Ceri's Seaside Log


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Heylo everybody :3

WILLOW IS MARRIED :D She married the same thing that Callie did.. oh well it's a different generation so it's nothing to be worried about XD

After they expressed their love for each other and the curtains closed, an egg with a musical note on it appeared, bouncing up and down. I watched and watched until the egg finally hatched.

It's a boy ~ ! I have no idea what to call him.. I think I might call him Eddie after my kitten :3

Oh and Willow's husband will be called Sam...

Speaking of which, EDDIE CAME HOME :D He's sulking though because we won't let him outside until he's been neutered.. but all the same, I danced around like some kind of crazy woman when mum told me.. I'm so happy! (':

Oh and thanks for over 200 views! And it's only my 20th post.. yaayayayay!

Anyway buhbye for now :3

Ceri, Willow, Sam and baby Eddie ~ <3

Evenin' all.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, got caught up with music lessons and things...

We had quite the eventful day today, Willow left :'( She left last night at exactly midnight leaving Eddie by himself.

I'm now a great-grandmother, can you believe it?

I got home from school, delighted that I'm able to leave it until late before I begin naming the baby, and named him 'Eddie'.

I gave him the best care for a full hour and guess what he evolved into?

The sweetest little Kuchitamatchi ever! He's fast asleep at the moment, catching those Z's..

The only worrying thing is that I got the low battery sign 2 days ago so I reset and downloaded it and hopefully that should keep it going until Saturday when I should be able to get a new battery :)

That's all for today! Buhbye :3

Ceri and Eddie ~ <3

-blows away cobwebs-

Heeylooo :3 Guess who?

I've got to apologise for not posting in 6 months. The batteries ran out and I didn't manage to get anymore until today. School's been hectic, life's been hectic. Y'know the drill, I won't go into detail.

I just put the brand spanking new battery back into my Music Star, I got the butterfly feeling of starting it up again :')

I decided to just download and start from where I left of, so up popped a sweet little Kuchitamatchi called Eddie. Awh, he's almost as cute as the kitten he's named after (Who has grown up so much now!).

My goodness I have missed this ~ Eddie is not even one yet and loves classical music which I think makes him cuter.. I'm hoping he grows up into a proper little musician.

Not much else to say really.. I'll keep you updated with all of the.. updates.

Buhbye for now :3

Ceri and Eddie ~<3


I'm not only excited about that because we've got quite alot of news ~ Playgroup AND Evoloution :3

I got home pretty early today, bus was on time for once :L So I set Eddie's time back to normal and did the usual of game-playing and shop visiting etc. After about 10 minutes, there was a bleep at the door and there was the Playgroup teacher! (I think her name's Miss Frill, not entirely sure though so don't quote me on that..)

She gave him a lovely toy train to play with which, to be quite frank, I think he loves alot more than the wedding dress XD

Eddie was sent straight to playgroup by Moi, where he played jumprope against a Hitodetchi ~ And won! I was so proud :')

As soon as he got back, I heard the evolotioun noise and he turned into a really sweet Kikitchi. Cute! He looks like.. actually I'm not too sure what he looks like.. A sort of celebrity type thing.. I dunno!

I'm pretty stumped for what to call his band when he goes to school... Anybody wanna help me with names? Stuck stucky stuck D:

Whew, pretty busy day today anyway, got a meeting at half 6 and then Zumba time! For those of you who don't know what it is.. It's inbetween aerobics and dancing but African style, it's so fun! Gotta keep my fitness eh?

Hehehe catch you all later, have a good day :')

Ceri and Eddie ~<3

*Yawn* Evenin'

Late night post here.. Just got back from a DELICIOUS evening meal up the local pub. This'll only be a quickie post (She says with good intentions) as I'm shattered and I need a snoozette.

Not THAT much news on the Eddie front if I'm honest, bless him. He went to school for the first time today though! The Teacher waddled along to the door and gave him a lovely Electric Guitar. But Eddie's a drum player at heart so I left him with them to play. When I sent him to school, he met a lovely spikey haired potato thing called David and another.. slim thing called Dino. (I really need to learn character names again.)

The band is called 'Lost' after my favourite band 'Lostprophets'. I'll give you a link to one of their songs at the end, I love them to bits!

ANYWAYS. It's Eddie on Drums, David on Electric Guitar and Dino on Saxophone. Pretty dang cool if you ask me!

Eddie's 2 now but he hasn't evolved, I'm expecting him to evolve tomorrow once I change the time back to normal. I was hoping I'd get the Perfect Care character but silly me neglected him earlier so he probably won't evolve into that.

So what about my day? Yeah pretty cool, Music lessons and all that kind of Jazz :L (quite literally ;) heh see what I did there?)

Found out I have to sing in the end of year assembley. OH DEAR GOD. Oh and on Friday the 13th. So this could be fun...

Anyway, me and Eddie are off for a kip.

Night all! Have a good'un.

Ceri and Eddie ~<3

PS: Here's the song:

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png - Rooftops by Lostprophets <3PPS: If any of you have the teeniest tiniest bit of feedback for me, it would be lovely to hear how I can improve and I might even mention you :3 Hehehe /bribery


Hello everyone! Hope you've all had a really good day.

We certainly have! Eddie's asleep right now but we've got tons of news for you.. well quite a bit anyway.

I woke up late today, at around 7:15am to find Eddie wide awake and bouncing around - I wish I had that much energy in the mornings! Anyway, I had to do a double take because no longer was he the small Kikitchi that he was the day before.. he had evolved into a superdy duperdy sweet Mametchi! Yay! I do love that character.

I straight away sent him to school to see what the band members had evolved into. David is now a.. Togetchi? And Dino is a Gozarutchi.

They then had to go for their band interview, sadly the judges didn't approve of their fantastic performance and gave them OOX.

When I got home from school, I switched the time back to normal and played a few games with him and made the band practice, the usual routine. There was a bleeping sound around 10 minutes later which turned out to be the judges wanting to trial them again. Sadly, after another brilliant performance, there was no Pro-Debut as the judges gave them OOX again. I decided something needed to be done and now David is playing the Saxophone as well as Dino.

Not much else to say really. All of his skill points are above 800 which I'm really happy about! He's 3 years old today too, my baby's growing up :')

Nothing much has happened with moi either. So I hope you all have a brilliant evening and enjoy whatever you're doing tomorrow!

Ceri and Eddie ~<3

PS - I miiiighttt be able to post pictures soon with my camera so keep your fingers crossed!

Hello ~ Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been really busy over the weekend with stuuuufff.

ALOT of news though so get excited! I know me and Eddie are ~

The first part of the news is his marriage, which is definitely the most exciting part! It caught me by suprise really, I glanced over to check on him and the door icon was flashing. I took him over to the door to see who it was and there was the band manager, looking as happy as ever. I didn't quite know what was going on until behind him appeared a sweet Chantotchi. I clicked 'Yes' to the marry question straight away. They looked gorgeous together and I couldn't resist.

After the whole loveheart episode, an egg appeared inbetween them with a cute musical note on top. It was frantically bouncing about until finally, it bounced so much that it hatched. It was a baby girl! She's so beautiful.. I can't believe how attatched I am to her already.. Is that sad? Hahaha.

Another bit of news is that just earlier, Lost passed their Pro Debut! They're now 4th in the World ranking with over 3,000,000 fans ~ Woop, that's my boy!

I've named Eddie's wife Chantelle and the baby girl is going to be called Rosie.. It really suits her, even if she is only a couple of pixels on a screen. She's so cute!

I'm also going to work out how to upload camera pictures onto here to show you some sweet pictures of Rosie.. I'm not quite sure how yet though so you'll have to bear with me.

So what about me? Hmm.. nothing much really if I'm honest. I'm playing concerts on Thursday and Friday this week (Solo in the James Bond Theme Song... aaahhh!!) and I have Sports Day tomorrow. I'm going to kick butt at Shotput! (Not).

I hope you have a fantastic day and evening tonight and tomorrow. Love you all <3

Ceri, Eddie, Chantelle and Rosie ~<3

P.S. If any of you have any feedback at all, I really would love to hear it, it would be nice to know how I can improve and make this log a better read for you guys :)

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Heyloooo :3

Long old day these past two days so sorry about no reply yesterday. Let's get started on today's news! :D

Last night was a sad night, Eddie the Mametchi and his Wife, Chantelle the Chantotchi have left their sweet little daughter Rosie in my care. I was very upset to wake up and find Eddie gone, I'm going to miss him really bad. Really, really bad to be more accurate.

Some more bad news, as of yet, there will be no camera pictures for quite a while as I haven't managed to work out how to get the pictures to be an amazing quality. D'oh. Unfortunatly, I cannot find the little flower icon (That ichiro.malfoy told me about, which was very kind. Seriously, read his log. It is UHMAYZING) that makes the quality brilliant for close ups.

Anyways enough about me going on about camera quality. I stopped Rosie from crying and put her name down in writing, it's a bit like a birth certificate really. Don't you think? I fed her, played with her and entertained her until she fell ill. Must be some kind of child cold that she caught, poor thing. I gave her some medicine and some more food and she instantly fell asleep. After 5 or 10 minutes, she woke up from her nap. We played some more games and she had even more food until she finally evolved into the cutest Hitodetchi ever! :hitodetchi: I love that toddler, it's by far my favourite toddler.

Anyways, that's all for today folks. Oh about the Shotput? Came Third! Woop! Now I have to sleep, but next time look forward to a video of zumba, a few songs I'm doing for a concert and even a cookie.. if I don't eat it first :D

Night all! Or day.. depending where you are in the world.

Ceri and Rosie ~

PS. Wait.. This makes me a Great, Great, Grandmother. NOOOO I'M TOO YOUNG D:

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This post will be split into two due to my stupidity and laziness of not writing the past few days

Why hello there, darling readers. I've certainly missed you for the past 2 days. Now before I start... THANKYOU FOR OVER 400 VIEWS! You guys are amazing and the reason I do all of this logging malarky<3

So as you can guess, alot has happened in these past two days which is why I have to split this post into 2. In this post, there will be details of all of Rosie's teenage years, and in the next post.. well you'll just have to wait and see!

Let us begin...

Thursday evening, there was a chirp from little Rosie and the door icon was blinking. We headed over to see who it and it was the wonderful Mrs. Frill! She gave Rosie a lovely toy which right now I cannot remember because she's asleep and I'm a plonker..

We headed to playgroup where she kicked everyone's butts at Jumprope! (That's my girly) We got back and played a few games and then it was time for hers, and my, bedtime. So off we went to sleep.

On Friday morning ( :eek: Friday 13th. Hope you all survived!), I woke up to a bouncing little girl. I had to look twice though because I realised something was different.. she had evolved into a cute Chamametchi, a character I've never had before (that I can remember anyway). Awh! We played lots of games and I took her to the shop where she chose some Noodles and ALOT of Fish. Goodness knows why. After a while, there was a knock on the door that we opened to find the school Teacher! He gave Rosie a trombone and invited her over to the school.

At school, Rosie met a Kikitchi called David and a Hinotamatchi called Toby. Together, they formed the band TDG (Three Days Grace, one of my favourite bands). Rosie played the Trombone, David played the Drums and Toby played the Saxomaphone.

Tune in next time to find out what happens next...

Ceri and Rosie ~<3

To be continued... ;)

Heylo again ~ ^_^

I hear you want to know what happens next? Well here goes.. but you have to keep it down. She's sleeping bless her heart.

On Saturday morning, Rosie and I played some more games and she practiced her Trombone whilst I had a milkshake in town. I then went to the cinema with my friends so I left her to herself for an hour. I came back to find a poop and that she was hungry. After feeding her and cleaning her up, we played some games to get her stress down and won!

At around 2pm I heard another bleep and found that Rosie had evolved into an adult! Gosh do I feel old :eek:

She had turned into a beautiful Chantotchi, which certainly suits her name for some reason.. don't ask me how.

I sent her straight to school where David and Toby evolved in front of Rosie's eyes. David became a Kuromametchi and Toby became a Gozarutchi. They all look really good together as a band! I think I'm going to let Rosie marry Toby.. if I can remember how to that is, I'll have to do some research.

Anyways, they headed over to their teacher and he introduced the dreaded 3 judges to them. They played their little hearts out but it just wasn't enough and the judges gave them XOX.

I was then determined to make them pass next time so I made them practice all day with the exception of loo breaks and feeding times. I also let Rosie have a bath and we played quite a few games. I had a quick check and after all our effort, her skill points had become 999/999/999! Woop!

The little baby then fell asleep. It seems like two seconds ago that she was a tiny Hitodetchi.

This morning, I woke up to Rosie being wide awake and practicing her trombone. Loudly. Gah, she has no respect for my sleep!

We practiced a little and headed to the shop. We bought a mirror, lots of sushi because it's her favourite food and a wig.

We tried out the mirror by using some makeup and Rosie looked so sweet! If only I could work out how I'll try and get a picture next time.

During the day, she recieved lots of mail. 3 hearts, 1 poop, her Father giving her a chocolate bar and the Gotchi King giving her some juice! Lucky thing isn't she?

The time finally came for TDG's judgement. The judges appeared before them with their scornful eyes, terrifying the three band members. They played Jazz music like no Jazz musician before. It was the moment of truth... the judges eyes fluttered across the three anxious youngsters. The judges lifted their panels to reveal OOO! They'd past!! Along came a band manager who gave them 10,000gp each to spend.

And now our tired little girl if fast asleep after all of that excitement so I'll live you with this amazing video of one of the songs I'm performing for a concert. What an inspirational woman this lady is - Enjoy my amazing readers<3


Ceri and Rosie ~<3
