Chat speak on tamatalk forums + Random pms


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Do you like/agree chat speak/random pms and random friend requests/over-use of smilies?

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  • Yes, it's much easier.

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  • It annoys me.

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[SIZE=7pt]It really gets on my nerves. In my opinion, chat speak it annoying and I do not see why people can not use proper grammar. People post way to many smilies in there messages which is SPAM. [/SIZE]








Dear Children,



The English Language

By the way, fail is a hackneyed word.

People go to school for a reason, and the poor poor shift key sometimes.

I agree. 'Hi! How r u today?' Is fine but 'hI. ow r ya toda?' Is kind of obnoxious.Chat speek and random pms/freind requests are quite annoying. Also having 1-3 smilies is alright but 4 or more is obnoxious too.

But thats only my opinion  :huh: !
Yes, I agree but...who's "toda"? That was out of topic, sorry. But back in topic...I think SPAM is for people who don't know how to spell, not very respectful, etc. If I being rude, sorry again, but I just think people who SPAM should get banned.

-Temari Nara

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Not THAT many people chat speak that much.
Ahh.. see.. (assuming that weren't you here on tamatalk in year 2006, and 2007), there were tons of poor typers on here, me for one.

This topic seems like more of a rant on people annoying you than, rather the txt talk itself. Txt talk can be pretty interesting & unique at times.. Just depends on how you use it.

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I proudly parade around with the term "Grammar Nazi."

Chatspeak (any form) makes my fingers twitch, a bit of fingernail chewing, and a very "must-fix-now" feeling creep into my head. I'm diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and that's where my Grammar obsession comes from.

I think it's disrespectful to the English language and succeeds in making you look like an ignorant, uneducated, lazy person. Even in chat rooms. I like vowels, too, you little text-talkers. "I" is always capitalized--show some self respect, please. "R" is a letter, not a word. "U" is a letter, not a word. Punctuation and capitalization DO EXIST. They are very real! Get my point? However, I do know things like "lol", "rofl", "brb", and "gtg". They don't bother me too much.

Uhhh. And spelling errors don't make me too upset, but they're up there on my "Things I HATE" list. Spell-check is on the Google toolbar, on Firefox, and it's VERY EASY to type up ":insert your browser's name: spell-check".

Overuse of smilies is a pet peeve, but I don't get triggered by it. :l


I forgot about random PMs.

If it's not just "hi", I'm okay with it. If it can be made into some form of conversation and they type correctly, I'll talk to them.

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All of that gets very annoying. Same when people type like this:

hElLo i'M tAmAlAnD_kItTy_kAt hOw ArE yOu TOdAy?????


Please don't bump topics from posts made more that 3 months ago (site rules) ...?

There's an active thread on the forums already about Chat Speak. Please use it to post your thoughts.



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