*shudders* I have attempted Suicide before, cuz of my dad >.< Sometimes he hurts me to the point were I dont even wanna see him
The few events that made me choke myself/stab myself in the neck
1: My dad refused to leave me alone and kept slapping me cuz I wanted something from my brothers room and wouldnt leave, When he was done my face was red.........all my sheets were torn off my bed, room was freakin torn up....I HAD TO FREAKING CLEAN IT!
2: I was in the living room talking to my mom when I was supposed to be in my room (At 8 pm >.<

My dad heard me and forced me in my room, he refused to stop hurting me and told me "We try to be nice to you!" I reply "Tearing down my door isnt nice!" He threw EVERY LAST MANGA I OWNED AT ME, I had a bad mark on thy back
3: He tore down half of my door (Its covered with Black Plastic now) Without caring about my privacy (Im the only Effin GIRL in the house, my moms a Women)
And he left a mark on my arm from a leather belt before, Shanyce told me "Karen put that away! They might lock your dad up!" I was like "I dont givve F*** What has he done for me"