Characters on V5


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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United States, AZ
1.Hoooooow in the WORLD do you get a Futabatchi? I have gon through 8 Generations without a single one!

2.Is there any other Pure Family besides Mame, Meme, Kuchipa, and Violet?

3.I have a boy MikaZukitchi. Why doesn't it say "Space Family"?

4.Is there an oldie on the V5?

And finally, is Kizatchi eligible in the Datin' Show? Or only Violetchi?

1.) Futabatchi is a baby Tamagotchi. You randomly get it.

2.) No. Those are the only Pure Families.

3.) This is probably a glitch in the system.

4.) There are no oldies in the V5.

5.) I believe that every character is eligible on the Dating Show, but I am not certain on this.

1. Futabatchi is part of the easy going family

2. There is the Ninja,Petit,and Large family also there is Smart family,Cheerful family,and easygoing family

3. You can't get the space family unless you mate a Eastern and Western Tamagotchi so I heard

4. No the oldies stage is replaced by the parents stage

5.No, the pure families characters that are able to mate are Mametchi,Memetchi,Kuchipatchi,and Violetchi are eligible on the Dating Show but their siblings' Chamametchi,Imotchi,Chibipatchi,and Kizatchi are NOT eligible on the Dating Show.

Hope I helped Party in my Tummy

OK thanks! I married my Antoinetchi to a Jeweltchi on via Dating Show! And my friend had a Kizatchi and since Kizatchi is an adult, he figured "Hey, can't Kizatchi marry?".

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Last Question. If Violetchi marries, will she still become MamaVioletchi no matter what??

So I checked before I answered this time XD


to get a MamaVioletchi there have to be certain circumstances

First you must have raised a Violetchi and have it's bonding be 100%

You then have to marry a Sukatchi

You will know you have done this correctly if Violetchi and Sukatchi turn into their parent forms and only have 2 eggs instead of 3

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