Chest on V3...


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[SIZE=14pt]Mine turned into a girl baby it was cute. but I lost all my happy hungry hearts.**sigh** oh well.[/SIZE]

yes that happened to me!! my tama got unhappy and hungry. i like it better when the chests give you money and presents!! :ph34r:

I used it to execpt my Tama turned into a Otokitchi. I originally had a Patapatatchi.Her my tama's hearts went down also.I think their hearts went down because they were shocked. :wacko: :lol: :) :unsure: :blink: :ph34r: :rolleyes:

all that i've ever gotten from the chest (which i've gotten only 2 times, cause i got my V3 yesterday,) was, for both of the 2 times, +200P, for both times.

and, also, i just want/ed to say sorry to anyone, who earlier on this board posted that they got this, too, cause i didn't read (most) of the earlier posts, sorry to anyone who posted this already. :(

and, also, if i may ask these 2 questions, the first 1 of the 2 in which is related to the Chest item, and the other 1 being related to, just, all Tamagotchi V3s, in general.

ok then,:

Question #1: does anyone (, on) here know of any place, or know by past experiences, what all of the possibilities that u can get from the Chest (Item/item??????????)??????????

and, also,:

Question #2: do u think that i should create a Poll on a Board/Topic on TamaTalk called, something that has to do with this, or something like (this):

"What Other Websites Do U Go On, Besides TamaTalk And TamaTalk TamaChat!??????????"??????????

Hello fellow Tama's,

I got a chest thing 2 times. The first time I was turned into a baby and all of my hearts were eliminated, the second time the chest had 200 pts. I was happy then. I am wary now about buying the chest, because sometimes it's good and sometimes it is not.

i love the chest,i usuly get my 200p back,but ill tell ya what i got today in my chests [i collect them and save them untill my tama has a baby,and then i use them all at once,its real fun.]

ok, first my tama got turned into an old man,then he got 500ps,then a hot dog,then 1500 pts [WOOT] then a digi tv!!,then 200 ps,then another 200ps,then some sunnys,then some more sunnys,then a cap,then a mirror and then back into an old man again. =D it was so cool. only two bad things happend! =D

I hate the chest - i usually get my tama turning into an ojitchi (male old-timer) and then my tama loses all its happy and hungry hearts..... i don't think i've EVER gotten any points from it.....

i usually use it straight away - maybe i should wait til later?? ie the next generation??

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