she isn't that cute! Haha. She is when she calls my name out for attention though!



I also fed her a rice bowl and some candy. At least I think thats what they are xD Haha. Im more sure of the rice bowl than the candy stuff though O:



And last but not least, she went outside to look at her since she is new to the world, but it was pouring down rain! That's not very exciting for her :( So to go make herself cheer up from the gloomy weather she went to go play a game of Kutchipatchi eating the hamburgers! :D



On they way back from the Arcade place she stopped at the park and met a new pet! She hopes the pet will take a liking to her.

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Mimoirotchi evolved into a cute Paletchi!

She looks kinda awkward when she's sleeping though xD



Well this morning Paletchi (who I'm going to call Mimi) bought a seed from the Tama Depa, Pickled Vegetable seeds to be exact. I'm not sure what the last two options do when you pick the seed you want to plant, but I know the first one plants it. So that's what we did.



Only a few short seconds afterwards she watered the seed and it sprouted! I wish plants could grow like that here like how they do in Tamagotchis xD Haha.


Just a quick little post since I don't know if she'll evolve today or tomorrow. :D



Uh, I accidentally deleted the pictures of Mimi as a teen so now she is a Lavulitchi! :D I already got two happy symbols! <3 The Princess Dress is a little expensive so I'm holding off on that till I see it at the park for 30% off.



One of her happy symbols is the microphone! So I had her sing for the weird yellow tama and the weird looking Makiko chick. They really loved her singing I guess, cause she got a happy symbol!



This is what it looks like when they get a happy symbol! Its really cute ^^ (sorry for blurriness) I was fooling around on Photoscape xD





Okay, well just for the heck of it, I started up my Angel several days ago. I've always wanted this character cause I LOVE Ginjirotchi and I was so happy to get Ginjiortchitenshi :D




I really loved how Goat did her pictures so I'm doing my pictures like that too now :D Haha. Well anyways, Mimi here decided to finally get a pet! So she visited the park a few times and saw this cute little pink bear that she really liked. After a few times of kicking the soccer ball around, she decided to go home with Mimi.






After taking a break from walking to the park so much, she decided to check how much gotchi points she had. To her surprise she had just enough to buy a Princess dress for 30% off! She's always seen that dress at Tama Mori and she HAD to have it. It went great with her microphone after all. After she tried on her new dress and twirled around a few times (though, I could tell she got embarrassed from me watching her) she did her little happy dance and we got a happy symbol!




Now, I'm not sure if I should start up my p1 or Dinkie Dino to log....Someone help me with my decision! D:

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Last night I started up my little p1 :D Its so cute, I love the vintage sizes, they're so cute! Anyways, after about a hour or half hour, whatever, my little guy evolved into a marutchi(thats the name of the toddler right-trying not to look up the name-)




Finally! Mimi finally got her last happy symbol today! Look how cute she looks with all of her happy symbols! Now time to marry her off!






Well after the new matchmaker lady had the three bachelor's introduce themselves, Mimi finally decided which guy was right for her (and the most attractive one) She picked Kutchipatchi! Not that she didn't like the others personalities...she just found them repulsive looking.






After a few dates with Kutchipatchi, looking at the blooming flowers, dining at the fanciest restaurant and finishing it off with star gazing, Mimi had a wonderful surprise for me, she left an egg! Than she just got up and left! (some mother she is) Now I have a Paletchi...AGAIN! x.x Ima treat it horribly! D<





quick cute picture of the TMGO I'm not logging.


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