Well-known member
I don't I recntly saw Christine_Daae ask this from the "Do you like/agree chat speak/random pms and random friend requests/over-use of smilies?" topic
And I thought it was a great Idea! Let's all on.but..what if you have a topic about translating chatspeak?
Lawlz = LOL
LOL = Laugh out loud
U = You
R = Are
2 = To, Too
4 = For, Four
8 = Ate
Soz = So
BTW = By the way
LMAO = Laugh my *** a**
Kk = Ok
Pritty = Pretty
Mai/Meh = My
TTLY = Totally
TTYL = Talk to you later
Tis = This
ppl = People
Lawrd = Lord
lik/lyk = Like